Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

November 2021

Integrating Applications Through an API-First Approach

As the enterprise IT landscape becomes larger and more complex, many organizations are finding it difficult to manage all of their systems and services. According to a study by the access management company Okta, businesses use an average of 73 different enterprise software applications — and 1 in 10 businesses use more than 200 apps. On-premise business APIs can help connect these applications, but they come with several noteworthy drawbacks.

5 Ways API-Led Connectivity Is Changing Business

With more data and systems at their fingertips than ever before, organizations need a concrete strategy for how to connect them with their own enterprise IT. This has led to the rise of API-led connectivity, which offers a dramatic shake-up to the way that companies access and integrate these technologies and services. In this article, we’ll explore five industries in which API-led connectivity has changed the business landscape as we know it.

A Concise Introduction to REST APIs

A REST API — or representational state transfer application programming interface — is a data interface that allows for the creation and consumption of resources. It’s not just for GET requests, but also for other HTTP verbs such as PUT, POST, and DELETE. REST APIs can also handle CRUD (Create, Read, and Update, and Delete) operations. In this way, a REST API is a software bridge between two levels of abstraction in a system.

App Development: 3 Ways to Add an API to Your App

Applications that use a REST API architecture are designed to be loosely coupled and transfer information quickly. While this architecture focuses on transferring data between clients/servers, it can also apply when interacting with other systems and users. In the world of app development, the need for better, faster, and easier-to-understand APIs is growing, and REST APIs are dominating the legacy modernization conversation.

Best Developer Tools: 5 APIs That Make Life Easier for Developers

Looking to understand more about what the best developer tools on the market? Here, we’ll have a look at 5 essential APIs that will make life easier for any developer. APIs are critical to enabling applications to communicate with each other. For example, they let your email app talk to your bank’s website, and they let the different programs on your computer work together seamlessly.

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs APIs

Once you find a platform that makes it easy for you to execute an effective API strategy, it becomes obvious why your business needs a standardized, secure and documented APIs. If you’ve had negative experiences with APIs that can take a long time to build or don’t offer the functionality you want, it’s time to take a pause and learn more about how you can benefit when you have an advanced API management platform working for you.

How to Execute a Great API Strategy

Knowing how to execute an API strategy for your organization offers numerous benefits. As today’s business and technology worlds move to cloud-based environments, APIs play an essential role in creating a successful cloud-based infrastructure. Some companies, such as Stripe and Twilio, use great APIs to stand out from their competitors and generate higher revenues. You don’t necessarily need a lot of technical experience to execute an API strategy that delivers quality outcomes.

Top 10 Microservices Benefits

Many companies have embarked on microservices software projects in an effort to make modernize their suite of technology systems and reap the benefits that can come from deploying such an architecture. In the microservices model, applications are divided into a series of interconnected services based on operational capabilities. Each service supports a distinct set of functionality, effectively acting as a mini-application with its own operational logic, adapters, and even database schema.