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How To Estimate API Development Time

Application programming interfaces (APIs) have quickly become vital to modern businesses. APIs work by allowing different systems to talk to each other and share data. The commercial use of APIs and web APIs has skyrocketed over the last decades in accordance with the rise in app development, mobile apps, and e-commerce. However, how do you estimate API development time? Well, API creation and the development time frame will always vary from project to project.

7 Must-Know Factors in API Development

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that let software programs communicate with each other. It acts as an intermediary between different software or services. For example, when using a mobile app to book a hotel room, the API allows the app to communicate with the hotel’s booking system. While many REST API developers have their way of doing things, some factors in API development are generally considered essential.

Choosing The Perfect Message Queue: Factors To Consider

Not long ago, I was handed a problem that’s no stranger to the world of programming: making asynchronous threads communicate effectively within the same process. Given the widespread nature of this issue, I expected to find an existing solution to resolve it. My search led me to the concept of message queue, which seemed promising for streamlining this communication challenge.

GitOps Integration with WSO2 APK: Kubernetes Native API Management

Explore the seamless integration of GitOps with WSO2 API Platform for Kubernetes (APK) in this enlightening screencast session. The need for a robust API management solution that fits naturally into the Kubernetes ecosystem has never been more critical. WSO2 APK emerges as a solution designed to harmonize with Kubernetes-native practices, offering native GitOps integration to API lifecycle management. This session delves into how WSO2 APK not only simplifies the deployment and management of APIs within Kubernetes clusters but also enhances operational efficiency and consistency through GitOps methodologies.

Master Documenting Your APIs: Tips for Effective API Documentation

API (application programming interface) document works as a developer’s compass for navigating complex services. In this guide, we provide straightforward insights into crafting excellent API documentation. At the end of this article, you will know how to succeed as both creators and consumers of APIs through effective documentation.

Using Python for GET API Calls: A Step-by-Step Guide for Developers

Understanding how to make a GET request to an API using Python is an essential skill for developers. This article will guide you through the process, demonstrating how to use Python’s ‘requests’ library to fetch data, handle the full JSON object in response, and manage API errors efficiently. Step into the practical world of Python GET API calls without any detours.

GitTogether | Let's get Meshy with Istio Service Mesh | Leon Nunes

In the world of microservices, networking and Observabilty is always a challenge, often there are different methodologies used. A service mesh is something that standardizes this. Istio service mesh is a mature framework that runs in K8s and provides a standard interface for this In this session we will do a istio 101 and go over how a service mesh helps with microservices and hybrid architectures.