Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

January 2023

Testing Kubernetes Ingress with Production Traffic

Testing Kubernetes Ingress resources can be tricky, and can lead to frustration when bugs pop up in production that weren’t caught during testing. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but with Ingress specifically, it often has to do with a misalignment between the data used in testing and the traffic generated in production. Tools like Postman can be a great way of generating traffic, but they have the drawback of being manually created.

Examples of AI in Software Development

As artificial intelligence (AI) has shifted from a movie concept to a real-world phenomenon, it’s become clear that AI will change how we do business. Smart factories, connected shop floors, and supply chain automation are already commonplace, yet manufacturing and shipping are not the only sectors adopting AI and machine learning (ML). AI is also revolutionizing software development in surprising ways.

Integrating Keploy With sample java application

In this video, we'll see how keploy has evolved. Presenting a new installation process of Keploy where the server of keploy can be installed using binary for Linux and macOS, and we can run the keploy server using the command "keploy" from the CLI. The test cases when you make an API call is reflected in the CLI where keploy is running, and the test runs details are also shown there. The test runs report is stored in yaml file format under the test-reports directory.

Getting Started With Rest API Testing | Complete Overview

Interestingly, there are many methods used to learn how to test REST API sequences. This REST API testing tutorial will give you the steps needed to test this popular application programming interface. Let’s dive into some of the top solutions you can use for your project. Table Of Contents.

Kong Certifications and Training: Level Up Your API IQ

The joy (and sometimes woe) of working in technology is that we’re forever learning. The software stack is constantly changing, so innovators come to embrace a lifetime of learning. In this ever-evolving IT landscape, measurable skills have become the global currency for IT professionals. In this post, we’ll talk about the selection of courses offered through Kong Academy and the Kong Certification program, as well the benefits of microcredentials for employers and employees.

A Guide to API Integration

Modern business runs on software. This involves storing business data, and moving that data from place to place. In the old days, software stored the data in a siloed fashion. This meant it was only available in one place, cutoff from the rest of the world. Companies struggled to pull data from different locations. Combining it in meaningful ways was difficult. This isolated data only provided a fraction of its potential value. In modern applications, the data wants to be free.

Building a REST API with AWS Gateway and NodeJS

AWS Gateway is a powerful tool for building APIs that scale to meet the demands of modern web and mobile applications. With AWS Gateway, you can create RESTful APIs that expose your data and business logic to developers who can then build rich, interactive applications that consume your API. REST API is an industry standard for building scalable, distributed web applications. With AWS Gateway, you can easily build a REST API that supports both GET and POST methods, as well as complex query parameters.

Building a REST API with AWS Gateway and Python

AWS Gateway is a powerful tool for building APIs that scale to meet the demands of modern web and mobile applications. With AWS Gateway, you can create RESTful APIs that expose your data and business logic to developers who can then build rich, interactive applications that consume your API. REST API is an industry standard for building scalable, distributed web applications. With AWS Gateway, you can easily build a REST API that supports both GET and POST methods, as well as complex query parameters.

Building a RESTful API with AWS Lambda and Express

AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. Together, AWS Lambda and Node.js can be used to create a RESTful API that can be triggered by events such as an HTTP request.

Rocking the Migration from Apigee Edge Microgateways to Kong Gateways with Zero Downtime!

For our first User Call for 2023, Dominik Schmid and Benjamin Bertow from Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation GmbH, are joining us to show us how they evolved API management to an open platform, integrating the Kong Gateway as the preferred gateway solution. Have you ever thought about how big companies manage their APIs? Mercedes-Benz teams currently manage around 1500 APIs. We will talk about the past, present, and vision of the Mercedes-Benz API platform.

An Overview of Traffic Mirroring Options in Kubernetes

Testing in production carries a lot of risk, like possibly causing downtime for users. However, the advantages of using real user traffic are many, which has led to the popularity of traffic mirroring. Mirroring can be implemented as part of pre-deployment testing, as well as other parts of the developer experience like the development itself. But, how do you get started with it?

5 Business Data Migration Best Practices

Data migration is something that all businesses will have to deal with at some point. Maybe a high level of growth has meant that you have too much data and need a larger server. Or maybe you want to move to a new cloud-based system. Regardless of the specifics, all modern businesses will know the power of unlocking data.

The Magic of Service Mesh - What Your Sidecar Does for You

Magicians never reveal their secrets. . . but today, we reveal everything! Behold the mysterious Envoy and the magic of mesh in Kong Mesh and its open source sibling, Kuma. Spoiler: the secret is in the sidecar! Join this mesh-by-example talk to learn about how the service mesh manages certificate rotation, cross-zone communication, and service discovery. This talk will explain to service mesh newcomers what application developers can offload to the sidecar proxy — and why it’s a cost-effective way to achieve your reliability and security objectives.

10 API Developer Mistakes to Avoid

With low-code tools on the rise, building an Application Programming Interface (API) is simpler than ever. Given the ease of development, it is easy to overlook potential problems. Taking a bit more time in the design phase can ensure the API is truly useful, secure, scalable, and stable. Here, we’ll discuss the top ten most common API development mistakes to avoid.

Testkube for your microservices woes

Enterprises have long relied on monolithic applications to run their operations and provide different functions and services to their customers. Monolithic software is designed to be self-contained; components of the program are interconnected and interdependent. If any program component requires an update, the whole application must be redeployed. As enterprises continue to grow their customer base, they will need to upgrade and scale their monolithic architecture.

Enterprise Apps vs. Microapps: How Microapps Are Improving App Interactions

When it comes to enterprise apps vs. microapps, most distinguish microapps as “tiny processes that perform targeted actions in a larger, more complex enterprise app.” While this definition is mostly true, it doesn’t give you the bigger picture of how microapps improve how your team members interact with enterprise-scale applications. Microapps can dramatically streamline workflows across an organization.

2022, a Year of Achievements for WSO2 CIAM

With the start of a brand new year in 2023, it would only be fitting to look back on the past year and reflect on the developments and accomplishments of WSO2's CIAM Suite. For the second consecutive year in a row, KuppingerCole Analysts have recognized WSO2 as an Overall Leader and an Overall Product Leader in their CIAM Platforms Leadership Compass 2022 report. WSO2 Identity Server and Asgardeo, both components of WSO2’s CIAM suite, were evaluated in the report.

Best Kong Alternatives for 2022

As companies strive to differentiate themselves through speed and agility, a well-planned API strategy becomes crucial. However, as demands and customer needs evolve, an API catalogue can quickly become overwhelming. While Kong is a popular tool for organizing API development and management, there are Kong alternatives to consider that may better fit your specific needs.

Kong Your Way into the New Year: An Introduction to API Gateway

Our #KongBuilders Livestream is back and kicking off the new year with a tutorial on ������ ���� ������������ �������� ����������������������! We can’t wait to introduce you to Kong’s powerful open-source API gateway with host Viktor Gamov, Principal Developer Advocate with Kong, who will walk you through the basics of getting started with and exploring key features like rate limiting, authentication, and monitoring.

Mission (Im)Possible:Building Geo-Distributed Apps with Kong and YugabyteDB

🤔 Have you ever wondered how a geo-distributed app such as a Slack-like corporate messenger is architected and functions? 👂 Hear directly from Denis Magda, Director of Developer Relations at Yugabyte, on ������ ���� ���������� ������-���������������������� �������� with Kong Inc. and Yugabyte. 🌎 How hundreds of microservices are deployed and communicate across distant geographies? How thousands of user messages and events flow in real-time across the countries and petabytes of data are stored and accessed across continents?

Get Ready For The Cloud API War

About a decade ago, cloud computing became the norm in enterprise IT deployments. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Integrated Platform as a Service (iPaaS) vendors were fiercely competing to deliver the private and public cloud products that would power the next generation of app development, processing, storage, and networking. And since APIs are at the heart of cloud computing, the race was on to deliver the API that developers and sysadmins would most favor. The Cloud API War had begun.

The Role of Traffic Replay in Production Traffic Replication

Testing in production is one of the most effective—and risky—ways of testing. The ability to use real-world conditions ensures reliability of tests, as no bugs can appear as a result of misconfigurations of the environment. However, using the same environment as your users also has an obvious downside: any bugs discovered by testing will immediately affect users.

The Fundamentals of API Management

Application programming interfaces (APIs), especially web service APIs, have completely transformed the software development industry. Surveys of CIOs and other enterprise tech leaders in the past 12 months show incredible growth in the number of API consumers, with almost all surveyed agreeing that APIs are a component of their strategies going forward.

Building a RESTful API with Java Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a popular framework for creating powerful RESTful APIs, and in this tutorial, we will use it to develop a simple API that simulates a credit score rating. The API endpoint we will create will allow a user to retrieve a credit score rating by sending a request to the API. However, it is important to note that we will not be linking up to any actual backend systems to pull a real credit score, instead we will use a random number generator to generate the score and return it to the user.

5 Key Considerations for Building DeFi APIs

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is a financial service based on ledgers, just like the ones used by cryptocurrencies. In the U.S., DeFi technology challenges the current centralized finance system by empowering individuals to manage their own financial exchanges via a crypto wallet. Because decentralized finance eliminates fees from banks or other financial institutions, anyone with an internet connection can use DeFi.

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Test Automation: Benefits and Use Cases

After spending hours or even days manually testing your software, you're wondering whether there's any way to optimize this process. Well, you're right to look toward implementing test automation. However, minimizing manual labor isn't the only valid reason to do so; there are many other benefits to test automation, a few being: Test automation is an entire field in itself that can help you improve accuracy and resilience, which you'll learn a lot more about throughout this post.

Kong Konnect Adds Secrets Management, Improved Analytics

Hayden Lam also contributed to this post. Today we’re thrilled to announce new features in Kong Konnect, including secrets management, support for Kong Gateway 3.1, Analytics updates, runtime group APIs, system accounts, and an intuitive overview page and service wizard. In this blog, we’ll explore all these exciting updates in Kong Konnect.

How and Why to Migrate From Kong Open Source to Kong Enterprise API Gateway

Kong’s open-source API Gateway is a highly successful project with over 33k stars on GitHub and 293 contributors. Kong provides a powerful platform that can be extended using hundreds of plugins provided by Kong, ecosystem partners, and the community. Kong’s Enterprise subscription provides an extended set of capabilities over and above the core foundation of Kong OSS. We will explore how to migrate an installed system from OSS to Enterprise here today.

Building a RESTful API with Go and Gin

When it comes to building an API, Go is an extremely popular programming language choice to build powerful RESTful APIs with. The language is super lightweight, has many different libraries and frameworks available, and is easy to run. One of the frameworks support by Go is Gin. Gin is a web framework written in Golang that offers great performance and scalability, amongst other features.

Building a RESTful API with Go

When it comes to building an API, Go is an extremely popular programming language choice to build powerful RESTful APIs with. The language is super lightweight, has many different libraries and frameworks available, and is easy to run. In this tutorial, we will build a simple REST API using Go. The API endpoint will allow a user to retrieve a credit score rating.

The 4 Best dApp Frameworks for First-Time Ethereum Developers

Ethereum has experienced dazzling growth in recent years. The programmable blockchain now has approximately 220 million unique addresses. Linked to the increase in users is an explosion in the number of dApps. Global companies and startups across finance, sales, HR, accounting, supply chain and manufacturing are using dApps to streamline processes and onboard new customers. Multiple frameworks exist that simplify the dApp development process for web2 developers who want to participate in web3.

The Future of 5G with Infosys' Bhupesh Naik and Kong Inc.'s Chris Darvill on Kong Executive Corner

What's ahead for the future and impact of 5G on IoT and the world of connectivity? On this episode of Kong Executive Corner, Kong's VP, EMEA Solutions Engineering, Chris Darvill, discusses with Sr. Director, Digital Strategist of Infosys, Bhupesh Naik. Bhupesh talks characteristics of 5G such as low-latency communication speed and precision, high bandwidth communications, network architecture advances and high-density, multi-device communications.

The Future of 5G and IoT with Infosys' Bhupesh Naik & Kong's Chris Darvill on Kong Executive Corner

What's ahead for the future and impact of 5G on IoT and the world of connectivity? On this episode of Kong Executive Corner, Kong's VP, EMEA Solutions Engineering, Chris Darvill, discusses with Sr. Director, Digital Strategist of Infosys, Bhupesh Naik.

Introducing Custom Functions and Formulas

At Moesif we are always looking for ways for our users to derive even more valuable insights from their data. We pride ourselves on the fact that there is something for everyone on the platform, whether it’s engineering, marketing, customer success, or even sales departments. Recently we added a new way to drill even further into your metrics: Custom Functions and Formulas!

5 Best API Conferences To Attend in 2022

As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, the importance of staying up-to-date on the latest developments in the realm of APIs becomes increasingly vital. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by attending conferences that focus specifically on API-related topics. In the upcoming year of 2023, there are a plethora of such events being held across the globe, each offering valuable insights and opportunities for networking and professional development.

A Complete Guide to API Contract Testing

The current software development era is an era of microservices. The complexities of large bulky parts of the software have forced us to break them into smaller pieces that can be worked on independently and communicate with each other using lightweight protocols. As a result, we increase the overall efficiency of the system by taking control of more minor things that ultimately combine to make the complete software.

Integrating Keploy with Redis in Golang

In this video, we'll see how keploy has evolved. Presenting a new installation process of Keploy where the server of keploy can be installed using binary for Linux and macOS, and we can run the keploy server using the command "keploy" from the CLI. The test cases when you make an API call is reflected in the CLI where keploy is running, and the test runs details are also shown there. The test runs report is stored in yaml file format under the test-reports directory.

Top 5 PHP REST API Frameworks

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a programming language that is primarily used for web development. It is a server-side language, which means that it is executed on the server rather than in the user’s web browser. PHP is often used in combination with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create dynamic and interactive websites. One of the main advantages of PHP is that it is easy to learn and use, making it a popular choice for web developers of all skill levels.