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Using Moesif, Kong, and Stripe to Monetize Your AI APIs - Part 3: Managing Customer Credit

Things can get tricky when managing pre-paid, pay-as-you-go billing for monetized APIs. Three mechanisms must be in place for this type of billing to work: first, you need to be able to add credits to an account. Second, you need to be able to burn down those credits. Third, you need to be able to block users from accessing the API once they have run out of credits.

Using Moesif, Kong, and Stripe to Monetize Your AI APIs - Part 2: Setting Up Metering and API Access

Now that we have set up our API, integrated it with Kong, and connected Stripe with Moesif, we have the infrastructure to begin billing for API usage. Now, we will move into configuring Moesif with the pricing, metering, and access control/governance pieces of the API monetization journey. Let’s kick things off by setting up the prices we want to charge for API usage in Moesif.

How to Set Up Pre-paid Credit-Based Billing With Stripe

In today’s subscription-driven economy, flexible billing options are crucial. While traditional post-paid models are widespread, pre-paid credit-based billing is gaining popularity. This approach empowers businesses to bill customers upfront for a set amount of usage, offering an alternative way for customers to pay for your service.

Using Moesif, Kong, and Stripe to Monetize Your AI APIs - Part 1: Integrating The Platforms

As the wave of AI sweeps through the technology landscape, many have hopped on board. Interestingly enough, and often overlooked, is that many AI capabilities are served through APIs. Fancy user interfaces integrate with the actual mechanisms where the magic happens: the APIs. So, when generating revenue through AI platforms, the APIs drive the revenue.

Master Documenting Your APIs: Tips for Effective API Documentation

API (application programming interface) document works as a developer’s compass for navigating complex services. In this guide, we provide straightforward insights into crafting excellent API documentation. At the end of this article, you will know how to succeed as both creators and consumers of APIs through effective documentation.

Using Python for GET API Calls: A Step-by-Step Guide for Developers

Understanding how to make a GET request to an API using Python is an essential skill for developers. This article will guide you through the process, demonstrating how to use Python’s ‘requests’ library to fetch data, handle the full JSON object in response, and manage API errors efficiently. Step into the practical world of Python GET API calls without any detours.

The Ultimate Guide to REST API Naming Convention: Best Practices for Clarity & Consistency

Efficient and consistent REST API naming conventions can streamline your development process and make navigating your API easier for developers. This guide will look at what’s needed for creating intuitive and consistent endpoint names, REST API naming conventions and best practices, and how to avoid common errors. Let’s begin by taking a quick refresher on some of the basics of REST API endpoints.

API for Dummies: Your Easy Guide to Understanding APIs

If the term “API” puzzles you and you feel lost in a world of tech talk, this guide is for you. APIs, or application programming interfaces, act as the language that allows different software applications to talk to one another. Imagine you’re ordering a coffee at a cafe; the API is like the waiter who takes your order to the barista and then brings your coffee to you.

Step-by-Step Blueprint to Create RESTful APIs for Efficient Web Services

Creating RESTful APIs is essential for efficient web service development. With this article, you’ll learn to create restful apis using Node.js and Express by following a concise, step-by-step approach designed for real-world application. From server setup to endpoint creation and securing data, we’ve got you covered. This comprehensive guide will ensure you grasp the fundamentals while also diving into the more nuanced aspects of RESTful API development.

The AI API Gold Rush: How to Turn Your Models into Revenue With Moesif

So, you’ve built a cutting-edge AI model! Congratulations! With the vast array of AI capabilities coming to market, it may generate realistic product descriptions, analyze customer sentiment, or perform cutting-edge processing. Innovation with AI is helping companies to discover new capabilities and use cases. However, innovation alone isn’t enough. To truly reap the rewards of an investment in AI, companies need a strategy to monetize it.