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July 2020

How to Dynamically Route Requests With Kong Enterprise

Having worked with many customers and prospects at Kong, one of the main requirements we often hear is how to handle dynamic routing based on the URL and headers. In this blog post, I will cover different use cases we come across for dynamic routing and how Kong can address them. The default behavior of an API gateway is to route the incoming request to the appropriate upstream service. If you are new to Kong, a Service object represents the upstream API or Service.

Kuma 0.7.0 Released With New "Zone" Resource, New ProxyTemplate, StatefulSet support And More!

We are happy to announce the general availability of Kuma 0.7! This is very big release that includes countless improvements and updates, specifically when it comes to multi-zone deployments configuration and Kubernetes deployments. We strongly suggest to upgrade to this new version while paying attention to a few breaking changes that 0.7 introduces. For a complete list of features and updates, take a look at the full changelog.

Observability For Your Microservices Using Kong, Kubernetes, and Prometheus

In this video, Kevin Chen, Developer Advocate at Kong, will explain how to set up Prometheus monitoring with Kong Gateway to get black box metrics and observability for all of your services deployed on Kubernetes. This guide can also be applied to other solutions like StatsD, Datadog, Graphite, InfluxDB etc.

How to Properly Leverage Elasticsearch and User Behavior Analytics for API Security

Kibana and the rest of the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash) is great for parsing and visualizing API logs for a variety of use cases. As an open-source project, it’s free to get started (you need to still factor in any compute and storage cost which is not cheap for analytics).

What is Serverless Computing?

The shift to cloud computing fundamentally changed the way software is built and consumed by developers. Multiple code snippets or functions are logically connected to form a complex application. Since the platform deals with one function at a time, and functions are the fundamental deployment units, this model is often called as Functions as a Service (FaaS).

How To Accelerate API Integration with Behavioral Emails and Developer Segmentation

Behavioral email is the keystone of user-centric platform integration — emails to developers are most effective when they’re based on how they used your platform. Not surprisingly, the concept of segmenting your customers into groups of similar behaviors or attitudes is a well established best practice in marketing. MarketSherpa’s survey found that one of the most effective marketing strategies is to send emails based on the behavior of your customers.

The Soft Side of APIs:Making Better Decisions for Building a Technology Stack for APIs and Microservices

At Kong, I get a chance to discuss with various organizations their plans and projects to adopt microservices and expose them with APIs. During these discussions, I’ve started to recognize some patterns that appear with regularity – patterns that have less to do with technology than with people. Technologists and engineers like myself usually do not pay too much attention to the “softer” aspects of technology implementations.

Verifone Trusts Kong to Secure and Govern Nearly Half of the World's Non-Cash Transactions

Before I met with Verifone’s executive team in London last year, candidly I didn’t know much about the company. But after learning about how the company is a global leader in payments solutions at the point of sale, with over 35 million payment terminals worldwide, now I see their logo everywhere I go!

Kong Gateway 2.1 Released!

We are happy to announce the first release in the 2.1 series of our flagship open source API gateway! Since Kong 2.0 was released in January, we have released a number of patch releases, but we have also been busy writing new features as well! This release comes packed with new functionality, ranging from updates for improved P99 latency to new features for gRPC, improvements to your favorite plugins and much more. Here are the highlights.

[Online Meetup] Hybrid Universal Mode in Kuma 0.6

We are happy to announce the much-anticipated Kuma 0.6 release! This new release ships with major improvements, especially when it comes to supporting service meshes that can span across multiple clouds, multiple Kubernetes clusters and hybrid platforms (Kubernetes + VMs) in enterprise environments. Join Kevin Chen, Developer Advocate at Kong, for a demo of the new features in this release including.

Digital Business Ecosystems - Drive efficiency and innovation in a new era

In this new era, taking an outside-in approach to digital business ecosystems can help organizations harness their existing resources and relationships to drive new innovation and efficiency. Digital business ecosystems encompass a network of partners, developers and customers facilitated by modern, cloud-first technologies. Recently, Google Cloud, in partnership with Oxford Economics, surveyed 1,000 CIOs of large organizations (over $2 billion in revenue) to understand their digital business ecosystem strategies. This executive summary dives into the key findings from this research.

How to work with attachments

If you need to work with an attachment – create or send one – there are several connectors that support that. Don’t be confused by what you see now, Simple Trigger is not one of them, but I’m using it here to send some information along the flow. Now what I’m really looking for is the CSV connector, and here I’m using it to create – or, in fact, write a CSV file as an attachment.

How to add business logic with content-based router

To explain the usage of our content-based router that enables you to add some business logic to your integration flow, let’s imagine that I have received a Google Spreadsheet file with unsorted leads data, for example, from downloading a coupon on a website. To convert these leads to customers, I’d like to offer them something of interest with a specifically targeted campaign based on the country of residence. For that, I need to filter and split the list.

Top 10 API Security Threats Every API Team Should Know

As more and more data is exposed via APIs either as API-first companies or for the explosion of single page apps/JAMStack, API security can no longer be an afterthought. The hard part about APIs is that it provides direct access to large amounts of data while bypassing browser precautions. Instead of worrying about SQL injection and XSS issues, you should be concerned about the bad actor who was able to paginate through all your customer records and their data.

How an API-powered digital ecosystem can drive innovation and efficiency

Worldwide, businesses are adapting to the new market conditions by transforming their current operating models to meet the new consumer demands and improve productivity, all while still focusing on achieving growth. In this new era, taking an outside-in approach to digital business ecosystems can help organizations harness their existing resources and relationships to drive new innovations and efficiency.

Custom Authentication and Authorization Framework with Kong

Kong Enterprise provides many out-of-the-box plugins to support various access control solutions like basic authentication, key authentication, JWT, LDAP, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, among others. Most of the time, you should be able to find a plugin to suit your needs to protect your private or public APIs using Kong Enterprise without the need of writing your own plugins.

Connecting to 3rd-party APIs - How to work with REST API connector

In this video, I’m working with our REST API connector to connect to our own Integration Management API. We offer several ways to authenticate an API depending on its configuration. Here we take basic authentication with username and password. Now with the API, the username is actually the email address you registered with. You can navigate to the Profile Information page to copy it from there.

How to Use Kong Gateway With K3s For IoT and Edge Computing on Kubernetes

Once upon a time, we had these giant structures where thousands of people would congregate to share ideas, pamphlets filled to the margins with buzz words and cheap, branded t-shirts. Yep, tech conferences – oh what a relic of the past that I miss. It used to be part of my job to attend these.

How to work with databases

To start working with a MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle or MSSQL database, all you need to do is to select our Database connector. We have already learned from the short video on credentials that there are quite a few fields to fill in when you need to connect to a database for the first time. The data you see me enter here is merely from our test database.

The New Urgency to Transform to a Platform Business Model

The current situation has precipitated an intense acceleration of digital transformation. The future was always uncertain, but is now ever more so. Companies that run platform business models are proving to be relatively resilient during this uncertain time, and are likely to emerge stronger than ever. APIs are critical to these companies, and many traditional businesses are starting to adopt a platform strategy not only to survive, but to thrive.

How to Extend Your ERP

ERP systems enable businesses to bring together and manage core processes and technologies under one system. But the truth is, an out-of-the-box ERP system rarely fits a business perfectly, and even if it does, it is only temporary. A business’s challenges, needs, and strategies change and grow over time, and its tools must too. When an ERP’s functionality does not fully meet your business’s needs, it’s time to think about extending it.