Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

October 2020

Multi-Cluster & Multi-Cloud Service Mesh With CNCF's Kuma and Envoy

In this eBook, Kong Co-Founder and CTO Marco Palladino breaks down how Kuma now supports every cloud vendor, every architecture and every platform together in a multi-mesh control plane. When deployed in a multi-zone deployment, Kuma abstracts away both the synchronization of the service mesh policies across multiple zones and the service connectivity (and service discovery) across those zones.

Deployment Patterns for API Gateways Within a DMZ

A DMZ – Demilitarized Zone – is a military term, roughly summarized, as an area between two adversaries established as a buffer in order to reduce, or eliminate, the possibility of further conflict. In networking, the term usually refers to an area that acts as a buffer between two segregated networks. Here is a simplified visualization.

Kong Gateway 2.2 released!

We are happy to announce release 2.2 of our flagship open source API gateway! Those were some busy three months since the release of Kong Gateway 2.1! We have pushed a number of patch releases in the 2.1 series, we’ve had our first fully-digital Kong Summit, and of course, we’ve been very busy building new features that are now shipping in Kong Gateway 2.2!

Announcing Kong's AWS DevOps Competency

Kong Enterprise is a service connectivity platform that provides technology teams with the architectural freedom to build, operate, observe, and secure APIs and services anywhere. From Kong’s inception, we’ve been aligned with Amazon Web Services (AWS), enabling our customers to quickly and efficiently deploy Kong on their AWS accounts. As companies move from monolithic to microservice applications and beyond, Kong helps teams manage this transition.

What is a Webhook?

A webhook provides a decoupled means for an application to provide real-time updates to other applications. A great example of webhook integration is Slack, which can automate the publication of messages to channels and users. Configured inside the Slack administration panel, a Slack webhook is identified by a unique URL, such as

Transform Your Requests/Responses With the Kong Reedelk Transformer Plugin

Creating an API contract and corresponding Kong service are often just the first steps in the API development process. More often than not, the upstream services that are invoked provide a different contract to the one presented to the API consumer. This is especially the case in larger organizations where enterprise applications offer their own out-of-the-box integration contracts. Likewise, you shouldn’t expose the complexity of your upstream systems to your API consumer.

How to Set Up Monitoring and Analytics for Strapi the Headless CMS, with Moesif

Strapi is a headless CMS based on Node.js. Headless means that it makes all of its content available via an HTTP API, so you can easily build your user-facing frontend around it. Since it’s a fully-fledged CMS, it brings an administration frontend out-of-the-box, making publishing and maintaining content straightforward - even for those without a technical background. Since everything in Strapi works via an API, it’s perfect for Moesif API monitoring.

The Best Guide to Docker, Kubernetes, & Container-Based Systems

We’re taking a closer look Container-Based Systems. The rise of the microservices-based applications has allowed global enterprises – like, Netflix, Uber, and Airbnb – to achieve unprecedented market dominance. Central to making these microservices-based applications possible is the concept of containerization, and at the core of containerization are Docker and Kubernetes – the two most widespread solutions for building and managing container-based applications.

APIs 101: Everything you need to know about API design

Application programming interfaces, or APIs, are how software talks to other software. They abstract the complexity of underlying systems so the systems can connect in novel ways even if they were never intended to interoperate. Consequently, APIs are key ingredients in both most modern digital experiences and the execution of many of today’s most exciting business opportunities.

Embedding Dashboards with React to Surface Metrics to Customers

Embedded dashboards are an easy way to share the insights you got from Moesif across your team and with your customers. You define metrics, build your dashboards, and then share them, filtered by company or user, inside your developer portal. From a technical point of view, they’re just websites that can be displayed inside an iframe somewhere on your web pages.

Mike Buczko: 7 Steps to Leadership in Software Testing - @SmartBear Talks

Software testing is so important nowadays. The industry is looking for more efficient and effective approaches for setting up, managing or analyzing tests. As a result, software testing leaders are in high demand. In this interview, we will review the major steps you can follow in your life to become a leader. Mike Buczko, a Test Manager from SpyroSoft, will be our guide to this interesting topic today.

Insomnia Designer Demo | Kong Summit 2020

Is your developer platform a roadblock to innovation? First we’ll see how Insomnia Designer helps developers produce well-designed, high-quality, and reliable APIs with speed and ease. Second, we’ll show you how the Kong Developer Portal boosts developer productivity by providing a frictionless onboarding and service discovery experience to drive API consumption.

Kong Ingress Controller Demo | Kong Summit 2020

You might want to break down a monolith or build new cloud-native application using microservices and serverless. We'll show you how Kong provides the platform not only to enable but to accelerate your journey to microservices, Innovate faster and create new digital revenues. See how to make your developers a lot more productive and provide observability to gain a detailed understanding of your services so that you can even lower your total cost of ownership and complete projects faster. Here, watch demos of Kong for Kubernetes & Kong Mesh.

Secure & Govern APIs & Services | Kong Summit 2020 Demo

As the number of services and API teams are growing, control by a central IT team is declining. Rather than enforcing governance it is better to empower the application teams to do the right thing and build in security, governance and compliance into their applications. See how you can do this with Kong by encoding governance into on-boarding, and by providing the dev teams with the ability to inject compliance through fine-grained security policies. Here, we'll demo mTLS & OIDC plugins, RBAC, and Worspaces as ways to efficiently solve security and governance challenges using Kong Enterprise.

Keeping Your API Product Team Happy

Moesif had the privilege of picking the brain of the expert who literally wrote the book on API Product Management. In a wide-ranging discussion with Dr. Amancio Bouza we found out what you should really care about as an API product manager, and it’s not what you may think (hint: see the title). We also cover pricing your API, how to become a better product manager and what books should be on your nightstand.

Kong Embedded: A New Way of Deploying Kong Enterprise on Edge Devices

Today, we’re excited to announce a new research project we’ve been kicking around at Kong: Kong Embedded! If you’ve used the Kong Gateway before or heard us talk about it, one of the things we’re very proud of is that Kong Gateway uses a very small resource footprint. It’s a small download in size, is blazingly fast on even constrained hardware, and uses very little memory.

Introducing Kong Konnect

We are proud today to announce the future of service connectivity – Kong Konnect! Kong Konnect is the only full stack connectivity platform that is designed from the ground up for the cloud native era, delivered as a service. It accelerates the journey to microservices, secures and governs APIs and services, and it allows developers to rapidly design, publish and consume APIs and services. Konnect was built from the ground up with the unique needs of developers, architects and operators in mind.

Kong Ingress Controller 1.0: Battle-Tested and Production Hardened

About two and a half years ago, Kong first announced our Kubernetes Ingress Controller. We were stepping up to invest in the Kubernetes community by building a full-featured API gateway that operated in a Kubernetes-native way. Since then, we – as well as the rest of the broader Kubernetes ecosystem – have hit a number of additional milestones. Our Ingress Controller has run in tens of thousands of Kubernetes clusters, and we’ve continued to expand its functionality and stability.

Get Started with Insomnia Core: 5 Minute Quickstart

Want to learn more about Insomnia? Join us at Kong Summit (Oct 7-8), the biggest event for API practitioners. Insomnia is an open source desktop API client and design platform for GraphQL and REST. It allows you to make requests and inspect responses easily so you can debug and test your APIs like a human. In this video, Kong Developer Advocate, Kevin Chen, will walk you through creating your first request and how to leverage environment variables.

SoapUI Pro, LoadUI Pro, ServiceV Pro: New Names, One Brand ... ReadyAPI

Today we’re launching new names for some of our most popular API products. This is part of refreshing our outlook on the API space and our subsequent API lifecycle tools. We loved our old names, and know many felt the same. And yet, here we are to explain why we decided the progression was necessary.