Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

August 2021

8 Cloud Cost Optimization Tactics for Kubernetes

If you’ve ever gotten sticker shock after receiving a surprisingly large cloud bill, this might have been your reaction… I think we’ve all been there. While the cloud makes flexible scaling possible, it has also introduced many new services one can use, resulting in increased cloud costs. In this article, I’ll go over the eight ways you can reduce your Kubernetes cloud costs. I use Amazon Web Services (AWS) as an example, but the lessons can also apply to other cloud providers.

Feature Spotlight: API Dependency Graph

As APIs become more complex, it can be easy to accidentally break connections. To prevent this, Speedscale can automatically detect and make you aware of inbound and outbound transactions running through APIs in our API Dependency Graph. The Traffic Viewer dashboard makes this information visible to independent teams working on different services. In most organizations this information is usually only known by senior engineers, team leads, and architects.

How to Integrate Third-Party APIs Into Your Marketo Campaigns

With its comprehensive functionality and real-time data, Marketo is the leading marketing automation platform. However, it doesn’t integrate with every application out there which means that the full value of the platform is often not realised by many users. If you need data from a third-party API, here’s how to get it into your Marketo campaigns, ensuing that you successfully integrate third-party APIs.

Celebrating Four Years of Kong Inc.

What a year we have had! Hypergrowth, a huge community, and lots of recognition. But what we are most proud of is how Kong’s technology has impacted the world, thanks to our users. We can’t thank these users and the community enough for making Kong the most adopted open source API gateway out there. In fact, our technology just crossed 30,000+ stars on Github . And with over 2M instances and more than 257M downloads our OSS community has more than doubled over the last year.

Service Mesh 101: The Role of Envoy

If you’ve done any reading about service meshes, you’ve probably come across mentions of an open source project named Envoy. And if you’ve done any reading about Envoy, you’ve probably seen references to service meshes. How are these two technologies related? How are they different? Do they work together? I’ll attempt to answer all those questions in this blog post’s first and second parts, plus possibly a few more.

Kuma 1.3 and Kong Mesh 1.4 Released With Service Map, CA Rotation, mTLS Permissive and 10+ features.

We are happy to announce a new major release of Kuma, and a new major release of Kong Mesh built on Kuma! Kuma 1.3 ships with 10+ new features and countless improvements. Kong Mesh ships we enterprise capabilities for large scale service mesh deployments. We strongly suggest to upgrade, in order to take advantage of the latest and greatest when it comes to service mesh.

What is REST API Design?

Modern business requires a range of digital components to communicate effectively when transferring data and delivering critical messages. Application programming interfaces, or APIs, are sets of rules that regulate exactly how certain apps or machines connect. If you work with data at all, you’ll have heard of REST or RESTful, and REST APIs — but what is REST API design? We explain below.

How to Leverage Insomnia as a GraphQL Client

Here at Kong, we’re advocates for architecting your application as a group of microservices . In this design style, individual services are responsible for handling one aspect of your application, and they communicate with other services within your network to share data. Systems like Kubernetes or the Kuma service mesh help orchestrate traffic and manage network policies so that your microservices can function together as a unified whole.

Top 5 API Testing Tools

Today’s software testing trends show the growing demand for more efficient and automation-oriented API testing. Many of the current test automation solutions focus on the UI, while most API-level testing is still done manually. As a result, testers are in need of easy-to-use, intelligent automation tools for testing APIs — improving their productivity and efficiency, while also reducing time-to-market.

The New API-Led Connectivity

When it comes to closing the technology delivery gap, most organizations are seeing in the IT space, API-led connectivity as the missing link. APIs are a powerful way to integrating your systems, applications and databases and API-led connectivity is the new way of connecting your business. API-led connectivity comes with a few key advantages that make it an increasingly attractive option when achieving seamless technology delivery across the organization.

My DevOps Journey Beyond Configuration Management

For most of my software engineering career, my experience with DevOps was all about configuration management. But after many years of experience with some key mentors, I began to see DevOps as so much more. In this article, I’ll summarize my DevOps evolution from a high level. If you’d like to go further in-depth, check out the recording from my Destination: Automation presentation below. ​​

Fueling Application Innovation

To scale the game-changing experiences your customers want, organizations need to innovate with a community of brilliant problem-solvers and revolutionary thinkers. While nine out of ten customers want omnichannel digital experiences, just 29% say companies provide this feature. How can organizations bridge that gap? This is where APIs come in. The third in our series of "App Innovation" ebooks explores the benefits of sharing APIs and business with other developers and organizations from crowdsourcing innovation, expanding your customer base and retaining existing customers.

How to monetize BigQuery datasets using Apigee

Data harnessed through tools such as BigQuery allow organizations to deliver personalized experiences, make data-driven business decisions, and unlock new streams of revenue. In this video, we go through the challenges of putting data into action and show how APIs can help. Watch to learn how Apigee makes it simple and easy to package your business data as APIs!

Balancing Innovation and Security With Automation [Destination: Automation]

You feel like you need to clone yourself to scale and maintain security — there simply aren’t enough hours in the year to do it all. Luckily, there’s an automation solution that allows you to get close to cloning how you would normally manage your full API delivery pipeline. Join Peggy Guyott, senior customer experience manager at Kong, and Ned Harris, solutions engineer at Kong, as they share ways you can eliminate the conflict between developers’ need for autonomy and freedom to innovate, and the need to maintain control of governance and security.

5 Steps to Serverless Security With the AWS Lambda Plugin

For the DevOps-averse developer, lambdas are heaven. They can focus on writing self-contained and modularized pieces of code, deploying these functions for on-demand execution without being concerned about resource management or infrastructure. Lambda execution , however, can be tricky. Serverless security with the AWS API Gateway can feel daunting, especially when all you want to do is call a simple function as an API endpoint. For this, there’s the ease of Kong Gateway .

NAN to Node-API Migration: A Short Story

Throughout the years I’ve created my fair share of native addons. The first ones were created by using the native C++ Node.js and v8 API’s. When NAN was created which made life much easier, especially in terms of maintenance, there was no question that I should move all my addons to use it. The years passed and Node-API was created and though it was on my radar and saw the benefits of using it, I never had the time to try it on my own modules.

"Plug In" to SwaggerHub for IntelliJ IDEA

Integrated development environments, or IDEs as most people call them, are the go-to tool for the majority of software developers creating, compiling, and testing code. In fact, IDEs are one of the most commons tools that developers will use when designing their API (Application Programming Interfaces) documentation. According to the 2020 State of the API Report , developers chose IDEs as their tool of choice for API design, even edging out SwaggerHub.

Key Questions to Ask When Managing an API

You need data for every facet of your business. It’s a powerful tool. Business and IT leaders need efficient ways to collect, store, and integrate that data in order to gain the valuable insights that drive business success. API-Led data integration is the way forward. But businesses are increasingly looking for low code solutions to help manage APIs for a streamlined process. In this post, we’re going to talk about the key questions that you need to address when you’re managing an API.

Balancing Innovation and Security With Automation [Destination: Automation]

You feel like you need to clone yourself to scale and maintain security — there simply aren’t enough hours in the year to do it all. Luckily, there’s an automation solution that allows you to get close to cloning how you would normally manage your full API delivery pipeline. Join Peggy Guyott, senior customer experience manager at Kong, and Ned Harris, solutions engineer at Kong, as they share ways you can eliminate the conflict between developers’ need for autonomy and freedom to innovate, and the need to maintain control of governance and security.

How to Make Digital Transformation Work

The best way to appreciate key concepts involving digital transformation is to look at real-world examples. In a recent Kong webinar, I sat down with Solutions Engineer Ahmed Koshok as he reviewed several real-world case studies that help illuminate the role of microservices in making digital transformation successful for organizations. The case studies included Papa John’s, NextJ Systems, and Yahoo! Japan.

Summer School At Collaborator: Session #2 - Innovation with New Integrations

Integrations are a key component to Collaborator’s peer review functionality and workflow. With options to connect to more than a dozen source control management (SCM) systems, and other tools such as Atlassian’s Jira and Mathworks Simulink®, Collaborator is an easy fit into almost any tool string, allowing teams to peer review code, user stories, test plans, and other artifact types in a transparent, collaborative framework.

Understanding REST, gRPC, GraphQL, and OpenAPI to build your APIs

Whether you're implementing a microservice architecture that will be scalable and resilient or forward-thinking for interoperability possibilities, APIs provide the essential level of abstraction that enables communication between separate pieces of software. Modifying an API architecture once it is live is no small feat, so taking the time before building one to identify your needs and goals for your API is a worthwhile step that will help you create the API you want.

Why You Need a REST API

Imagine you were suddenly transported to a foreign city where you don’t speak the language—in fact, every person you encounter speaks a different language, and you aren’t even sure which one they are. That’s the situation faced by many developers and users today as they try to integrate different software and systems. One of the greatest challenges of modern computing is its complexity.

Defining The Value That APIs Deliver To Your API Ecosystem

It’s the eternal struggle for any business to add more value while keeping costs down. Luckily, modern business technology makes this a little easier with the employment of the right API. An API ecosystem revolves around software that specializes in linking together incongruent apps, products, and services. The API is more than middleware – it’s grown into an innovative business concept that can transform your business and digital strategy.

Kong-plement Your ServiceHub With a Developer Portal

Two of the best (in my opinion) features in Konnect are the ServiceHub and Developer Portal. However, they’re also two of the most misunderstood. Aren’t they the same thing? Why would you need a ServiceHub vs. Developer Portal? Well, I’m glad you asked! The really quick version is that ServiceHub is like your warehouse, where all your products are stored. It’s a comprehensive collection of everything that you have. Your Developer Portal is more like your storefront.

Minimizing Security Risks in APIs and Microservices

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and microservices are the foundational pillars of digital transformation initiatives. They simplify the development process for our technology teams, enabling them to innovate faster, increase customer engagement and boost business agility. However, while this transformation of business digitally opens doors to limitless opportunities, it also opens doors to many challenges – with one of the most significant challenges being security.

5 Reasons You Should Be Using Microservice-Based Architecture

‘Microservices’ and ‘Microservice-based architecture’ are concepts that are experiencing a rapid increase in popularity throughout the developer community and it’s ability to deliver simplicity in an increasingly complex web of applications, systems and databases is evident. But despite the popularity of microservice-based architecture, you may wonder what makes it so special. What are microservices and why should you join the trend?

API Strategy Fundamentals: Obtaining Executive Sponsorship

The term “digital strategy” has become something of a buzzword, but when it comes to defining your company’s approach to APIs and its digital economy, it’s paramount that you create a truly strategic plan that has the support of your organization’s executive. Without a validated, well-articulated, and executive-backed plan, your organization will find it almost impossible to consistently and successfully hit its targets.