Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2022

Starting an API-First Company

You’ve developed an amazing API product. Fantastic. But that’s just the beginning of your journey. Starting an API-first company brings with it a whole host of unique challenges for you to face along the way. Based on Moesif’s own experience of founding an API-first company, we’ve shared some insights below to help you avoid some of the pitfalls and make the most of the opportunities that lie before you. “API-first” can mean different things to different people.

Cover Your Bases with BitBar

Releasing high-quality products is crucial for developers and QA teams. At SmartBear, we’re always looking for ways to improve the software development lifecycle. We want to help developers and QA teams make the best use of their time before releasing products. Testing web or mobile applications ensures rich, robust functionality. With BitBar, your application works.

Introduction to GraphQL | Learn GraphQL in less than 40 minutes - Antino Labs

GraphQL is an open-source data query and a server-side runtime for application programming interfaces (APIs). Making APIs fast, flexible, and developer-friendly, it paves the road for convenience when dealing with APIs. But, the technicalities aren't that easy to understand. So, here's this quick introduction to GraphQL that will help you understand what is GraphQL, how it benefits developers, and some use cases as well.

Kubernetes Load Testing Comparison: Speedscale vs K6

In this article, you’ll be introduced to two different load testing tools that are both able to work with Kubernetes; Speedscale and K6. Throughout this post you’ll be given a comparative view of how each tool performs in five different categories: Ease of setup, developer experience, working with the CLI, creating tests, and integration into CI/CD pipelines.

How To Access APIs and Beat Your Competition

An Application Programming Interface (API) is the new go-to for businesses looking to connect with customers, partners, and other stakeholders via digital channels. From e-commerce sites to mobile apps, APIs are used to collect and process data and enable interoperability between web applications. As such, learning how to access APIs has become the primary gateway to data-driven products and the main revenue stream for most businesses.

Managing user profiles in your applications with SCIM2 #Identityin15

In today's episode, we will discuss how you can manage your user profiles with SCIM by using WSO2 Identity Server as a SCIM service provider in just 15mins. The System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) specification is designed to manage user identity in cloud-based applications and services in a standardized way to enable interoperability, security, and scalability.

15 Best Postman Alternatives for Automated API Testing [2022 Updated]

Postman is arguably a great collaboration platform for API management. Postman is an excellent tool for deconstructing RESTful APIs created by others or testing ones created by yourself. It provides a slick user interface for making HTML requests, eliminating the need to write a bunch of code to test an API’s functionality. Moreover, Postman is ideal for RESTful API tests. It is not a good design for SOAP APIs and other APIs.

End-to-End API Monetization with NodeJS, Stripe, and Moesif

Many API developers and companies struggle to find ways to easily set up systems to monetize their APIs. Some are simple but not customizable, some are complex and require massive engineering effort to actually get it all running. To make things easier, Moesif created a feature a few months ago called Billing Meters which gives massive customizability but with a minimal amount of code and engineering effort.

Kong Builders - July 22 - Running Kong Gateway on Red Hat Open Shift

In this week's episode, Kat Morgan walks through Kong Gateway on #Redhat #OpenShift with special guest Casey Wylie, Principal Solutions Engineer from Red Hat! Kong Builders is a livestream series that takes our developer-focused toolsets and puts them on display in the best venue possible – building applications and connecting workloads.

Producing JMeter Tests from OpenAPI

Swagger in conjunction with OpenAPI is a way for REST API’s to be build, documented and consumed. It is defined in either YAML or JSON. OpenAPI and Swagger are both open source, and their use is commonplace amongst development teams and can make the life of a performance tester a lot easier as it allows us to build JMeter tests directly from the definition of the endpoints. The object of this post is to look at how we can produce JMeter tests directly from a Swagger definition.

Generate Customized Tokens in WSO2 API Manager

There are two types of tokens which can be generated when invoking the token endpoint in WSO2 API Manager. They are Opaque tokens and JWT tokens. You can easily create a service provider through the Management console and select which type of token you wish to generate using the service provider. What if you want the generated tokens to be in a customized format? In this article, we will look at how to create our own token issuer and generate customized tokens.

How MOSIP Uses Ballerina WebSubHub for Event-Driven Integration

Ballerina is an open source programming language for the cloud that makes it easier to use, combine and create network services. In addition to the powerful language features, it comes with a rich standard library, which covers network data, messaging and communication protocols.

Getting Started with API Contract Testing

Learn what OpenAPI-driven contract testing is, how and when contract testing is performed and scaled for massive microservices programs, and how it can provide relief to development teams that have been overwhelmed by testing bottlenecks and increasing rates of code errors in production. The world runs on apps and platforms built from microservices – and microservices run on APIs.

5 Security Tips for Your GraphQL API

In 2015 GraphQL was created by Facebook as an alternative to REST APIs to give more power to frontend developers by making API calls more flexible. GraphQL achieves this goal by providing its API consumers with a query language that allows them to query just the data they need. While GraphQL can improve frontend developer experience, its specification doesn’t have opinions on security.

Three Industries That Rely On Microservices

With the ever-changing demands of business and new technologies, countless companies are ditching monolithic applications in favor of microservices applications. Monolithic application architectures can’t keep up with the consumer requests that microservices applications can. Read on to learn more about the benefits, and to discover which industries rely on microservices in their daily operations.

How To Create Global Sample Rate Rules | Dynamic Sampling | Moesif in 100 Seconds

Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. This video will show you how to create sampling rules that apply globally across Moesif. Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.

How to Avoid Getting Your Pod OOMKilled

In this blog, understand why your pod has OOMKilled errors when provisioning Kubernetes resources and how Speedscale can aid with automated testing. When creating production-level applications, enterprises want to ensure the high availability of services. This often results in a lengthy development process that requires extensive testing for the applications or a new release.

What Is An API Product?

We’ve all heard the terms API product or API-as-a-product. The terms themselves seemed to be used quite freely, leaving some of us with an assumption of what is meant but without a really solid grasp. As joining and contributing to the API economy becomes more desirable, API products are a crucial part of any business that is looking to tap into it. So asking “what is an API product?” is a really relevant question with many different angles.

Kong Gateway: Choose your Adventure - A byte-sized guide to selecting the best Kong features for you

Tech Talks by Kong are a new webinar series dedicated to our technical developer audience featuring open-source products and topics relevant to you with extended live demos. About this Tech talk: Kong’s Gateway offering wraps several frontend and backend services which include an Admin API and GUI, Developer Portal API and GUI, as well as Ingress Controllers, data plane proxies, and various cache and database backend services. Join Kat Morgan, Field Engineer and Senior Developer Advocate, to determine which components are right for you and your use case.

Using OpenAPI to automatically configure the Kong Gateway

For our July User Call, join Sven Walther, Principal Solutions Engineer EMEA, to talk about “Using OpenAPI to automatically configure the Kong Gateway”. We are going to automate the creation of Kong services, routes and plugin configurations only based on an OpenAPI file. The tools we will use next to Kong itself are Insomnia/inso-cli, decK and the Kong Ingress Controller.

API Meetup: The Developer-Led Landscape with Tyler Jewell

Venture Capitalist Tyler Jewell of Dell Technologies Capital shares his thesis on the Developer-Led Landscape, including what's in store for entrepreneurs with the new headwinds of 2022. Tyler is a Managing Director with Dell Technologies Capital leading early stage and growth investments in cloud infrastructure, DevOps, and the Developer-led Landscape. He sits on the boards of NS1, Lightbend, Orion Labs and Previously, he placed $151M in DevOps companies and was rewarded with 8 exits. He's also been a 3x operating CEO/COO, including CEO at WS02.

How To Create Regex Sample Rate Rules | Dynamic Sampling | Moesif in 100 Seconds

Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. This video will show you how to create sampling rules using regex within Moesif. Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.

How do you load data to REST-like APIs when there is no dedicated data destination component?

Imagine you want to take data out of the Keboola’s ecosystem. But the unexpected happens - there is no devoted Writer component! You search through all the destination Writers - from Snowflake to Excel - but nothing works for you. This is when the Generic Writer comes in handy. The Generic Writer is a Keboola Component that allows you to send data to an API destination outside of Keboola.

Simplifying B2B CIAM Using WSO2 Identity Server 6.0

The past few years have accelerated the need for every business, irrespective of their industry of operation, to provide dynamic digital experiences. Consumers now demand digital experiences that are simple, seamless, personalized, always on, and (inherently) secure from every organization they do business with. During this journey towards digitalization, businesses have often realized that this process enables them to open themselves up towards new business opportunities and modern business models.

Simplifying Production-Scale API Management With Kong Konnect

When we first launched Kong Konnect Cloud last year, we provided developers and API owners a powerful way to secure and manage their API products powered by the world’s fastest API gateway. Users flocked to Konnect to reduce their operational costs by using our hosted runtime manager, service catalog, developer portal and analytics platform.

Managing Multiple Environments with Konnect and Runtime Groups

We’ve heard it called a million and one different things. Sometimes it’s “selective synchronization”, sometimes it’s called “environments”. What is clear though, is that there’s a real need to be able to manage multiple sets of configuration for Kong Gateway through a single interface. Today, we’re happy to announce Runtime Groups for Kong Konnect. Runtime Groups allow you to manage your configurations independently.

How To Create Company Behavior Sample Rate Rules | Dynamic Sampling | Moesif in 100 Seconds

Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. This video will show you how to create sampling rules based on company behavior or demographics via Saved Cohorts within Moesif. Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.
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Using Open Source for API Observability

API Observability isn't exactly new, however it's popularity has seen rapid growth in the past few years in terms of popularity. API Observability using open source is different from regular API monitoring, as it allows you to get deeper and extract more valuable insights. Although it takes a bit more effort to set up, once you've got an observability infrastructure running it can be immensely helpful not only in catching errors and making debugging easier, but also in finding areas that can be optimized.

How To Create User Behavior Sample Rate Rules | Dynamic Sampling | Moesif in 100 Seconds

Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. This video will show you how to create sampling rules based on user behavior or demographics via Saved Cohorts within Moesif. Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.

Demystifying the Differences Between APIs and Web Services

APIs and web services are two overlapping entities in the tech world. While the two share some similarities, they are often used interchangeably. However, they aren’t really the same thing. So it’s okay if you’re a little confused about these two tech terms. Set your worries aside because we are here to demystify the concepts of web services and APIs for you today. This article will outline APIs, web services, and their key differences and similarities.

Integrate Facebook Login to an Application Using Asgardeo

As a result of the rapid growth in the number of applications and systems in the world, it has become arduous to create multiple user accounts and remember the credentials for each application. Addressing this concern, social login has become a widely adopted login option. Social login is a simple process where a user can select a social network as their identity provider.

Ready, Set, Product Led Growth

The meteoric rise of Product-Led Growth, or PLG, has transformed business within the world of technology. One sector in particular has found incredibly fertile ground, that being, API-driven companies. This is in part because API-driven companies offer an easy-to-adopt platform that is highly customizable. Top product led growth companies Twilio and Stripe are often listed as the luminaries in the API space, because of their disruptive approach and their wildly high valuations.

Accelerating Releases with Quality: Contract Testing vs. E2E Functional Testing

Good API testing should give developers confidence that services will run and perform as expected in production. But how much contract testing vs. E2E functional testing is really needed for quality at speed? This blog was first published on September 9th, 2021. It has been updated with the most current information.

How To Create Company Sample Rate Rules | Dynamic Sampling | Moesif in 100 Seconds

Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. This video will show you how to create sampling rules specific to a company within Moesif. Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.

The Power of Event-Driven Architecture | Chris Parlette | TriggerMesh | Kongcast Episode 19

In this episode of Kongcast, Kaitlyn talks with Chris Parlette, Senior Solutions Architect at TriggerMesh about the evolution of microservices and event-driven architecture, who can benefit most from organizational future-proofing and modernization, and TriggerMesh as an event-driven integration platform.

Microservice Architecture and graphQL s2

GraphQL possesses a lot of potential and is also gaining so popularity these days. But it's application in the relation to microservices is quite affectionate. So, let's see how can we use GraphQL for microservices? Apart, from this you will also get to know what GraphQL and microservices is all about. We request you keep watching the video till end if you really want to gain worthy insights over GraphQL and Microservices.

How To Create User Sample Rate Rules | Dynamic Sampling | Moesif in 100 Seconds

Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. This video will show you how to create sampling rules specific to a user within Moesif. Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.

Top 7 API Analytics Tools for Your Business

APIs are basically pieces of code that help with task performance for the vast majority of businesses. An organization can accomplish data interoperability between various applications with the use of an API analytics tool. If you're a part of the API economy and want to start using APIs as a source of revenue or growth in today's hyper-connected world, you need to manage APIs with more finesse.

How DreamFactory Can Help You Reduce API Bottlenecks

If you’ve been using APIs for a while, you know that reducing API bottlenecks is important to ensure optimal user experience. API bottlenecks can cause your system to grind to a halt, resulting in lost sales and unhappy customers. However, powerful open-source software that provides a complete REST API for your JavaScript, Python, or PHP applications can help you avoid this fate. The solution to prevent these bottlenecks relies on the developer platform you decide to use.

6 Best Practices for Productizing APIs

Web APIs are an integral piece of the development landscape today. According to a 2021 survey, top industries such as Digital Banking, Retail, and Financial services have experienced significant year-on-year API traffic growth with 70%, 51% and 50% increases since February 2021, respectively. The economic impact of APIs is significant and vast. Recent funding rounds of API-focused companies have seen millions of dollars go to companies precisely because APIs appeal to developers.

What is the API Economy?

Today’s digital economy is shifting toward dependence on microservices — self-contained and reusable software components — working in coordination to compose the applications we use. Communication between microservices happens through the API (or application programming interface). Using APIs (which are like pieces of software that let applications communicate with each other) is how microservices expose their functionalities and allow access to their services and their data.

3 inspiring stories behind the importance of data-driven insights

I think many of you would agree that the world is in a somewhat precarious situation at the moment. A long period of polarization preceded the current conflict in Ukraine that personally touches many of us. Maybe this is a good time to reflect on initiatives that bring people together and how data-driven insights and connection help us. Integrating (applications, platforms, data) is what we do at, but maybe it’s better to think of it as connecting?

How to rate limit your requests per consumer groups

One of the most common use cases our customers are using Kong for is rate limiting. There are a few common reasons for doing this: For all those and more, we’re able to easily add this functionality with Kong’s rate limit advanced plugin. The plugin can be applied at different levels such as service, route, specific consumer, or even in a global scope.

The Top Four Challenges With API Development

In the 21st-century business world, application programming interfaces, or APIs, have become a critical tool for modern organizations. APIs have proven integral when it comes to application development. In addition, APIs help add better functionality and scalability to modern apps. From automating tasks to improving services, APIs provide organizations with various benefits. However, the benefits of API development don’t come without some challenges.

Speedscale Traffic Replay is now v1.0

Nate Lee here, and I’m one of the founders of Speedscale. The founding team’s worked at several observability and testing companies like New Relic, Observe Inc, and iTKO over the last decade. Speedscale traffic replay was borne out of a frustration from reacting to problems (even if they were minor) that could have been prevented with better testing.

What Is Product-Led Growth and Why Is It Critical for API-First Companies?

There’s a common misconception that product-led growth means a business doesn’t focus on sales. That’s not the case. It’s just that product-led growth layers in sales later in the customer journey. This can be a hugely effective approach, particularly when it’s combined with deep data insights to drive that growth. For API-first companies, this product-led approach is a cornerstone of success.

Guide to Open Banking and Embedded Finance

Open banking initiatives have taken flight in many economies across the globe. Predicated on the open access of banking data for the overall benefit of customer choice, open banking comes with many challenges — security not the least of them. Giving customers the ability to easily switch providers of financial products goes a long way towards providing a more open and inclusive landscape of products for customers to choose from, and delivering better customer experiences.