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September 2022

An Introduction to AI-generated Content and Generators

Artificial intelligence is one of the most popular, yet misunderstood phenomena in the world. Many people get their ideas about AI from apocalyptic Sci-Fi movies rather than an understanding based on science or observation. The truth is that many pieces of software, websites, and applications already use AI. An AI writing generator is not that difficult to obtain. AI can even make music, create pictures, or talk to you. Chatbots have been a thing for more than two decades.

How To Deploy a HuggingFace Model (Seamlessly)

What if I want to serve a Huggingface model on ClearML? Where do I start? In general, machine learning engineers know by now that a good model serving engine is invaluable when serving models in production. These days, NVIDIA’s Triton inference engine is a popular option to do so, but it is lacking in some respects.

Why AI is the future of effective SAP releases

For decades, the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) has captivated our imaginations - from science fiction and film to algorithms that can approximate conversation, to the predictive text programs that can produce new Harry Potter fan fiction today. AI is no longer a concept, it is real and here, leaving business leaders asking what it can do for their complex ERP systems like SAP? Read this white paper to learn.