Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

November 2022

How You Can Contribute to ClearML's MLOps Platform

ClearML is an open source MLOps platform, and we love the community that’s been growing around us over the last few years. In this post, we’ll give you an overview of the structure of the ClearML codebase so you know what to do when you want to contribute to our community. Prefer to watch the video? Click below: First things first. Let’s take a look at our GitHub page and corresponding repositories. Later on, we’ll cover the most important ones in detail.

Top 5 AI Use Cases in Healthcare for Improving Patient Care & Hospital Efficiency

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way healthcare is delivered today. The industry’s data-driven evidential approach to medicine combined with AI is set to transform both the practice of medicine and how the treatment is delivered. AI is already being used to reinvent how people manage their health and access care, automate care delivery plans, and help with tedious tasks.

Interview With Hikari Senju, Founder and CEO of Omneky

For the next interview in our series speaking to technical leaders from around the world, we’ve welcomed Hikari Senju, Founder and CEO of Omneky. Hikari Senju is the founder and chief executive officer of Omneky, an AI platform for generating, analyzing, and optimizing personalized ads at scale.

How ClearML Helps Daupler Optimize Their MLOps

We recently had a chance to catch up with Heather Grebe, Senior Data Scientist at Daupler, which offers Daupler RMS, a 311 response management system, used by more than 200 cities and service organizations across North America and internationally. This platform helps utilities, public works, and other service organizations coordinate and document response efforts while reducing workload and collecting insights into response operations.