Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

June 2023

Moving Data From MySQL to Redshift: 4 Ways to Replicate Your Data

MySQL is the most popular open-source and free database in the world because it is powerful, flexible, and extremely reliable. But when it comes to data analytics, many companies turn to Amazon Redshift to complement MySQL. There are several ways to replicate your MySQL data to Redshift. But first, let’s dig a little deeper into why you should replicate your MySQL database to Redshift.

Cloud Data Warehouse: A Comprehensive Guide

With the advent of modern-day cloud infrastructure, many business-critical applications like databases, ERPs, and Marketing applications have all moved to the cloud. With this, most of the business-critical data now resides in the cloud. Now that all the business data resides on the cloud, companies need a data warehouse that can seamlessly store the data from all the different cloud-based applications. This is where Cloud Data Warehouse comes into the picture.