Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

January 2020

Deprecation Timeline for LoadImpact v3.0

In 1940, the American Football Championship Game was played between the Chicago Bears and Washington Redskins. A few weeks earlier the teams faced off and Washington won with a score of 7-3. Moving into the championship game, Chicago knew they had to make a strategic move and adapt the game to regain the upper hand. For the first time in the history of American football, a new strategy was introduced, the “T-formation”.

Using Selenium IDE Record and Playback tool

Selenium IDE is an open source record and playback tool used. Easy to use and fast in generating UI functional test cases. End to End testing is quite fast when you create tests from the Selenium IDE Chrome Extension or Firefox Add-on. Debugging tests, setting breakpoints, running an UI test to a specific test step work out of the box the new version of Selenium IDE. Test suites are available in order to group previously generated test cases, and exporting your test cases is a click of a button away.