Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

October 2021

Finding .NET Memory Leaks through Soak Testing

As you’re probably aware, C# is a modern, garbage collected language, which means you don’t have to take care of object disposal as you would in languages like C++. However, that doesn’t mean.NET engineers don’t face memory problems, such as memory leaks. In this post, we’ll walk you through the basics of memory leaks in.NET: what they are, how they occur, and why they matter.

Loadero test statuses explained

You have just clicked the button to run your test, but how soon will the first participant start the test? And when will you be able to explore the results reports? Each test run goes through multiple stages before a results report is generated. In this blog post we are going to explain everything you need to know about test run statuses you can see in Loadero!

Site Reliability Engineering and performance testing with Stephen Townshend (k6 Office Hours #32)

What's the difference between Site Reliability Engineering and performance testing? SRE and performance testing/engineering have a lot of overlap. Where does performance testing end and SRE begin? And what does this mean for people in those roles? To discuss this topic, we have three people with varying areas of expertise: Nicole van der Hoeven (k6) is a performance engineer, Stephen Townshend (IAG) has recently changed careers from performance to SRE, and Daniel González Lopes (k6) is an SRE who learned about performance testing when he joined k6.

Why are Percentiles More Useful than Averages in Performance Testing

We all want our websites to be responsive and useful. However, the biggest correlation between website performance and business results is seen by improving the performance and speed of your website. Users get bored if they have to wait for too long to load your website or application. Performance Testing and Load Testing your website and restful APIs will help you understand better how your website and web services behave when a lot of users access your website at the same time.

How to install and use the k6 Cloud Grafana data source plugin

Are you looking to integrate k6 with Grafana? Here's how to install and use the k6 Cloud Grafana data source plugin, as demonstrated by Nicole van der Hoeven. This plugin recreates the k6 Cloud dashboards in Grafana and works with locally hosted instances of Grafana, Grafana Cloud, and Grafana in a Kubernetes cluster.

Supercharge your test script with a DSL

When someone new joins the company, they're encouraged to do what is called a "Week of Testing" - taking k6 for a spin and presenting your findings to the rest of the team. This article will show you how you can make your test scripts more readable and maintainable. To do that, I'll test a demo application with a custom DSL. DSL is short for a Domain Specific Language, and in this case, it allowed me to write meaningful code specific to our business requirements.

Load testing with k6 for beginners, with Inanç Gümüs and Viktor Mihajlovic (k6 Office Hours #31)

Load testing with k6 can be daunting for beginners. In this k6 Office Hours, we talk about first impressions and potential issues when getting started with k6. k6 Developer Advocate Nicole van der Hoeven and k6 Technical Customer Success Engineer Viktor Mihajlovic welcome a new member to the k6 team, Software Engineer Inanç Gümüs.

How to use k6 Cloud - a k6 load testing tutorial with Bill Rainaud (k6 Office Hours #29)

In this episode of k6 Office Hours, Nicole and Simme are joined by Bill Rainaud, Inside Account Executive at k6, to show how to use k6 Cloud, and the easiest way to get started with k6 load testing. Tune in to watch a full tutorial on how to run your first load test, even without any code.

What's New In Loadero (September 2021)

September was a busy month for our team. With some of the vacations still happening, we worked hard to make our tool even better for you and also created and ran tests for some of our customers. While work on some features is still in progress, in this blog post we share what was changed in Loadero in September.