Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

May 2022

Local Tests With Selenium And Python Browser Automation

There are various reasons for running Python browser automation tests locally, the most common one for us is saving time. Loadero test runs usually take no more than 5 minutes to initialize and start execution but can reach up to 10 minutes or more depending on how busy is the test run queue. To increase the speed of development, it’s often quicker to create the test script on your local machine and then run tests on Loadero.

What is Grafana Mimir? with maintainer Marco Pracucci (k6 Office Hours #53)

Maintainer Marco Pracucci talks about the new Grafana project, Mimir, a next-generation time-series database for Prometheus. He joins Developer Advocates Nicole van der Hoeven and Paul Balogh to talk about what Mimir is, why it was needed, and how he helped scale it using k6. RESOURCES.