Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2022

1 year ago we were acquired. Here's what happened next. (k6 Office Hours #58)

In June 2021, CEO Raj Dutt announced that k6 had become part of the Grafana Labs family, and the year that followed has been replete with changes in features, organizational structure, and overall culture within the k6 team. In this video, Nicole van der Hoeven and Paul Balogh reflect on everything that's happened in the last year and how k6 has fared 1 year after the acquisition.

Migration Of An Application Frontend To TypeScript

In Loadero we always look for ways to improve our product and make it more robust, secure, and maintainable. As we add more features to our product, the complexity of our code base increases and it makes it more difficult to add or refactor the code without introducing regressions of the functionality. Since our frontend was written in plain Javascript and React, there was no way to ensure type safety of passed data between components and functions.

Kubernetes Load Testing Comparison: Speedscale vs K6

In this article, you’ll be introduced to two different load testing tools that are both able to work with Kubernetes; Speedscale and K6. Throughout this post you’ll be given a comparative view of how each tool performs in five different categories: Ease of setup, developer experience, working with the CLI, creating tests, and integration into CI/CD pipelines.

Why is everyone talking about chaos engineering? with Vince Huang (k6 Office Hours #56)

Why is everyone talking about chaos engineering anyway? How different is it from testing? What does it have to do with performance? In this k6 Office Hours, k6 Technical Program Manager Vince Huang joins Developer Advocates Nicole van der Hoeven and Paul Balogh to talk about these topics and more.

How to migrate to Kubernetes, with Carlos Ruiz Lantero (k6 Office Hours #55)

k6 Cloud Backend developer Carlos Ruiz Lantero joins Developer Advocates Nicole van der Hoeven and Paul Balogh to discuss how to migrate to Kubernetes. Carlos has been working on migrating k6 Cloud services from ECS to EKS, and in this video, he shares his best practices for migration and things he wishes he'd done differently.