Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

August 2021

Kubedim: Microservices testing using k6 for reliability, with Kelvin Zhang (k6 Office Hours #24)

How do you do microservices testing and improve the performance and reliability of complex modern architectures? What is Kubedim, and how can k6 load testing be used to verify outcomes for a microservices-based system? Nicole van der Hoeven (k6 Developer Advocate), Daniel González Lopes (k6 SRE), and Kelvin Zhang (incoming Google SWE) discuss Kelvin's master's thesis at the Imperial College London.

How to Make Digital Transformation Work

The best way to appreciate key concepts involving digital transformation is to look at real-world examples. In a recent Kong webinar, I sat down with Solutions Engineer Ahmed Koshok as he reviewed several real-world case studies that help illuminate the role of microservices in making digital transformation successful for organizations. The case studies included Papa John’s, NextJ Systems, and Yahoo! Japan.

Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture

Microservices are an accelerating trend thanks to rousing endorsements from the likes of Google, Netflix, and Amazon. The microservice architecture is advantageous for it’s scalability, agility and flexibility. In contrast, the monolithic approach is the traditional tried-and-true model for building software. It’s much easier to debug and test. But how do you know which approach is best for your organization?

5 Reasons You Should Be Using Microservice-Based Architecture

‘Microservices’ and ‘Microservice-based architecture’ are concepts that are experiencing a rapid increase in popularity throughout the developer community and it’s ability to deliver simplicity in an increasingly complex web of applications, systems and databases is evident. But despite the popularity of microservice-based architecture, you may wonder what makes it so special. What are microservices and why should you join the trend?