Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

November 2021

Microservices vs Monoliths explained

If you’re a dev you’ve no doubt, come across people talking about monolith and microservice application architecture. Perhaps you are involved in designing a new system and have been asked to consider both architectures. The conversations are often regarding how microservices are the successor to monolith architecture, but today I’m going to try and layout why it’s not as simple as one being better than the other.

Faster Microservice-to-Microservice encrypted communication with Kong Mesh and Intel

Service Mesh is an infrastructure layer that has become a common architectural pattern for intra-service transparent communication. By combining Kubernetes a container orchestration framework, you can form a powerful platform for your microservices cluster, addressing the typical technical requirements that occur in highly distributed environments. A service mesh is implemented through a sidecar configuration, or proxy instance, for each service instance.

Mid Atlantic Meetup | May 2021 - What can APIs and Microservices tell us about organizations?

Architects are tasked with seeing that organizations meet their objectives with speed and quality, for a reasonable cost. This simple mission is anything but simple. Security, analytics, and everything in-between present themselves as forces to be acknowledged and considered. Building APIs and Microservices present new puzzles to be solved for architects. Or do they? In this session, we attempt to detect patterns that present themselves in organizations, which have their root in human elements. Yet reliably manifest in technology.

Monolithic vs. Microservices Architecture: A Side-by-Side Comparison

Microservices have gained a lot of traction in the last few years. Ever since the dawn of time, monolithism – packaging all your modules into one colossal codebase – was the default way to go when building software applications. However, as applications have had to cater to increasing volumes (of millions) of users over the internet over the last decade, scalability and flexibility have become ever more critical.

Top 10 Microservices Benefits

Many companies have embarked on microservices software projects in an effort to make modernize their suite of technology systems and reap the benefits that can come from deploying such an architecture. In the microservices model, applications are divided into a series of interconnected services based on operational capabilities. Each service supports a distinct set of functionality, effectively acting as a mini-application with its own operational logic, adapters, and even database schema.