Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

January 2022

Simplifying Authentication for Microservices Security | Jeff Taylor | Okta | Episode 10

Still trying to add auth to each microservice's code? According to Jeff Taylor, Senior Product Manager at @OktaDev there’s an easier way! In this Kongcast, Jeff tells and shows us how to speed up microservices security and take the burden off developers by managing auth with an API gateway.

Increase Developer Confidence with Microservices and API Test Automation

In a recently posted article on DZone, “Microservices: Good for Developers’ Mental Health,” Sauce Labs engineer, Simone Pezzano, addresses the link between developer confidence and mental health in today’s new workplace. Pezzano tells the story of his team’s bumpy start on their journey from monolith to microservices. Initially, Pezzano viewed microservices as a scary concept with rapid release cycles and shorter testing times.

SOA vs. Microservices: A Head-to-Head Comparison

Traditionally, monolithic architecture has been used to develop large-scale apps. However, people have realized its drawbacks and limitations over time. Without adapting to modern agile practices and limited flexibility does not allow for a productive development process. Therefore, organizations have been searching for better, more reliable architecture to facilitate the development of large-scale, complex apps with a more productive workflow.