Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

April 2020

Android memory leak

OutOfMemoryException is a common and frustrating bug, and one of the prime causes of unexpected app shutdown. “Why is this happening now, if the app was working perfectly yesterday?” It’s a question which perplexes both rookie and advanced Android developers the world over. There are a variety of potential causes of OutOfMemory Exceptions, but one of the most common is the memory leak — the allocation of memory in the app which is never released.

Updates from Bugfender Q1, 2020

Welcome to the spring Bugfender newsletter. Despite COVID-19 and thanks to being a remote company, we continue working on Bugfender to bring you new updates and features you can take advantage of. Bugfender is now hosted in twin datacenters. With a combination of High Availability and Master-Replica setups, we’re now able to process logs faster than ever and bring the service back up much faster in the unlikely event of datacenter-wide outages.

What are the characteristics of a Mobile DevOps environment?

Shipping the right app with the right functionalities to the right customer, at the right time is how you boost your ranking in the app store. Some of the key steps in this process are: continuously releasing high-quality software, listening to feedback, and providing new features to users — before they even know that they want them. To achieve all of this, app developers need two main things: automation tools and a growth mindset.