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November 2022

Top 5 iOS Automation Testing Frameworks with Code Examples

Automation testing is the name you hear from almost all software engineers. Ever wondered why? This is because of the versatility of automating the test cases across multiple OS platforms, browsers, and browser versions. Though Selenium is the most widely used tool, there are other testing frameworks that has almost similar features as Selenium. Also, iOS is the widely used operating system as it gives an edge over Android by offering better synchronization between hardware and software.

Learn About Responsive Website Design and Responsive Design Testing

Learn the basics of responsive website design and testing to help your team ensure great UX across different devices and configurations. One of the main challenges that development and QA teams face today involves screen resolution. Depending on the device from which a user connects, screen resolutions could range from a mere 320 pixels wide (the screen width on the iPhone 5, which has the smallest resolution of modern devices) to 4K desktop displays with resolutions of 3840 by 2160 pixels or more.

How to Inspect Element on iPhone

Learn how to inspect elements on an iPhone or iPad for testing and troubleshooting web and mobile web UI issues When you're developing a web or mobile web app, you need to make sure the user interface (UI) is responsive. In other words, the UI elements need to look and function as designed across different mobile device models, browsers, and operating systems (OS). Inspecting elements is a helpful tool for troubleshooting web UI issues.

Publish to App Store Connect with Codemagic's Apple Developer Portal integration

Last year, we introduced an easier way of distributing your app to users via the App Store. It simplified and automated publishing apps on App Store Connect with a few lines you could add to your codemagic.yaml file. This feature automated your iOS releases from start to finish and pushed the CI-verified builds straight to the App Store. We are excited to announce that we have simplified this process even further! Now, you can directly reference the API key and authenticate with App Store Connect!

How To Use iPhone Simulators On Windows

At ground level, simulation imitates a process or a system through a model. These models are usually software-based and represent the key characteristics of the chosen system you want to imitate. As a result, the simulation collectively represents how the system evolves with respect to various scenarios and times. From testing your apps for one operating system on another to creating a virtual reality environment for learning how to drive a car – simulations are used in numerous use cases.

Best Software Testing Tools QAs Are Using In 2022

When a project is sent to the testing team, the work starts for inspection of its quality before shipping it to the end user. As a responsible team, testers always want the number of bugs to be the bare minimum, with no complaints during the release. To bring this vision into reality, the testers have two paths they can take. The first path is aggressive.

Key Differences Between Black Box And White Box Testing

Accentuating both quality and security while developing applications is the need of the hour. It helps ensure your application is free from all possible flaws and security loopholes that might lead to significant revenue losses. Testers all across the globe rely on both black box and white box testing to identify and remove all the critical errors before releasing the final product. In this article, I’ll go into detail about Black Box vs.

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Innovative times for mobile: implications for app developers and testers

The past few months have seen various landmarks in mobile technology, notably from Apple and the Android community, and these announcements and launches represent far more than just new devices and operating systems. There are also some massive strides forward, including more focus on the user experience, which reflects the growing market demand for improvements in this area. Of course, mobile has always led the pack in terms of UX, but with more people engaging with the rest of the world via their smartphones, they increasingly expect a better experience.

A Comprehensive Guide to Automation Testing & its Types

Automation testing is a technique in which testers leverage automated software tools for executing test cases. These tests typically include operations that are repetitive in both their nature and outcome. Automating the test suite helps in saving time and effort required in performing repetitive and resource-heavy tasks that are difficult to perform manually. In this blog post, let’s explore the advantages, types, and frameworks of Automation testing.

Frontend Testing vs Backend Testing: What's the Difference?

An application can broadly be divided into two categories: frontend and backend. Before releasing a product in the market, it’s essential to test whether both the frontend and backend of the application are working correctly. Frontend testing is the testing of the user interface visible to the user by which users interact with the application. In contrast, backend testing is about testing the actual database and server logic under the hood, which is not visible to the application users.

DevSecOps: Injecting security testing into iOS CI/CD pipelines

How can you develop more secure iOS apps? In this presentation, Bitrise Developer Advocate Moataz Nabil shares the best practices for injecting security into the CI/CD pipeline. Build better mobile applications, faster! Automate and accelerate with Bitrise's Mobile DevOps Platform, featuring industry-leading mobile CI/CD.

[Webinar] Reduce Flakiness in Native Mobile App Automation Using Katalon and Service Virtualization

Flaky tests hinder development, slow down progress, and cost a lot of money in the long run, especially in mobile native app automation. Watch our webinar to explore how you can eliminate test flakiness, with the key highlights.

10 reasons to choose Codemagic CI/CD in 2022-2023

Codemagic is a CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery) tool that is best suited for mobile developers. It can help you speed up your release cycle, get actionable feedback faster, and forget about the pain of manually submitting your apps to stores. Codemagic is evolving fast: This year, we added M1 Mac mini build machines and changed our pricing so that everyone can afford to use the friendliest mobile DevOps tool on the market.

Top 8 QA Automation Tools For Software Testing In 2022

Today, software developers have no option but to provide a software application near perfection. Automation is a great way to expand operations and save time and money. All the repetitive testing tasks that take a long time and are challenging to complete manually are automated using automated software tools. On the other hand, manual testing necessitates a trained human’s precise execution of test actions. As a result, automation testing expands the number of tests on a software program.

Quick XPath Locators Cheat Sheet

Data is the new asset for any business use case for drawing insights. Similarly, Automation Testing is the new standard that tech companies set for testing their software products. XPath plays a vital role in any of the uses above, in scraping data from multiple websites or testing products and functionality. XPath allows testers like us to navigate around various locators of the web page with the help of numerous properties such as ID, Tag Name, Group Index, and Predicates.

What Makes Device Farms So Crucial For Software Testing?

The Mobile app market is growing at an incredible rate. As of January 2022, over 3.57 million apps were available for download on the Google Play Store, which is only expected to grow in the coming years. With so many apps on the market, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for developers to stand out. One way to ensure that your app is of the highest quality and has the best chance of success is to test it on various devices. This is where Device Farms come in.

Software Inspection v Software Testing: How do they differ?

When it comes to software development, we are often swamped with varied quality assurance terms that seem to have the same meaning. For instance, we confuse software testing types with software inspection. To give you a brief background: developed by IBM in the early 1970s, the term software inspection came into the picture when it was noticed that software testing wasn’t enough to attain high-quality software. So, what’s the difference between inspection and testing?

Reduce Flakiness in Mobile Native App Automation Using Katalon and Service Virtualization

The milieu of mobile applications is intensifying across all business sectors in the world we currently live in. It is because of these users; the world is seeing high usage of mobiles to the tune of billions of transactions. Organizations are prepared to take whatever measures are necessary and develop apps that are adored by their potential users to tap into these mobile users and turn them into a loyal customer base.

Code signing issues in Xcode 14 and how to fix them

Since the release of Xcode 14, numerous code signing issues have emerged, plaguing builds across various CI/CD platforms. And even though code signing process was never easy, issues like these were relatively uncommon in previous versions of Xcode, such as Xcode 13 and Xcode 12, leaving many developers worried. If you are facing some unfamiliar code signing issues with Xcode 14, while everything seems to be fine with your keys and certificates, you aren’t alone.

How Big is the Global Accessibility Testing Market and How Fast is it Growing?

Accessibility testing makes weband mobile applications usable by the broadest possible audience. It makes applications accessible to individuals with vision, hearing, and other physical or cognitive conditions. Globally, corporations are concentrating on enhancing customer engagement and retention to maintain market competition. Customers for accessibility testing include individuals with disabilities, who must be considered when conducting business.

End To End Testing vs Regression Testing: A Comprehensive Comparison

End-to-end testing is a type of software testing that checks the system as a whole from start to finish. Regression testing is software testing that checks for errors after changes have been made to the code. Both are important for the software development process. However, they are two different types of tests that serve different purposes.

Acceptance Testing vs System Testing: Why do we need them?

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) has multiple stages, which include some testing phases. System testing and acceptance testing are integral parts of the overall testing lifecycle. In system testing, we test the system as a whole. We integrate all the modules and components and verify if the system meets the expectations or not. Once we have successfully tested the system, the entire application can be handed over to the users to check for its acceptability.

8 Steps for Planning a Mobile Testing Strategy

Learn the best practices and steps for creating a winning mobile testing strategy. To put any idea into a practical action plan, you need a strategy. Same goes for mobile app testing: if you don’t have a strategy, you can’t test your apps effectively or efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll explain the best practices and steps for creating a winning mobile testing strategy.

Entry and Exit Criteria in Software Testing Life Cycle - STLC [2022 Updated]

Testing is an essential element of the increasingly competitive technology industry. It is an integral part of any Software Development Life Cycle or SDLC and can impact the result of all aspects of the project, such as time, cost, and quality. STLC, or Software Testing Life Cycle, is a series of operations carried out by the testing team to ensure the quality of the software or product, and it solely addresses the testing phases. Knowing the entry and exit criteria for STLC is essential.

What is Defect Leakage in Software Testing?

Several testing procedures and techniques find flaws throughout the Software Testing Life Cycle, abbreviated STLC. Defect leakage measures the percentage of problems that leak from one testing stage to the next, demonstrating the efficacy of testing. However, because certain defects, faults, and mistakes are present at the most internal level of the program, even the most well-known and efficient testing processes cannot locate and identify them all.

Best Practices for Effective Mobile Testing: The Modern Mobile Automated Testing Pyramid

Learn about our reimagined mobile test automation pyramid for modern DevOps practices. With the mobile market growing explosively and customer expectations increasing just as rapidly, today’s mobile app development and QA teams are under tremendous pressure to deliver constant updates for their apps while providing a continuous and seamless user experience.