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March 2020

Xray Receives Atlassian Partner of the Year 2019: Fastest Cloud Growth

Atlassian announced today that Xray (Xpand IT) has received Atlassian Partner of the Year 2019 Fastest Cloud Growth for their outstanding contribution and achievements during the calendar year 2019. This includes exceptional efforts in developing new business, thought leadership, and products and services that complement Atlassian. Xray (Xpand IT) was one of 6 Marketplace Vendor recipients honored as Marketplace Vendor of the Year for our continuous effort throughout the year.

k6 as alternative to Azure load testing and Visual Studio load test

At the end of 2018, Microsoft stated that Visual Studio 2019 is the last version with load testing features. A few months later they formally announced that Azure load testing is closing down on March 31st, 2020. This announcement came as a bomb to the community. But for those who follow this market, the news was not a complete surprise.

What Is a Requirement Traceability Matrix?

When developing software applications, we want to make sure the application does what the software requirements say it’s supposed to do, and testing proves that it does. In this article, I’ll explore how to link requirements to test cases, and I’ll explain what a requirement traceability matrix is and how to build a simple one.

Optimize Your Testing Efforts for Continuous Delivery

In these tough times, the well-being of customers and employees is the most important for every organization. During this unexpected crisis, there are teams working from home while there are few workplaces that have reduced workforce. It is a given that the thoughts, efficiency and availability of your team will not be the same as you may expect otherwise. In these conditions, it is vital that the robustness of your software is not compromised.

5 Tips for Testers to Work Remotely During the Coronavirus Outbreak

The COVID-19, or Coronavirus, crisis has made significant impacts on the lives of every one of us, let alone the way organizations operate. Working from home is becoming a norm for companies to ensure their staff’s safety, prevent the spread of the virus, and follow the restrictions of the government.

Presenting: New and Improved Python Samples for Sauce Labs

Like many things in life, the toughest part of a test automation project can be getting started. That's why the Solution Architects and Information Developers are working hard to produce good materials for anyone getting started with test automation and Sauce Labs. To help this effort, we've reworked some Python example code, which can be found in the Sauce Labs Training Demo Python repository.

How to automate Load Testing with k6 in TeamCity builds

In this tutorial, we will look into how to integrate performance testing with k6 in your TeamCity build setup. k6 is a free and open-source performance testing tool for testing the performance of APIs, microservices and websites. TeamCity is a continuous integration and delivery server built by JetBrains.

Data Driven vs Keyword Driven Frameworks for Test Automation

A test framework is a set of guidelines which can be followed to create test cases and related processes. These guidelines can be about coding practices, storage and retrieval of test data and test results, interaction with external resources and many other things. A test framework usually contains internal libraries and reusable code modules which provide a foundation for test automation and can be leveraged to build test automation systems for different types of applications.

What Is Test Driven Development?

When I’m writing new software, one of the most important thoughts in my mind is how I’ll test to make sure it works. There are lots of ways to test software, and when you’re at your best, you should be using all of them. Sure, you should make sure that your QA team is able to verify that your code works before it goes live. You should make sure that the code passes acceptance tests, too.

[Webinar] Solving 2020 Mobile Testing Challenges with Codeless Solutions

As 2020 begins, it is reported that an average team automates less than 50% of their tests — that wastes tons of hours and manual work. In other words, mobile application providers nowadays have to face new challenges as they adopt automated testing, making the automation journey even more complicated.

Install OctoPerf in Your Company

We have come a long way since the original release of the OctoPerf Enterprise Edition 30 months ago. We have added so many features since then that it felt important to regroup them in this blog post to highlight how easy it has become to install and manage your own OctoPerf server. I will refer to our documentation a lot because all of these features are detailed there. But documentation can sometimes make the decision process more difficult just because of the sheer amount of information it gives.

Documentation and Agile Performance Testing

Introduction Once upon a time documentation was one of the most important aspects of Quality Assurance and this was not limited to the functional test efforts but the non-functional testing as well. We spent days, weeks, months even creating Performance Test Strategies, Approaches, Plans, Test Case, Completion Reports etc. Most of these documents were required before any automation could be written and before a sensible performance testing framework could be considered.

Katalon Announces Partnership Program to Offer Expanded Services to Their Customers

Atlanta, GA – March 6, 2020 – Katalon is proud to announce the launch of a new partnership program and two initial service partners, KMS Technology and KMS Solutions. The new program will leverage these partnerships to offer implementation and training services for Katalon’s award-winning test automation platform. Since its launch in 2015, Katalon has experienced exponential growth with thousands of worldwide users.

A medical device manufacturer meets mission-critical regulations with Xray

Xray gave us full traceability of the requirements from specifications to test plans and test results. As a medical device manufacturer, Xray helps us maintain compliance with regulations while saving us development effort and cutting reporting time by 50%. Medical device manufacturers operate in an increasingly regulated environment. These companies have a unique set of challenges with how they design, release and operate their products.

Simple Way to Create Complex JMeter Scenarios

Introduction Creating complex performance testing scenarios in JMeter can be a complicated but necessary problem you will encounter as you build tests to mirror real user behaviour in your testing. There are many add-ins that can support you in the creation of these scenarios. Which is good if they do what you want them to do.

Load Testing Your API with Swagger/OpenAPI and k6

Throughout the years, there has been many attempts to devise a universal format for defining Web API specifications. The objective was (and still is) to help stakeholders of the system to work with those APIs, without having access to the source code. Each new "universal" format came with the promise of being ubiquitous and all-encompassing, but eventually faded away due to various reasons, like OData and WSDL.

Gatling: Simulation Scripts Parameterization

This blog post is a tutorial for writing Gatling scripts to load test web applications. It follows our first getting started with Gatling simulation scripts article. The application under test is a fake e-commerce. We are going to create a Virtual User that browses articles in this shop. To create a dynamic load test we will cover several topics.

Requirement Traceability Matrix & Regression Testing

Adding new functionalities into an existing application or making new code changes due to bug fixes can possibly result in new issues in a software application. QA teams need to follow different procedures to ensure no new issues have been introduced due to code changes. Regression testing is a test approach which helps testers make sure there are no new bugs due to code changes or because a new functionality was added to an existing one.

Codeless Testing Tools to Solve the Challenges of Test Automation in 2020

The world is entering a new age of technology: codeless applications, which are accessible to users at all levels. Popular codeless tools like Wix or Squarespace are making significant changes to the way non-dev users get involved in the product development cycle. By going codeless, teams can now fill in the gap between the accelerating demands of product delivery and the skill sets of the team members. Software testing is not an exception to the movement towards codeless practices.

How QA Teams Can Use Software Monitoring Tools

If you work in QA, you're probably accustomed to thinking of software monitoring as someone else's job. Traditionally, responsibility for monitoring applications fell to IT teams; QA's role ended with pre-deployment testing, and QA engineers did not usually touch monitoring tools. But the reality is that monitoring tools—meaning tools designed to help track application availability and performance, and also alert teams to problems—aren't just for IT teams.

Replacing Recompose with React Hooks

Recompose is a React utility belt for function components and higher-order components that has been very useful to our frontend engineering team. After more than three years of working with it, we’ve identified a lot of pain points. In October 2018, the React team introduced Hooks which shipped with React v16.8 and provided an alternative to HOCs.

How to remove Recompose and replace with Hooks

In our last post, we explored the pros and cons of Recompose and why we decided to remove it from our codebase. This post includes the strategy we used to approach the large task of implementing that refactor. It’s important to note that this strategy was created to fit our specific situation and is not a one size fits all approach to removing Recompose. Specifically, it was intended to work with our large codebase that is modified by our devs daily.

How to generate a constant request rate in k6?

There are two different categories of tools in the load testing ecosystem. The first category is called non-scriptable tools and are usually used for load testing either a single endpoint or a set of endpoints. These tools usually generate load using a constant rate, which is measured in requests per unit of time, usually seconds. These non-scriptable tools don't apply any logic to the load testing process, other than the generation of load.

Katalon Studio 6 End-of-Support: Everything You Need to Know

As a reconfirmation, Katalon Studio 6 and all of its previous versions will be obsolete on April 30, 2020 with a six-month grace period starting from October 2019, according to our community announcement. Here are all the details on the end-of-support or Katalon Studio 6 and what you need to know to prepare for the transition.

Difference between Priority and Severity

A bug is the most important entity in the software testing life cycle. Priority and Severity are the most important attributes assigned to a bug and yet these are the most misunderstood ones too. When properly used, these properties help in the effective execution of the bug fixing and release scheduling process. Whenever a new bug is encountered, the bug is logged by a tester or a customer.

Defining Regression Checks - Why, When & its Best Practices

Regression testing comprises re-running the test cases of already stable features and finding out if the new code changes attributed to the new release led to any negative impacts on the existing functionalities. With the amount of data flow across multiple modules in applications being made today, a feature addition or a fix can cause unexpected issues in the normal system operations.

Gatling: Getting Started With Simulation Scripts

Gatling is a load testing tool for measuring the performance of web applications. As such, it supports the following protocols: HTTP, WebSockets, Server-sent events. Other protocols are also supported either by Gatling itself (like JMS) or by community plugins. Gatling load testing scenarios are defined in code, more specifically using a specific DSL. This guide focuses on the basics of writing a simulation to test an HTTP application: OctoPerf’s sample PetStore.

Open source load testing tool review 2020

It has been almost three years since we first published our first comparison & benchmark articles that have become very popular, and we thought an update seemed overdue as some tools have changed a lot in the past couple of years. For this update, we decided to put everything into one huge article - making it more of a guide for those trying to choose a tool.

Web Application Testing: A 6-Step Guide

Almost every business today runs online. The internet is one of the easiest avenues for businesses to reach users, and websites are a great way to impress your customers. So, when you’re building a web application for your business, it’s important that you make it the best version it can be. To make sure that your web application is good enough to impress customers and avoid any negative impact, you have to test your application and fix any issues.