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April 2020

Remote Culture Tips From a Distributed Team

We're all remote workers today. There has been a ton of amazing information published by some of the leading remote companies about how to work remotely, but we haven't seen much that talks about what kind of company culture is necessary for remote work to thrive. Having done this for 8 years, I can confidently say the 'soft stuff' is as important as tooling and process. To that end, I asked our team (over Slack, naturally) to share their tips on how to thrive as a remote worker.

Why DevOps is Important for Modern Businesses

We are certainly in a faster-paced world. As we move forward, organizations need to get out of their silos and follow a more collaborative and efficient process to achieve excellence. Organizations that adopt DevOps are able to evolve and improve software products much faster when compared to those that use traditional software development processes. DevOps is a bridge between development and operations in an organization and aims to improve productivity as a whole.

Top 7 Ways to Communicate Software Testing Insights Better

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – a famous quote by Hellen Keller is very much valid even in current times, especially in the context of teamwork. The relationship between any two people is considered good when communication between them is healthy. And on the same lines, a team is able to work ‘together’ better when their communication is strong.

What Is Behavior-Driven Development?

We’ve written about the importance of testing before. If you’re in development, you’re no doubt familiar with agile methodology. But sometimes a test-driven approach seems at odds with going fast. And how do you best communicate the importance of testing to everyone on your team? If you’ve felt frustrated with test-driven development or don’t have buy-in from your team, behavior-driven development is there to help.

OctoPerf 11.7 - Pacing, Monitoring, Dynatrace and More

This new release of OctoPerf brings a lot of long awaited features. This is all based on your feedback, so make sure to let us know what you would like to see in OctoPerf next! Of course we have a few plans of our own for the future, but I strongly believe that a good software can only result from a good collaboration between users and developers.

Asynchronous API Performance Testing With JMeter

The principles behind performance testing API’s does not differ from the principles behind the performance testing of any application. Many API’s however are Asynchronous and a valid response from the API does not necessarily mean the transaction is complete which can cause a problem when measuring the performance of API’s. There are however ways around this and we will explore these in this post.

Behavior Driven Development(BDD) With Gherkin

How can we bridge the gap between business and development? How do we make sure that features being developed are according to the business requirements from the beginning? The answer is BDD, a framework that allows the business requirements to be converted into test cases that are reviewable by business and users when needed. Let us start with understanding what is Behavior Driven Development and the purpose it serves in detail below.

Katalon is a 2020 Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice

The Katalon team is excited to share that we were, once again, named a March 2020 Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice for the Software Test Automation market. With 640 reviews and a 4.4 rating out of 5.0 (as of 23 March 2020), Katalon Studio continues to be recognized as a Customers’ Choice for the second year in a row, as reviewed by the end-user professionals.

Why Choose Testsigma as your Automation Testing Tool?

Though manual testing will always have its place, test automation is a necessary part of an organization’s testing process as it can help the business achieve larger business goals like high-quality products with less cost and reduced investment on resources. Also, there are other benefits such as quick test results, shortened release cycles among many others.

Cypress: The Web Testing Framework of the Moment

Cypress is one of the best web testing frameworks created so far. With more and more new web development frameworks on the market, it’s harder and harder to find an end to end testing or integration testing framework that would work well in any situation. In the recent years, we’ve seen a spike in web development frameworks, from Angular 1 or Angular 2, to the more popular React and VueJs, to new one like Svelte, and less popular like EmberJs and BackboneJs.