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May 2020

Load testing with Azure Pipelines

If you want to jump straight to installing the marketplace extension, you can find it here. Performance issues can quickly turn expensive. Reasons can vary from unexpected traffic surges, pieces of non-performant code acting as bottlenecks, or misconfigured network components. Integrating load- and performance testing into your CI pipeline will allow you to know about performance degradations early, in most cases, even before it has any impact on your users in the production environment.

Open-Source vs Commercial tools for test automation?

In software testing, open-source tools have existed for quite a while and they will keep existing in the future. New testing frameworks and tools appear every single day, so how do you know what works best for you? Are commercial tools better than open-source alternatives or the other way around? There is no clear answer and “it depends” highly on your needs. Teams are unique and should use whatever tools they want in order to be more efficient, productive, and happy.

Debug Your Apps from Anywhere with Sauce Labs Virtual USB

Today many organizations across the globe have shifted to a remote workforce. While this move may be temporary for some, it requires testing teams to reevaluate how they are testing their web and mobile apps. Traditionally a developer would have a number of devices on their desk or available from a physical device cart in the office, but testing and debugging an app when you don’t have the affected device readily available is a hassle. In a live demo of Sauce Labs Virtual USB, we’ll show you how Virtual USB (vUSB) simulates connecting a real device with a USB cable directly to your local machine during a live or automated testing session. With this functionality you can easily interact with a device in the Sauce Labs Real Device Cloud via an integrated development environment like Android Studio, or using browser-based tools like Chrome DevTools.

The Future of Testing is Intelligent - Diego Lo Giudice, Forrester Research

Slowly but surely, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are becoming an active part of our daily lives, shaping, for better or worse, the technologies and applications we use each and every day. We already know that AI and ML capabilities are helping make testing solutions – and the testers that use them – more effective and efficient than ever before.

How to Autoscale Kubernetes Pods with Keda - Testing with k6

This article demonstrates how to Load Test an application deployed in a Kubernetes cluster, verify that the autoscaling is working, and identify potential performance bottlenecks. When you deploy an application to production on Kubernetes, you'll need to monitor traffic and scale up the application to meet heavy workloads during various times of the day. You'll also need to scale down your application to avoid incurring unnecessary costs.

Global power supplier gains 50% testing efficiency with Xray

Established in Denmark in 1933, the DEIF Group is a global market leader in green, safe and reliable control solutions for decentralised power production on land or at sea. In simple terms, they make sure power is always available. DEIF Group is staffed by more than 550 employees and represented in 50+ markets in all regions of the world.

Sharing Variables Between Virtual Users

Variables, may they be constant or dynamic, are an essential part of load testing. We already learned how to manipulate these values by extracting and re-injecting them inside one Virtual User. But what if we need to share these values between several Virtual Users ? In this blog post, I will show you just how to do that, using the MQ technology.

Top 9 Tools for UX Testing

The temptation to dive into user experience design without actually testing to see if your efforts are taking you in the right direction may be weighing on you right now, especially if there are other pressures that are prompting you to push forward with a project as quickly as possible. However, good UX testing can make for a great end product that is not only more satisfying for end users, but is also easier to manage, maintain and update at the backend.

Forever Free Plan From Testsigma Released!

We are happy to announce the launch of Testsigma’s freemium version!! Now Testsigma lets you create simple but efficient web automated tests easily and for free! We are offering businesses the freedom to try and experiment with the tool, without having to worry about the trial period. The free plan can help teams try out how Testsigma simplifies test automation with all that is needed to create stable, reliable, and efficient tests.

How to Write a Good Bug Report? Some Tips

Bug reporting is an important and major aspect of software testing. Some teams discuss minor bugs with developers directly, while most companies make it a point to report the bugs irrespective of its severity. This way, we do not “bug” the developers too much and, the tester who finds it next will not spend duplicate efforts reporting the same bug again. If a bug is not documented, the developer fails to understand the bug or worse, reject it.

How to accelerate testing with in-sprint automation

In modern development practices like Agile and DevOps, testers work in compressed test execution cycles, and automate regression tests to reduce time, efforts and costs involved in testing. But even so, testing doesn’t advance at the same speed as development. The most common form of test automation is N-1 Sprint automation in which QA teams test one sprint behind development.

Common Software Testing Mistakes Beginners Make & How To Avoid

Software testing is the process of finding bugs or discrepancies in a software. It is a process put in place to check that an application, set to be released in the market for users, has a minimum number of errors. Even though the job of a software tester is to catch errors committed by developers, software testers themselves are not immune to errors. As a beginner in software testing, you would make your own mistakes and learn from them to shape your career path.

Migrating from Selenium to Katalon | Enable Codeless Test Automation

In the test automation tool market, Selenium is most likely to be the first tool of choice for testers. Selenium is useful for writing test scripts for web applications. It is capable of simple tasks—like checking how the page loads, to a more complex process—like imitating the entire user experience on a website. Over the years, Selenium has evolved to more than just an automation tool to a much-needed testing skill for QA professionals.

Android device testing on Bitrise

Automate the device testing of your mobile apps with Bitrise: use our dedicated Steps to run device tests on iOS and Android devices in Firebase Test Lab. Continuous integration and delivery built for mobile: Automate iOS and Android builds, testing and deployment from your first install to the one millionth. Free for Open Source and small teams. Plans for teams of all sizes.

15 Remote Working Tips From Experience

Remote work has been steadily gaining popularity for some years now. According to an article published by smallbizgenius, in 2019, the number of people who work from home has increased by 140% since 2005. Now, most of the population is working from home. For most of the companies that had not adapted work from home before, this time has been an eye-opener. Many companies including the big ones like Twitter, Barclays, Mondelez are allowing employees to continue work from home indefinitely.

[Webinar] Automation Testing on the Cloud DevOps - Remote Working Made Easier

The trend of teams moving on from traditional testing processes to adopting DevOps practices is becoming more apparent in recent years. Automation testing and continuous integration are what make DevOps achievable. This is the key to ensure continuous development and quality at speed, especially when businesses are at stake in the current situation. Join our experts to explore how cloud DevOps is changing software development. Also, see a live demo of how Katalon Studio integrates with CircleCI can boost your CI/CD and automation testing.

Bosch uses Xray to deliver unparalleled product quality

The Bosch Group is a preeminent supplier of technology and services throughout the world. As a leading IoT company, Bosch offers innovative solutions for smart homes, smart cities, connected mobility, and connected manufacturing to consumers and businesses alike. Nearly 17% of the 410,000+ employees at Bosch work in research and development. Bosch’s culture of innovation serves as the foundation for their future successes.

Look, No Strings! Puppeteer, Jest, and Sauce Labs

Over the years software tools, testing frameworks, and development practices have evolved to meet new challenges. This shift means testing is happening earlier in the software development lifecycle with developers increasingly taking on more responsibility for testing with a focus on speed. That’s why we’re excited to announce the expansion of our developer-first test capabilities.

Testing Better Together With the 2020 Continuous Testing Benchmark Report

A little more than a year ago today, aiming to address what we saw as a significant gap in the testing market, we first launched the Sauce Labs Continuous Testing Benchmark, a new report organizations could use to see how their continuous testing efforts stacked up against both critical best practices and the testing efforts of other enterprises.

Gatling: Loops, Conditions and Pauses

This blog post is a guide to help you write Gatling scripts in order to load test web applications efficiently. It follows our second Gatling Simulation scripts parameterization article. We will continue to load test a fake e-commerce, and so we are going to improve our Virtual User to make it browse the store in a more humanly way. We start where the previous blog post ended, with a simulation script that uses a CSV feeder and a Regular Expression extractor to visit dynamic pages of the pet store.

Webinar Recap: Staying Productive while "Testing from Home"

Working from home is the new norm for teams all over the world. For software development teams, adapting to the new working environment has been going on for more than one month now. To further understand the challenges of working (or testing) remotely, we conducted a quick survey on the state of working from home for the testing community.

9 Tips for Selecting Test Cases for Regression Testing

Imagine a scenario where your customers see a nasty bug in your application the day a major release was rolled out. You had been raving about the new update but the bug now blocks the main workflow. The update did not add up to your company’s goodwill as it should have. Regression Testing is put in place just to avoid such situations.

[Webinar] Staying Productive while "Testing from Home"

As we all know, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses and individuals are still increasing. Many companies have switched to work-from-home mode to protect their employees and to comply with government restrictions. Join the sharing session with our experts to get updated on the latest trends in test automation, adopt the best practices to work from home, and see what the community is doing to overcome this challenging time.

Make Testing Remote-Friendly

Time suddenly took a U-turn and did when we least expected it. While just some time ago, millions of people were travelling across the globe, now we are forced to stay at home for our good. If expert opinion and news analysis are to be believed, remote work is expected to become the new norm at least in the near future. We need to equip ourselves to better adapt to the situation in the best way possible.