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September 2020

Test Automation Landscape in 2020 Report | Examine Current and Future Disruptive Trends

ATLANTA, GA – September 28, 2020 – Katalon LLC released a report on the current landscape of test automation based on the answers of 5,000+ respondents worldwide. Its purpose is to gather valuable insights and highlight recent best practices to aid the testing community in formulating data-driven strategies and solutions.

A Five Step Framework to Scale, Optimize & Accelerate API Standardization

Consistency is one of the most critical elements of accelerating API development as organizations try to meet increased demand, quality expectations, and regulatory requirements. Without a consistent API design to developers, there is no guarantee that the final result will match the intended purpose or the application depending on the API can function properly.

Modern Codeless Test Automation: Myths And Facts

With the advancement in technology together with the advent of Agile and DevOps, the software industry is witnessing many changes. Testing, being the part of the software arena, is also advancing to great new heights. From manual testing to record-and-playback tools, then to automation testing and now to codeless test automation, we have traversed a long path. And as we know only change is constant, there will be further advancements to make this journey more fun and fruitful.

How Running Load Tests Help E-commerce Businesses Prepare For Sales Season

E-commerce is growing globally, forecasts for 2020 promise it to reach over 4 trillion USD and over 4.2 billion USD for retail e-commerce. We are approaching a very special season for online retail business owners: Black Friday, Cyber Monday and preparing for the holiday season. Every team behind an e-commerce business is planning big for this time. Every online store will try to attract as much traffic as possible. Are you planning to do the same?

Test Management 101: We talkin 'bout quality?

Quality: We all hear about it, but do we know what it is, and why we need it? Quality:(noun)The standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something. "an improvement in product quality" Software quality: the totality of functionality and features of a software product that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. In other words, ensuring an app works after it’s deployed.

Better Together: Real Devices, Emulators & Simulators for Mobile Testing

Ten years ago I saw a Selenium test that could click on a capital "I" that was one pixel wide. I was not capable of clicking on it myself. Around that time, a lot of people began using phrases like "End to end is further than you think." Simulators and emulators, after all, could not simulate heat, poor memory management, low power, and other problems. Then again, that was ten years ago.

Types of Automation Testing: A Beginner's Guide

In the software testing world, there are two types of testing techniques — manual and automated. Both aim to execute the test case and then compare the actual outcome with the expected result. Manual testing is a testing technique that requires significant human effort to ensure a software solution does everything that it is supposed to do. While great for specific test cases, excessive use of manual testing proved to be inefficient over time.

Best Practices for Test Automation | 2020 Tester's Checklist

Although there’s no denying that manual testing will always stay relevant, there’s an increasing demand for automated testing. It brings on many benefits for companies and teams: time efficiency, extensive coverage. But how to best develop an automated testing strategy? In this article, we’ll show you some best practices in all 7 stages of your test automation strategy to maximize your experiences.

ETL Testing: What, Why, and How to Get Started

Companies use their data to accelerate business growth and overtake their competitors. To achieve this, they invest a lot in their ETL (extract-transform-load) operations, which take raw data and transform it into actionable information. It’s no wonder, then, that ETL testing is a crucial part of a well-functioning ETL process, since the ETL process generates mission-critical data.

Speeding Up Your Tests

A common complaint that I hear is: “My tests run a lot faster locally than on Sauce Labs.” Sauce Labs is in the cloud and not in your local network, so it makes sense that any given test is going to have some amount of slowdown. The advantage of Sauce Labs is that you can make up this difference by scaling up the number of tests you run at the same time.

Test Automation Landscape 2020

Amid the unprecedented year of 2020, the state of software testing continues to fluctuate. To better understand current trends, we, the Katalon team, conducted this comprehensive report to empower individuals and organizations and help them better adapt to "the new normal." Synthesized from valuable contributions of 5,000+ IT professionals across many industries worldwide, the report reflects diverse insights that shape the future of testing.

How to Load Test OAuth secured APIs with k6?

The outline of this article is as follows: Most systems are designed to treat users differently based on their identity. Therefore, users are authenticated via various mechanisms and it's often equally important to test the performance of anonymous and authenticated endpoints. One of the most widespread authentication standards used by today's applications is OAuth. In OAuth, we use a trusted third party to verify the identity of the user.

SeleniumConf Virtual 2020 Recap

This year the Selenium Conference was held virtually, and despite that, the conference again offered an exciting place for the Selenium community to meet in order to share and learn about the most popular browser automation tool in the world. The conference offered talks about improved testing practices, new tools to simplify the setup of automated tests, the future of Selenium, and lots of learnings from speakers who shared their use cases and practical advice for how they use Selenium at work.

Should I use the JMeter GUI for running the load tests against my application/API?

Often software developers get to ask themselves the question: Should I just run the tests in the GUI now that I finished developing them? The answer is pretty simple, NO. You should not use the GUI when running the tests. The GUI should be used only for developing the tests.

Accelerate Your Web Tests With Parallel Execution

It’s September. Students are back to school, whether that is in person or remote. Here in the States, we just celebrated the unofficial end of Summer with Labor Day. Things are likely picking up where you are, which makes it the perfect time to focus on test execution to put yourself ahead. Quality at the expense of speed, or speed at the expense of quality, is likely a challenge you have faced in your development journey.

How to install extra plugins in JMeter using the Plugins Manager?

A lot of times you will need to install some extra plugins that will help you in developing or running the performance tests. For this you will need to use the JMeter Plugins Manager. Below are the steps needed to install the Plugin Manager and install extra plugins: Written by Cristian Vazzolla.

Tech Tip: Best Practices For Using Sauce Connect

When your team moves to a cloud testing solution like Sauce Labs, creating a solid, secure connection is likely to be a top priority. One of the solutions to this challenge is Sauce Connect proxy. This is a command line tool that your team can use to create a TLS tunnel from your environment out to Sauce. This can be used to test applications that are not publicly facing; for example, if your team needs access to a local host system or a dev or staging environment.

Enterprise Capabilities in Collaborator to Tackle the New Normal

As Collaborator’s product manager, I speak with a lot of Enterprise customers throughout the year about their peer review processes, and where they see changes coming during this new age of distributed workforce. I noticed two common challenges that I’d like to explore further in this blog post through the lens of Collaborator.

Test Management 101: Integrations make continuous integration go 'round

Launching test automation tools in real time is an essential requirement for testers. That way all your results populate in a one-stop shop for continuous integration. Zephyr Enterprise allows you to integrate with Jira, Confluence, Crowd, and LDAP, continuous integration tools like Jenkins and Bamboo, and automation tools like Selenium and QTP/UFT. These diverse integrations enable you to realize the full benefits of these integrated, best-of-breed systems.

How to Install JMeter on Mac?

When starting with Apache JMeter for performance testing the first step you need to take is to install JMeter on your development machine so that you can develop the test scripts. For installing JMeter on Mac machine you have a couple of options: In case you do not know what Homebrew means, we can say just that is a package manager for macOS. (For more information on how the set up Homebrew you can find on

[Tutorial] How to Create and Execute Test Cases Using Record and Playback

Test recording is the easiest way for new automation testers to start learning and experimenting with test automation. In this first video, we'll cover how to create and execute test cases using the Record and Playback feature in Katalon Studio. Katalon's Web Recorder Utility function saves you from the time-consuming hassle of manually identifying objects on application under test by capturing your actions and converting them into runnable code in the back-end.

How Open Source Helps Bring Back Product Obsession

Did you know that one of the Sauce Labs co-founders created Selenium and that Appium was incubated in Sauce Labs? Open source is in our DNA! When a company relies heavily on open source, it is a common practice to develop strategies and long term goals to manage the relationship between the company’s products and the open source ecosystem.