Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

November 2020

Week of Testing Day 4: Streaming results to the cloud and stepped load profiles on k6

Nicole discusses how to stream the results of load tests run locally to the k6 Cloud and how to recreate a stepped load profile using k6, compared to a load testing tool like JMeter. Note from Nicole: I realized after this video that I was mixing `let` and `var` in this video. They have different implications on scope, and I would recommend you use `let` or `const` in your own scripts. Also, there are other ways to achieve the stepped load profile, but this is one way to do it.

The complete guide to Xray Test Management for Jira

In 2019, software testing was a $40 billion dollar industry. By 2026, it’s predicted to grow to $60 billion. This signals a paradigm shift in the importance of software testing and quality assurance. With an increased amount of testing and more advanced test strategies, it’s crucial to have a powerful test management tool.

Best tools in 2021 to do automated testing of your JavaScript apps

It’s no exaggeration to say that today’s internet is built on JavaScript. Around 95% of all websites have been built using the language, according to the latest figures. JavaScript has evolved beyond the client side and is now used to construct entire technology stacks, not to mention support databases like pouchdb and RethinkDB.

Agile Software Release Checklist Manifesto

How do you manage to release often without major issues? Create a checklist for your software releases, a list of steps to blindly follow every time release a new piece of software. Here is an example of what steps your list should contain: This list can go on and on, by I would suggest that every team should have a similar checklist. This checklist should be reviewed and updated every 1-2 weeks (doesn’t matter if you do Scrum or Kanban), most likely at the team retrospective meetings.

Real device testing best practices [webinar]

The device landscape is as vast as it is complex. With at least 63,000 possible device profiles reported—a number growing at almost 20% per year—the scale of device fragmentation is staggering. New models, operating systems, browsers, screen resolutions, etc., make it extremely difficult for web and app developers to deliver a consistently flawless user experience across all combinations.

Introducing Compute Units. How To Choose Correct Compute Power For Your Test.

Previously Loadero had the same amount of compute power assigned to each participant in every test, but applications that our customers test are different and have different demands for end user machine resources. That is why we added compute units to give our customers better flexibility in test creation. This also allows to run much larger load tests as well as optimize cost of running the tests for the applications that don’t use much compute power.

Automation Testing Tools Landscape | Test Automation Landscape Report 2020

Welcome back to our Test Automation Summary series. As we progress to 2021, the Katalon team made a Test Automation Summary 2020 video to reflect the big picture's software testing. This 6-minute video presents the current automation testing tool market and various factors that affect the tool selection process. This recap is synthesized from our Test Automation Landscape Report 2020, reflecting 5,000+ IT professionals' opinions across various industries.

How to Record and Run Load Tests with JMeter in the Cloud Chrome Extension

It’s so easy to record a load test for your website, just add to Chrome Browser the JMeter in the Cloud Chrome Extension and you’ll be able to record and run a load in less than 60 seconds. Let’s have a deeper look how to do this. This is it, less than 60 seconds to record a load test. Now you can: More detail can be found in this video. Written by Bogdan Vazzolla.

How to Get Started Testing: Best Test Cases to Automate

Testing is a critical step if you want to ensure quality in your products. It’s crucial to test your applications to make sure they work properly – otherwise, customers are less likely to buy or continue to use them. While important, software testing can be a repetitive process that takes time and resources you’d probably rather use for tasks that deliver innovation to the functionality or performance. This is where test automation comes in.

Rainforest Automation - An End-to-End Signup Test

Testing a sign up flow using Rainforest Automation, which is a no code testing platform for automated and manual QA testing. This shows a few advanced features useful in testing sign up flows, including data generation, email workflows and encapsulating common actions in embedded tests. This kind of automated end-to-end test is impossible with traditional test automation.

Why Product Managers Should Care About Testing

A product manager’s job first and foremost is to deliver value to their customers with the products they oversee. In order to ensure quality, those products need to be tested. Testing before release in a well thought-out manner gives product managers the confidence to create and execute high quality products and user experiences.

TM4J Is Now Zephyr Scale

When SmartBear added TM4J to our product portfolio earlier this spring, it brought us one more step towards our mission: help teams achieve quality throughout the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC), no matter where they’re starting from. The addition rounded out our test management portfolio, offering a solution to those customers who seek a SaaS test management solution within Jira. So why the name change?

Record JMeter Tests Chrome Extension

If you need to run a JMeter Load Test and it’s a burden to download Apache JMeter locally on your machine, open it and manually create your JMeter test file, now there is a much easier way to record browser interactions with JMeter. The LoadFocus | JMeter Load Testing in the Cloud Chrome Extension for recording JMeter test script files (.JMX files) from LoadFocus is a free tool to easily record and run load tests in the cloud.

What your test management platform is missing (plus how to fix it)

Your test management platform allows you to create test cases and assign them to testers. It makes it easy to analyze your results. But it doesn’t help you manage all of your testing resources in one place, and that’s a huge problem. In today’s world of online, remote work and the rise of the gig economy, distributed testing is not only widespread—but it also provides countless benefits to product and engineering teams (including faster releases).

The benefits of collective testing

Unless someone at your organization has built internal QA software, your in-house testers and your external testing resources are not testing under the same platform. We know, because no collective testing software exists, until now that is. We’ve enabled groundbreaking collective testing capabilities under our test management platform to keep your testing under one roof. But what does this really mean? And why should you—as a QA manager, dev team leader, or DevOps manager—care?

Performance Regression Testing

Regression Testing, as all Quality Assurance professionals know, is ensuring that previously developed and tested software continues to operate after a change. Performance Regression being a subset of regression testing as a discipline is therefore ensuring that previously developed and tested continues to meet its performance criteria after a change.

Rainforest Automation - Testing a Google Drive upload

Testing Google Drive file upload using Rainforest Automation, which is a no code testing platform for automated and manual QA testing. This is an interesting example because it requires access to and interaction with the filesystem, as well as several complex interactions including drag and drop. This kind of automated test is impossible with traditional test automation.

Performance testing gRPC services

v0.29.0 contained a lot of interesting features. Have a look at the release notes for details! gRPC is a light-weight open-source RPC framework. It was originally developed by Google, with 1.0 being released in August 2016. Since then, it's gained a lot of attention as well as a wide adoption. In comparison to JSON, which is transmitted as human-readable text, gRPC is binary, making it both faster to transmit and more compact.

Top 7 Test Automation Challenges To Look Out For

Having an effective test automation system is an absolute necessity in today’s agile software development environments. Automation works great, especially in case of smoke and regression tests and helps the QA teams to easily create and execute test cases that are complex in nature. Though automation can act as a power booster for your product pipeline of development projects, there are certain pitfalls in automation which slow down the automation pipelines if not tackled upfront.

QA metrics: beyond discovering defects

There are numerous test metrics or criteria to measure the success of mobile applications. But in a world of agile software testing, it’s more than just discovered defects. What other results matter in software quality and for end-users? Which QA metrics help validate the efficacy of your efforts? When it comes to QA metrics, there is no one size fits all. Just like in software development, you’ll want to align your benchmarks against your goals for the project.

Testlio 3.1 Delivers Groundbreaking Collective Testing Capabilities

Client employees and Testlio freelancers test together for exceptional QA results November 11, 2020. Austin, TX and Tallinn, Estonia. Today, Testlio, the originator of networked testing, announced the availability of version 3.1 of its testing management platform.

Easily track and report your exploratory testing with Xray Exploratory App

It’s been several months since we introduced our newest product addition to the Xray family, the Xray Exploratory App. Since then, we’ve received valuable feedback from users about what you can do with the app and we want to share it with you so you can also take advantage of these top-rated benefits. If you’re new to Exploratory Testing, let’s go into a brief overview of this method of testing.

How To Do Multi-Touch Gestures in Live Testing

Many organizations are working toward digital confidence by optimizing their testing practices. This may look like reconfiguring the delivery pipeline to integrate quality more meaningfully, moving test infrastructure to the cloud, and automating an increasing number of test cases. While all of these are helpful steps on the road to achieving digital confidence, some use cases might not benefit from more automated testing.

How Transformation in Application Development is Driving Innovation and Change in Testing

The way that applications are developed and deployed has changed massively in recent years. From new trends in CI/CD to the use of Kubernetes and containers to increased leverage of AI and machine learning, organizations are boosting agility and enabling increased collaboration, insight and intelligence for their applications. This is especially true for businesses in media and telecom, who see increased demand from users and are responding by embracing innovation (for example, Aberdeen research shows that media and telecom businesses are more likely to be leveraging AI/ML and microservices). To respond to these changes, leading organizations are looking for automated testing solutions that are designed to work with modern development practices.

Automation Testing Presence & Future | Test Automation Landscape Report 2020

As we progress to 2021, the Katalon team made a Test Automation Summary 2020 video to reflect the big picture's software testing. This 6-minute video presents top trends in test automation and future testing innovations expected in 2021. This recap is synthesized from our Test Automation Landscape Report 2020, reflecting 5,000+ IT professionals' opinions across various industries. We're excited to see what's going to change and what will be introduced in the next year. Follow us on social media for more material, coming exclusively from Katalon, to you.

Xray wins Gold Award for Customer Service and Support Department of the Year

We’re proud to share that Xray recently won the Gold Award for Customer Service and Support Department of the Year! We were recognized for our achievements of 99.7% SLA compliance and a 4.8/5 Customer Support Satisfaction. The Customer Sales & Service World Awards® is an international competition honoring achievements in customer experience.

A Look at the Key Takeaways from State of API 2020

There’s never been a more important time to pay attention to APIs. Given the impacts of a global pandemic, organizations are increasing their reliance on digital technology. Tools that support API development, testing, monitoring, and documentation have become crucial to enabling the success of digital initiatives.

How to Build, Schedule and Execute Performance Tests Before Black Friday and Cyber Week

Well into the pandemic and with the E-commerce boom rapidly accelerating due to people needing to stay inside, you’ll need to make sure that your website and mobile applications are performing well under high load for the holiday shopping season and especially for Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale events.

Quickstart to Automated Functional Testing with Visual Testing

You have decided to add the power of Selenium automated testing to your testing strategy, but are overwhelmed with how much learning is involved. The Selenium automation framework can be intimidating, and getting started with little to no experience can be a massive undertaking for any organization. The good news is that there is a great way to get started with automated functional testing and it’s not what you would expect: visual testing!

What's New In Loadero (October 2020)

Loadero customers around the world take quality assurance and testing seriously, we understand this and work hard to provide a cloud-hosted testing service to fit client’s needs. Over the past couple months we added new features and browser support to make sure Loadero users can achieve their testing needs. We are proud to share our latest updates in this blog post.

Mobile Cloud Testing 101 | Introduction and Implementation

With 2.1 billion smartphone users and 10,000+ mobile apps released daily, the mobile application field seems lucrative yet more competitive than ever, especially the testing landscape. To account for such demands, entering cloud mobile testing: transparency and mobility allow businesses and developers teams to optimize their mobile app testing pipeline while ensuring the application quality.