Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

March 2023

Unified App Management in Sauce Labs

App management accessibility connects the full mobile testing experience. We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand new App Management section coming to the Sauce Labs platform. This release extends our existing manual & automated testing capabilities providing a unified experience for all live and automated mobile testing. In this video, you’ll learn how the Sauce Labs new App Management interface helps you.

Cypress vs Playwright: Which is the Best Cross-Browser Testing Tool?

Cypress is an open-source end-to-end testing framework that is used for web applications. It is a JavaScript-based testing tool that is designed to make testing web applications easy and efficient. Cypress is built on top of Mocha, a popular JavaScript test framework, and it uses Chai for assertions. On the other side, Microsoft’s Playwright is a relatively new open-source test automation framework.

Katalon Platform March 2023 Release

The Katalon Platform is continuously evolving to provide the best user experience and to help quality engineers streamline their processes. This release introduces significant enhancements to its Atlassian Jira integration and defect reporting, making it easier for QA managers, quality engineers, and developers to collaborate effectively.

User Acceptance Testing Checklist With Best Practices

You are working on software. But how do you ensure your users will be able to use it? User acceptance testing may hold the answer for you. This blog post will cover everything from the basics of UAT to the User Acceptance Testing Checklist, and, most importantly, we will share some tips and tricks with you.

How Software Testers can overcome Brain Fog and Shine Brighter

Hello there, Welcome to another interesting blog that discusses the current hardships that we face. The past few years have indeed been tough for all of us. We were all faced with several challenges, both professionally and personally. One of the primary causes for this was COVID-19. Following the epidemic, we are returning to normalcy. Most of us are still dealing with post-covid symptoms like depression, anxiety, stress, and so on. You may or may not be aware of the implications.

Demystifying GraphQL - Tester's edition

It is high time we put out an edition of the GraphQL tutorial for our QA teams. There is a lot of material and more confusion on how to create GraphQL APIs on the internet. As if the idea of REST was easy for teams to understand – the definition of REST has always stopped just at the abbreviation, Representational State Transfer. Developers and Testers alike don’t really understand the concept. We know how to create REST APIs and how to test them and that works for us.

Mobile Accessibility Testing: All That You Need to Know in Depth

In this digital era, With billions of mobile users worldwide, it’s no surprise that mobile devices are ruling the world. But let’s not forget that everyone deserves equal access to the digital world, no matter their abilities. Unfortunately, users with disabilities often face obstacles regarding mobile applications. That’s where mobile accessibility testing comes in! By ensuring that apps are accessible to everyone, we can make the digital world a better place for all.

Best Practices For Secure Software Development

Secure software development best practices are necessary because security risks are everywhere. In an era of cyberattacks, they can affect everyone — including individuals, corporations, and governments. For that reason, ensuring security in software development is essential. Here we explain what is secure software, how to ensure security, and provide best practices for secure software development.

What is a VCS? Overview of Version Control Software

What is version control? At a basic level, version control is the process of tracking and managing changes to files over time, and version control software helps automate this process. But that is only the beginning of what it does and why it’s important. Version control is essential for development teams across all industries. It not only enables them to manage changes to code and files over time, but also allows them to work on the same project simultaneously.

Localization testing is critical to ensuring global brand consistency

Extensive software testing is required to ensure global brand consistency when deploying to new locations and targeting new audiences. In light of location and language nuances, your product needs to fit the needs of its intended audience, speak to them in terms they understand, and provide a user experience that feels so intuitive it drives adoption and long-term retention.

6 elemental principles to be discussed before initiating test automation

Test automation distinguishes itself by making a difference via reducing expenses, boosting productivity, and lowering error rates. No development team, I’m sure, will reject the efficiency that a solid automation suite can establish during a typical development process. The most significant of these traits is that test automation is a collaborative and time-consuming effort.

How To Use Desired Capabilities in Selenium WebDriver and Appium

Desired Capabilities in Selenium and Appium are highly beneficial for automating web and mobile application testing. They allow developers and testers to set various test parameters, such as browser name, version, screen resolution, and more. It makes it easier to perform cross-browser testing and automate user interactions with web elements. With the help of Desired Capabilities, developers can easily create robust automated tests that work across different platforms.

What is API Test Automation? How to Test APIs?

Welcome to the world of API testing. If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking to learn the basics of testing APIs or wondering how and where to start. This article will help you understand more about APIs, what types of tests you need to perform, and how to execute them and what to validate as part of the testing process.

Cypress vs. Selenium- Which framework to choose?

Are you a software tester or a beginner to testing looking for the right automation testing framework for your web application? The choice between Cypress vs Selenium can have a significant impact on the efficiency of your testing process, so it’s important to understand the key differences between these two popular frameworks.

Why Generative AI is the Next Big Leap?

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. Apps powered by large language models (LLMs) have suddenly taken center stage, with OpenAI, Google, Baidu, and Microsoft getting into the act. A spurt of startups and use cases has emerged on the scene. Suddenly, Generative AI, a branch to which these LLMs belong, seems to dominate every conversation, not just in the technology industry but among professionals the world over.

Test Automation Strategy: How LaRedoute pivoted from web-first to app-first ?

From a web-first company in 2015, La Redoute became an app-first company in 2020, with a unified experience across devices. How did they make it possible? What were the challenges they faced? What was the QA strategy that made the transition easy and maintained the standards of quality?

5 SQL Injection Testing Methods and Why to Automate Your Test

The SQL injection test is done to see if random data can be injected into the database and will be recognized by the system. Some malicious data can be placed on the database and will cause chaos in the whole system. Malicious data can be accepted even if it is not supposed to go through. Testers will check these vulnerabilities that they can determine through different SQL injection testing methods.

How Katalon and QualityKiosk Streamline Testing Activities for the Largest Bank in India

The customer is one of the largest private-sector banks in India that has been leading the way in innovation and customer service. With a network of over 5,500 branches and 15,000 ATMs across the country, this bank offers a range of financial products and services to its customers, including personal banking, corporate banking, wealth management, insurance, and investment banking.

API vs UI Testing: Which One Should You Pick

In today’s fast-paced world of software development, it’s crucial to ensure that the products you build meet the needs and expectations of your users. This is where testing comes in, and there are various types of testing that you can perform to achieve this goal. The two important types of testing are API and UI testing.

Integration Testing Types & Techniques in Software Testing

In software development, integration testing is essential in ensuring that all system components function correctly and work together seamlessly. Critical bugs can go unnoticed without proper integration testing, leading to significant issues in production environments. This blog talks about Integration testing and Types of Integration testing. One example of a bug found in production due to the absence of integration testing is the infamous Equifax data breach in 2017.

Measuring and Tracking DevOps Performance with Metrics and KPIs

With digital technologies transforming industries, companies adopt Agile and other practices to gain a competitive advantage. DevOps is one such method that has changed software development as we know it. The new-age approach helps accelerate productivity and also enables better collaboration between the development and operation teams. But the biggest benefit of adopting DevOps is faster time-to-market. It has helped around 83% of organizations unlock business value and deliver customer value faster.

Run JMeter tests in Java code

In this blog post, we will run JMeter tests from code. First we will look at how we can create an IntelliJ project in Java to build a JMeter performance test. Once you understand how JMeter tests in code can be written you can start to build tests in your development code base to compliment unit tests or functional tests written by developers during the creation of application and services.

Increase User Engagement and Customer Satisfaction with Xray and TestOps

Traditionally, manual test management and automated testing generate independent quality reporting data that has to be either manually integrated in spreadsheets or programmatically via scripts and reporting tools. This process takes valuable QA time away from actual testing and can also create inconsistency and inaccuracy when reporting on release readiness due to both the lag time in combining data from both sources and general human error.

Model-based and record & playback automation techniques: The ultimate guide

Model-based test automation and record and playback — have you heard these buzz phrases before in the world of software testing? They’re two similar approaches to testing, yet they’re vastly different in their execution. But what exactly is the difference between these two techniques and why does it matter?

7+ Best Visual Regression Testing Tools For Testers

Visual regression testing is a type of regression testing to ensure that no changes to the program adversely affect the Graphical User Interface (GUI). It is also referred to as visual validation testing. Instead of focusing on the functionality of the software, it aims to validate the software’s aesthetic side. Visual regression testing verifies that all visual elements are displayed properly across all available browsers, devices, and platforms.

How to Dive into API Behavior and Integrate Faster

If you don't understand how an API works, you can't get the best out of it. That's one problem. The other is that they keep increasing in number, but the quality of the documentation for each of them doesn't. Lack of clear, quality documentation leads to more difficulty for developers, and with more difficulty comes less chance they integrate the API. Which could also be your API. That's where API exploration tools like SwaggerHub Explore come in handy to make this all way simpler.

14 Top Test Automation Frameworks in 2023

According to recent reports, the demand for automated software testing is continuously increasing. As a result, organizations are constantly seeking reliable and efficient test automation frameworks to save time and money. When many choices are available in the market, choosing the right one according to the testing needs would be the real challenge.

Understanding Bug Advocacy - An Instagram Live with Rahul Pawal

Following is a transcription of the AMA session with Rahul Parwal on the topic – Bug Advocacy. Here Rahul brings forth the importance of bug advocacy, its step-by-step implementation, and tips on making this process easier. We recently launched a course on Bug Advocacy instructed by Rahul Parwal. You can check the course out from our courses section.

AMA with the k6 Champions Part 2 (k6 Office Hours #84)

Did you miss our first AMA with the k6 champions? Do you have k6-related questions that you want to ask? Well, you're in luck! Join Developer Advocates Marie Cruz and Leandro Melendez in this second AMA (Ask Me Anything) Office Hours episode as we chat with two more of our k6 Champions, Jose Luis Latorre and Ioannis Papadakis, to answer your questions, talk about their experiences so far of being a champion, their current activities, and much more.

Latest Automation Testing Trends to Look Out for in 2023

As the software development industry continues to evolve and become increasingly complex, organizations must find new ways to streamline their testing processes. Low-code test automation comes into play here. These platforms provide an efficient and cost-effective solution to test automation, empowering engineering teams to create and execute test scripts without extensive programming knowledge.

How to perform Mouse Hover Action in Selenium

An application has different Web Elements like buttons, text boxes, checkboxes, menus, sliders, and more. While testing using Selenium, you can simulate certain scenarios by automating low-level interactions with the WebElement(s) in the DOM, such as keypresses and mouse button operations (such as click, double click, and right-click). One such action is Mouse hover over a web element. Moving the cursor over an element in a graphical user interface (GUI) without clicking is called hovering.

6 Top Use Cases of AI for Insurance

The insurance industry has always been one of the most data-intensive industries. With a large amount of customer data, claims data, and other information, insurers have been adopting artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline their processes and provide better customer experiences. AI-powered technologies have enabled insurers to automate claims processing, fraud detection, and underwriting, among other things. Here are six top use cases of AI for insurance.

Effective Test Case Design: Minimize tests and maximize coverage

In Part 1 of this series about Test Case Design, you learned that by using the Test Case Designer tool in Xray Enterprise, you take a model-first approach to designing more thorough and efficient tests. But how does the tool generate optimized scenarios once we define those models? And what do we mean by “optimized”?

Using custom SSL certificates in Loadero tests

In today’s digital age, security has become a top priority for businesses of all sizes. With the increasing number of cyber-attacks and data breaches, ensuring that your website and applications are secure is essential. Usually, access to websites that are actively being developed or are intended for private/internal usage within an organization is restricted. A common way to do this is with custom SSL certificates. This ensures that the website won’t be publicly available.

Role of Thread.sleep() in Selenium

When automating a web application, we occasionally run across the NoSuchElementException exception, which is thrown when the element being interacted with cannot be located. The main reason for this error is that the element that has to be interacted with is present on the page but takes some time to load and show up for the user. You can see how this could become a significant problem during automation and cause our scripts to fail.

Top 10 best end-to-end testing tools and frameworks

End to end testing (E2E testing) is a software testing technique that evaluates the functionality and performance of an application by testing it from start to finish, under real-world conditions. By simulating the live settings, E2E testing validates the behavior of not only the overall application but also its sub-systems from the end user's perspective.

What are Non Functional Requirements - With Examples

Developing high quality products involves careful definition and tracking of both functional and non-functional requirements. But what exactly are non-functional requirements, and what's the best way to keep track of them? Continue reading, or skip ahead to the section that interests you most.

Getting Started with Test Orchestration

Test orchestration is the arrangement of automated tests into a consecutive sequence for execution. It’s a method that focuses on strategically choosing specific tests (performance, functional, unit, etc.) and deciding on the order of executing tests. Software development teams that adopt test orchestration can streamline the testing process, improve transparency at each testing stage, release faster, and ultimately create a higher quality product.

Chaos Testing: Building Resilience early in the development cycle

Modern applications are built on a microservices architecture that leverages cloud-native technologies. This architecture has many benefits regarding scalability and fault-tolerance of individual components, but it also increases the complexity of the applications, mostly due to the interdependencies between services. This complexity makes it difficult for engineers to fully understand how their applications will react to abnormal conditions, such as a dependency failure or performance degradation.

Insider Tips for Better Payment Experiences

With the rise of fintech companies, SaaS, and new digital channels to sell goods and services, creating superb payment experiences has quickly become critical to any business that collects payments and pays out funds. Whether you offer a B2C or B2B product or service, ensuring seamless payments has never been more crucial. Ensuring these great payment experiences can only come through extensive payment testing strategies covering many device, user, and O/S combinations.

How to optimize your tests with Test Case Design

Normally, testers write scripts on their own, which can be time-consuming, difficult to ensure 100% coverage, and hard to communicate precise requirements coverage achieved to critical stakeholders and clients. Inside Xray Enterprise, the new test case design tool, Test Case Designer (TCD), takes a model-based approach to designing more powerful tests. The tool’s algorithm uses pairwise/combinatorial methods to generate optimized tests based on the parameter models.

Using Test Data in Software Testing

To effectively run tests of all the important test-cases and guarantee that all the criteria are being met to the fullest extent feasible, testers must do more than just run the software through its paces; they must also manage, gather, and retain massive volumes of data. These testing datasets are used as input by test cases, from which anticipated and unexpected system behavior may be determined.

Perforce Cloud Deployment + Hosting Options

Helix Core, the industry-standard version control system, empowers teams to accelerate innovation and collaboration at scale. Deployment of Helix Core in the cloud is simple, easy, and customizable. Perforce provides several deployment options to better meet your team’s unique needs. Read along or jump to the section that interests you the most. ➡️ easily deploy Helix Core in the Cloud.

Overview of Cloud Hardware Security Module for Payment Applications

A hardware security module (HSM) is a tamper-resistant physical computing device that safeguards and manages digital keys, performs encryption and decryption functions for digital signatures, and provides strong authentication and other cryptographic functions. HSM has mature technology, with high availability, scalability, and usability. These modules traditionally come in the form of a plug-in card or an external device that attaches directly to a computer or a network server.

Requirement Gathering Blog Series, Part 2: Requirements in the Agile World

This is Part 2 of the Requirement Gathering Blog series by Rahul Parwal. We’d like to thank him for sharing his expertise with the community through this information-packed piece. In the Agile methodology, the requirement-gathering “phase” is not as rigid and formal as in the traditional Waterfall method.

Introducing Grafana Cloud k6: How to run load tests with Grafana and k6

Grafana Cloud k6 is a feature available to all users of Grafana Cloud. It allows you to run load and performance tests right from the comfort of your Grafana Cloud instance, without needing to create a separate account on k6 Cloud. Grafana Cloud k6 helps you get started quickly with a GUI Test Builder or with test scripts written in JavaScript, and then visualize your test results in real-time, alongside your other Grafana dashboards that monitor your system infrastructure. With Grafana Cloud k6, you can get a holistic look at your system's performance-- on any environment.

k-SIX News - Breaking News! Grafana Cloud k6 launch

Announcing the launch of Grafana Cloud k6! The k6 Cloud platform is finally available as a new offering within Grafana Cloud that empowers developers, operations and QA teams to prevent system failures and consistently deliver fast and reliable applications. The announcement comes directly from Raj Dutt, Grafana Labs CEO. Paul Balogh gives a tour through the new clouds in his weather segment, closing with the usual fun and bloopers.

Grafana Cloud k6: observability and performance testing in the same platform (k6 Office Hours #83)

With the release of Grafana Cloud k6, you can get observability and performance testing in the same platform. Senior Product Manager Mark Meier and Frontend Lead Simon Legander join Nicole van der Hoeven to talk about what Grafana Cloud k6 is, how you can use it, and demonstrate what it can do to improve your system's reliability.

The Power of Superapps: How Composable Apps Are Transforming Mobile App Development

Superapps take the features and functions of several apps to create a single powerful app that allows users to accomplish multiple tasks in one place. With mobile app users spending more time on apps each day, what are the benefits of creating a superapp for companies?

Extending SmartBear's Modern Developer Focused Observability Capabilities

Today, we are very excited to announce the acquisition of Aspecto, an OpenTelemetry (OTel) pioneer whose capabilities will further extend SmartBear’s modern, developer-focused observability capabilities. Aspecto’s solution discovers modern microservice based architectures and visualizes all the real-time interactions between services and APIs through advanced distributed tracing capabilities.

Introducing Grafana Cloud k6: unified performance testing and observability

Organizations use load and performance testing to prevent issues from impacting customers, which is essential if they want to stay relevant in today’s digital-first world. And with the rise of cloud native technology and DevOps, software teams must shift performance testing left, towards development. However, traditional load and performance testing tools simply haven’t kept pace, leaving developers, operations, and QA teams siloed.

Non Functional Testing - With Non Functional Test Examples

Non functional testing is just as important as functional testing. Both ensure that your product is working as it should. But non functional testing checks aspects of your product that aren’t covered in functional tests. And it helps ensure a high level of product quality, performance, and usability - all of which lead to higher user satisfaction.

How to Use ChatGPT to Increase Team Productivity

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. A simple interface is now being used by everyone and for everything. If you are in IT, I am sure not just your colleagues, but folks from your family that do not belong to the IT world are also talking about it. ChatGPT registered 13 million users per day in January. In comparison, it took Instagram and TikTok 2.5 years and 9 months, respectively, to reach 100 million users on their respective platforms.

Katalon Platform Now Available for On-Premise Deployment

The Katalon Platform, a modern and comprehensive quality platform, is now available in an on-premises deployment option. With this new option, customers can now deploy the Katalon Platform on their preferred IT infrastructure. Whether that is hardware hosted in their own data centers, or infrastructure configured on their preferred cloud infrastructure provider.

How to Write a Product Requirements Document (PRD) - With Examples

While lengthy, highly detailed product requirements documents are not as common in today's Agile world as they once were, they are still valuable for getting all stakeholders on your team aligned on the product you're going to build. For some businesses, such as those building extremely complex products and those in highly regulated industries who need extensive documentation, a comprehensive PRD is essential.

Agile Testing Methodology: 5 Examples for the Agile Tester

Agile development takes an incremental approach to development. Similarly, Agile testing includes an incremental approach to testing. In this type of software testing, features are tested as they are developed. While the Agile methodology is fairly common at this point, many organizations – particularly organizations in regulated industries that require more formal documentation and traceability – still use waterfall or hybrid development frameworks.

Requirement Gathering Blog Series, Part 1: Understanding Requirements

This is the Part 1 of the Requirement Gathering Workbook by Rahul Parwal. We’d like to thank him for sharing his expertise with the community through this information-packed piece. The purpose of this Workbook | Session Notes | Summary Document is to help testers understand the importance of requirement gathering and how it can add massive value to the testing process.

How to Choose the Right Visual Testing Methodology

Visual appearance is the first thing users notice when visiting a website or mobile app – before reading content or interacting with any elements. In fact, TopTal found that 94% of first impressions are design-related and judgements on a website’s credibility are 75% based on its overall aesthetics. So, even the slightest discrepancy could cost you sign-ups or conversions.

Developer Visibility: Where, When, and Why Now

As developer pressure mounts and calls for better software quality get louder, end-to-end visibility has become crucial. It’s time to provide visibility to software development teams everywhere. – SmartBear CEO Frank Roe There’s one inarguable result of the rapid acceleration of business demands, consumer expectations, and an endless, growing list of innovative technologies in the software industry – immense pressure felt by development teams across the globe.

Employee Story | From Fresher To Automation Engineer | BugRaptors

EmployeeStory | “If you are thinking of joining a company that allows you to polish your skills with a grip on modern tools and technologies, BugRaptors is the stop.” - Shaifali Sharma, Automation Engineer. We recently sat down with Shaifali to talk about her journey from BugRaptors fresher to Functional Automation Engineer. Shaifali shared the various #automation tools and processes she has mastered, such as Cucumber and RestAssured API, and how she has continuously worked on client projects to improve her skills.

Katalon Studio v8.6 With TestCloud Integration Now Available

Katalon Studio, the powerful test automation tool, is proud to announce the latest release which expands the ability to execute test suites and test suite collections directly on Katalon TestCloud to include a variety of mobile browsers. This new feature streamlines the creation and execution of automated tests and makes it easier for quality engineers of all skill levels to scale test execution.

Maximize Appium Testing with a Real Device Cloud

The average person spends about four hours a day on their phones, according to eMarketer, and 88% of that time is spent in apps. Since the Apple App Store's launch in 2008, the mobile app market has become fiercely competitive, with more than 2.5 million apps on Google Play and nearly two million on the Apple App Store. Mobile app popularity and increasing competition make testing critical to ensure quality and reliability.

Exploring Test Case vs Test Script: What's the Difference?

According to recent studies, more than 86% of businesses worldwide now rely on software testing to ensure the quality and reliability of their applications. When a tester begins their testing journey, the first thing they usually learn is how to document test cases. And when they learn test automation, they convert those test cases to test scripts. This blog will take you on a journey to understand the difference between test cases vs test scripts.

More AI Means More APIs

“Software is eating the world” and “APIs are eating software” have become familiar proclamations across the modern-day software industry. Given the resounding hype, interest, and substantial monetary investments happening in Artificial Intelligence (AI), a likely follow-on statement is, “AI is eating APIs, software, and everything else!”

API Testing Service: Is Outsourcing the Best Choice for API Testing?

API testing services are becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes. With the right API testing service, companies can ensure that their web applications and services are secure, reliable, and performant. But with so many software testing service providers out there, how do you choose the best API testing company? Choosing the best API testing service provider can be a challenging task.

ChatGPT Impact on Software Testing Practices

Open AI developed Chat GPT, an auto-generative technology for AI chatbots to use in providing online customer support. It employs Natural Language Processing (NLP) and has been trained to generate conversational responses. Textbooks, webpages, and other materials serve as its data source, from which it models its own language for reacting to human contact. When it comes to the IT sector, software testing is one area where Chat GPT is predicted to thrive.

Three Models for Building A Software Testing Team

Depending on which article you read, we’re either headed for a deep recession or may avoid one altogether. With so many economic indicators and mixed signals, it’s anyone’s guess. One thing is for sure – managing software testing capacity in light of hiring freezes and layoffs is top of mind for software engineering leaders. Even if your company has the budget to hire in-house, building a software testing team while navigating macroeconomic uncertainty is difficult.
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Continuous Load Testing | A Developer's Guide

Continuous load testing is a powerful way of preparing for surges in traffic, without needing real users. Imagine you're a software engineer working on a website that's seen a recent surge in traffic. Despite initial testing indicating that the website should be capable of handling the increased load, the website crashes during peak hours. Load Testing is the process of simulating real-world usage of a website or application. The continuous version is when you integrate it into your development process as part of a CI/CD pipeline.

Migrating from Selenium to Katalon: A Practical Guide for Successful Transition

In today’s dynamic business environment, enterprises realize the importance of a quality-first approach to test automation. Prioritizing quality at speed over a faster release pipeline is essential for ensuring the success of an organization. However, implementing a successful quality-first approach requires an end-to-end collaboration, where quality becomes the responsibility of all the different personas involved in the software development life cycle (SDLC).

Understanding Behavior Driven Development: A Comprehensive Guide

As software development projects become more complex, the need for effective testing tools and methodologies becomes increasingly important. One such methodology that has gained popularity in recent years is behavior-driven development (BDD). Behaviour Driven Development, orBDD, is a software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration and communication between developers, testers, and business stakeholders.

Developer Visibility and the Genesis of an Immune System for Software

Two things development teams always need: software quality and testing. It improves the output teams need throughout the software development lifecycle, and what they deliver for their users. It’s why SmartBear has been synonymous with quality for over a decade. Earlier this year, SmartBear began to roll out its vision for the next stage in the evolution of its software portfolio.

The Importance of Visual Testing in Software Quality

Software Quality is no longer measured solely by functionality, performance, and security, but also by the overall user experience (UX). Poor user experiences are known to cause businesses to lose up to 35% of their revenue. Visual testing is a software testing technique that ensures applications or websites meet expected design and usability standards.

Katalon WireMock Integration

Katalon Studio integrates with WireMock, a leading provider of mocking services that delivers both an open source version as well as a cloud version. With WireMock Cloud, Katalon users will be able to easily mimic a production API’s behavior for end to end testing even if the production API is not yet developed or available. These virtualized services (aka service virtualization) can then be shared and used across teams without additional effort or maintenance.

My Career in Software Testing: A Reflection on 3 Mistakes and What They Taught Me

As a software tester, I have been fortunate enough to work on a variety of projects, from web services to SDK (Software Development Kit) APIs, and in different industries. Throughout my journey, I have learned some valuable lessons, mostly from my own failures. In this article, I would like to share those lessons with you. Whether you are an experienced tester or just starting out, I hope these lessons will help you to be more successful and efficient in your role.

What Is Automation Testing? Ultimate Guide & Best Practices

Automation testing is a software testing technique that utilizes specialized automation testing tools to automatically run a suite of test cases, delivering faster and more accurate results compared to manual testing methods. The process of running the same test suite repeatedly is time-consuming, so by leveraging a test automation tool, it is much faster to write the test suite, re-play it as required, reduce human intervention, and improve testing ROI.

How Functional & Visual Testing Ensures Customer Satisfaction

E-commerce businesses lose 35% of their revenue due to poor user experience, according to Amazon Web Services, or about $1.4 trillion annually. On the other hand, UX Planet found that every dollar spent on improving UX/UI will return $10 to $100 – especially for software-as-a-service (SaaS) businesses with sticky business models. Let's examine why customer experience matters and how you can leverage functional and visual testing to eliminate errors.

Testers, This Appraisal Season, Get The Hike You Desire!

The appraisal cycle is almost upon us. Unfortunately, the timing doesn’t seem right. Major layoffs and hiring freezes. have been announced by several large companies as a result of the economic downturn and over-hiring. Several companies have stopped or delayed appraisals, while others continue to conduct them. Despite the recession, many companies are still doing well. Amidst the layoff season, startups and SMBs are still hiring and opening more jobs.

Test Failure Rate: Why and how to find your frequently failing tests? | What, why and how to track

This article explains test failure rate; why tracking frequently failing mobile tests is important, and how Bitrise Insights can help teams track and analyze their mobile app’s test failure rate. By identifying the most frequently failing tests, teams can improve their testing process, minimize time spent on resolving test failures, and increase their overall efficiency and productivity.

Unlock Quality at Scale with Xray Enterprise

The days of waterfall and siloed teams are gone. QA now works alongside development to release products faster and find bugs sooner. Agile transformations changed how companies work, bringing development and testing together and prioritizing quality. However, the current market and consumers demand higher levels of quality and faster releases. Companies can’t afford bugs, vulnerabilities, or critical issues. Quality is no longer a vision - it’s a necessity.

Data & Traffic Are Key to Kubernetes Preview Environments

Preview environments are temporary environments where developers can test code changes before deploying them to production, also called ephemeral environments, they’re temporary and should be discarded after testing changes. Carrying out tests using accurate data is a major challenge when creating and destroying environments. Put differently, you need realistic data and traffic in the preview environment to reflect the performance of code changes in production.

Test Failure Rate: What, Why and How to track | Bitrise Insights

Test Failure Rate ⟣- ABOUT THIS VIDEO -⟢- In this video, Co-founder and CTO Viktor Benei, explains test failure rate and why tracking frequently failing mobile tests is crucial for identifying areas of improvement. Bitrise Insights can help teams track and analyze their mobile app's test failure rate and identify the most frequently failing tests. By doing so, teams can improve their testing process, minimize time spent on resolving test failures, and increase overall efficiency and productivity.

Different test automation team structures and their levels of autonomy

71% of businesses are using an agile development methodology. Agile emphasizes continuous integrations to produce incremental value often. Although this strategy is fancy in theory, it involves a lot of regression testing for the testers. Maintaining all the application features and offering continuous testing assistance becomes a headache for testing teams, particularly when the application is moving toward perpetual expansion.

Load Testing Made Simpler with Resource Object Model

Load testing, which is as a type of non-functional testing that puts a structure or system under pressure and measures its response, might sound boring. In reality the entire process of planning, estimating, and implementing load tests against the system is like putting together pieces of a complex puzzle, and it can be a lot of fun.

04 - Log a defect with TestQuality | Test Management Tool for Jira & GitHub

TestQuality helps you build better software with fully integrated and easy to use Test Management for high-performance teams. The fastest way to build, run, and manage test cases, plans, runs, and cycles. Easily understand the quality and performance of your tests and with powerful test analytics.

02 - Execute a Test Run with TestQuality | Test Management Tool for Jira & GitHub

TestQuality helps you build better software with fully integrated and easy to use Test Management for high-performance teams. The fastest way to build, run, and manage test cases, plans, runs, and cycles. Easily understand the quality and performance of your tests and with powerful test analytics.

01 - Create a Test with TestQuality | Test Management Tool for Jira & GitHub

TestQuality helps you build better software with fully integrated and easy to use Test Management for high-performance teams. The fastest way to build, run, and manage test cases, plans, runs, and cycles. Easily understand the quality and performance of your tests and with powerful test analytics.

03 - Create a Cycle with TestQuality | Test Management Tool for Jira & GitHub

TestQuality helps you build better software with fully integrated and easy to use Test Management for high-performance teams. The fastest way to build, run, and manage test cases, plans, runs, and cycles. Easily understand the quality and performance of your tests and with powerful test analytics.

Extending Your Selenium Grid With Sauce

Keep your existing Grid, and automatically send overflow/different tests (e.g. Safari) to Sauce Labs! In this continuation, Allen Loew, a Principal Quality Engineer and Sauce Labs advocate, explains how saucectl has transformed his team's test efficiency. Keep your existing Grid, and automatically send overflow/different tests (e.g. Safari) to Sauce Labs! If you’re using Selenium to automate your application’s UI tests, at some point, you’ll need to scale your testing.

How to Enhance Jira with Native Test Management

Test management is essential to software development, ensuring applications meet quality standards. Effective test management requires a systemic approach to creating, executing, and tracking test cases. The hard part is usually incorporating test management into your existing development workflows. Many Agile organizations use Jira to manage projects, track issues, and communicate between teams.

TestProject end of life

TestProject, the community-based test automation platform, has announced that it will be reaching its end of life (EOL) on March 31, 2022. While this may come as a surprise to many users who have come to rely on TestProject, the decision of discontinuing the platform was made after careful evaluation by the TestProject team. In this blog post, we will discuss what TestProject end of life means for your QA teams and how you can prepare for the future.

How to Prevent Authorized Push Payment Fraud with Mobile App Testing

This recent article from Finextra regarding the UK payments watchdog consulting on new authorized push payment (APP) fraud reporting rules has me thinking. How can we prevent fraud and protect consumers – and ourselves from scams? APP fraud happens when fraudsters deceive consumers or individuals into sending a payment under false pretenses to a bank account controlled by the fraudster. Real-time payment schemes are irrevocable, so victims cannot reverse a payment once sent.

Webinar : Codeless Test Automation | Paul & Harsha | BugRaptors

We believe that knowledge is powerful and when we come together to share it, even more amazing things happen. That's why BugRaptors was so excited to bring together experts Paul Grossman and Harsha Kapila to lead an insightful webinar on codeless test automation. We had great energy, interactive discussion, and tons of knowledge sharing. Paul’s passion and expertise on NLP, AI, and their potential in codeless test automation is truly remarkable.

How to Find Element by Text in Selenium: Tutorial with Example

The most fundamental step in web test automation is element identification. There are numerous methods for QEs to locate elements. In Selenium, Find element by Text is used to locate a web element based on its text attribute. The text value is mostly used when the basic element identification properties, such as ID or Class, are dynamic and make it difficult to locate the web element. In such cases, it becomes very difficult to locate web elements.

Selenium Get Current URL using Java: Tutorial

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a web address that specifies the location of a resource on the internet. The URL of an application typically refers to the web address or endpoint that allows users to access or interact with the application. The URL of an application can vary depending on the specific application and how it is hosted or deployed. For example, if the application is a web-based application hosted on a server, the URL may look something like this.

A beginner's guide to testing your websites built with the Ghost platform

Suppose you are leveraging the Ghost platform’s powers to run your business or blogging websites and are wondering what factors you need to consider before you deploy and publish it. In that case, this guide should prove helpful, and by the end, you should have a better understanding of testing a website built with Ghost.