
Amsterdam, Netherlands
  |  By Antonello Zanini
Bun and Node.js are two JavaScript runtime technologies to run JavaScript on the server. Node.js is the undisputed king of server-side development with JavaScript, but Bun has gained popularity thanks to its unbelievable performance capabilities. The real question is, though: does it really make sense to use Bun instead of Node.js? Let's learn about Bun and Node.js, dig into their characteristics, and explore some scenarios where Bun can be a better alternative to Node.js.
  |  By Abiodun Olowode
In modern web applications, real-time communication has become more than a feature: it's gradually evolved into a necessity. Users expect instant updates, live interactions, and dynamic content. In Rails applications, Action Cable has long been the go-to solution, harnessing WebSockets to fulfill these demands. In this article, we introduce: Let's get started!
  |  By Aestimo Kirina
Ruby on Rails is the most popular web framework in the Ruby ecosystem and has a large user base, ranging from freelancers to large established companies. With an active user community and wide-ranging documentation, it can be used to build everything from simple applications to complex web platforms. That said, a new contestant is taking on Rails’ dominance for the full-stack Ruby framework title: Hanami.
  |  By Sapan Diwakar
Erlang is renowned for its remarkable fault tolerance and high concurrency. Erlang's scheduler efficiently handles many lightweight processes. The scheduler plays a crucial role in managing processes, concurrency, and system resources, efficiently coordinating these elements to help Erlang maintain fault tolerance and support high levels of concurrency in its applications. This post will dissect some of the scheduler's key components and shed light on how it works internally. Let's get started!
  |  By Kingsley Chijioke
Grape is a popular Ruby framework for building RESTful APIs. Exception handling plays a crucial role in ensuring the stability and reliability of any application, including those made with Grape. This article will explore the basics of Grape exception handling, including customizing exceptions. We'll also touch on some best practices, and how to integrate your app with AppSignal for enhanced error monitoring and management. Let's get started!
  |  By Antonello Zanini
Rate limiting is a fundamental mechanism for controlling the number of requests a client can make to a server in a given time frame. In a world where more than 30% of web traffic comes from malicious bots, that proactive strategy is critical to protect servers from abuse. In this tutorial, you'll delve into the concept of rate limiting and understand why you need it in your Node.js backend. Then, you'll learn how to implement it in Express to block or slow down incoming excess requests.
  |  By Pulkit Goyal
As your Elixir app grows, you might need advanced control over how and where to perform background tasks or pull them off queues to manage back pressure. In this post, you will learn how to handle background jobs with Flume, a job processing system that uses GenStage and Redis. It provides durability, back pressure, job scheduling, rate limiting, and batch processing, among other things. We will expand on each of these features in detail.
  |  By Camilo Reyes
The AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) lets you build serverless applications with the expressive power of a programming language like TypeScript. The CDK defines cloud infrastructure in code and deploys via AWS CloudFormation. In this post, we will build a Lambda function, an AWS Gateway API, and an S3 bucket to upload CSV files. The API will take requests in JSON and seamlessly convert them to CSV format. We will use the AWS CDK in TypeScript to reliably deploy our app through AWS CloudFormation. Ready?
  |  By Thomas Riboulet
One great feature that comes with modern web frameworks is the ability to manage database schema migrations. However, schema migrations are not 100% safe and remain a recurring cause of issues within projects I have encountered over the last 15 years. This article will review the issues surrounding poorly managed schema migrations and then look into Strong Migrations, a gem that can help you avoid most problems. Finally, we will discuss a few good practices around database management. Let's get started!
  |  By Joshua Plicque
In this post, we'll add file upload capabilities to a Phoenix LiveView application and directly upload files to Amazon S3. Without further ado, let's get started!

Made for teams that want to build high quality Ruby and Elixir applications, AppSignal offers amazing insights into errors and performance issues, plus host monitoring and an easy to use custom metrics platform.

AppSignal supports the Elixir language with an Elixir package. The package supports pure Elixir applications and frameworks including Phoenix, Plug & Erlang.

AppSignal supports the Ruby language with a Ruby gem. The gem supports many frameworks and gems including Capistrano, DataMapper, Delayed Job, Grape, MongoDB, Padrino, Rack, Rake, Resque, Ruby on Rails, Sequel, Shoryuken, Sidekiq, Sinatra & Webmachine.

AppSignal now supports Node.js! The package supports pure JavaScript applications and TypeScript applications, and can auto-instrument various frameworks and packages with optional plugins.

AppSignal also has amazing support for catching errors from Front-end JavaScript applications and sending them to AppSignal, including the React, Vue, Angular, Ember, Preact & Stimulus frameworks.

Packed with features:

  • Alerts in your tools: AppSignal integrates with Slack, Flowdock, HipChat, OpsGenie and more.
  • Control your notifications: AppSignal notifies you exactly when you want to. Get the first exceptions per deploy, all of them of never. Set thresholds for performance notifications.
  • Amazing support: We don't do "first line" and "second line" support: you get to speak with a developer, immediately.
  • Send to issue trackers: A single click creates an issue with all the necessary details in your issue tracker of choice.
  • Manage teams and users: Add users to teams and give them access to specific or all, existing and/or new applications you monitor.
  • Focus on design: Developer tools do not need to be complicated and ugly. Our interface is kept clean and easy to use.

Catch errors, track performance, monitor hosts, detect anomalies — all in one tool.