Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

January 2024

Our methods and challenges of integrating 100+ SaaS APIs

In the era of big data, where information serves as the lifeblood of digital interconnectedness, the ability to seamlessly harness and analyze data is paramount. Data, with its transformative potential, connects the world, enables deep analysis, and underpins critical decision-making processes. At Databox, our mission is to empower businesses to enhance their performance through robust data analytics.

A New Kind of Hybrid Cloud, Built for Partner Simplicity

In light of tightening budgets, rising costs, and heightened demand for compliance and innovation, there’s no doubt that many companies are increasingly relying on hybrid cloud environments to modernize their current infrastructure and IT operations. But, according to a recent survey, nearly half of businesses are struggling due to the rapid integration of cloud technologies, the complexity of integration processes, a lack of skilled personnel, and the need for comprehensive cybersecurity measures.

Drive Flexible Infrastructure Consumption, Automation and Orchestration for All

Platform Savings for Hybrid Cloud In today’s dynamic business landscape, agility, scalability, and efficiency are prized possessions. Yet, organizations still face numerous challenges including tightening budgets, IT enablement of new pop-up business opportunities, rising costs, cyberattacks, new technology adoption, such as Gen AI, lack of technical knowledge and increasing demand for innovation.

Welcome to the Data Renaissance

It’s an exciting time to be in the world of data and business intelligence. Recent advances in AI and machine learning are not only changing the way we interact with data, but also pushing those of us who build analytics and BI platforms to think critically about how our products can best serve our customers moving forward. Some will always love getting hands-on with data—but that’s no longer the only option.

Our product vision for analytics in the age of AI

Every winter, members of ThoughtSpot’s research and development teams participate in a company-wide hackathon called Codex. The ideas that come out of Codex are always inspiring, but the Winter 22/23 hackathon was special—OpenAI had just released ChatGPT and the world was buzzing about generative AI.

Snowflake Native App Framework Now Generally Available on AWS and Azure

Today, we’re excited to announce the general availability of the Snowflake Native App Framework on AWS and Azure! We’ve seen incredible momentum around Snowflake Native Apps. More than 90 Snowflake Native Apps are currently available in Snowflake Marketplace. You can purchase, install and run Snowflake Native Apps—ranging from connectors to clean rooms—directly in your Snowflake account.

Streams Replication Manager Prefixless Replication

Replication is a crucial capability in distributed systems to address challenges related to fault tolerance, high availability, load balancing, scalability, data locality, network efficiency, and data durability. It forms a foundational element for building robust and reliable distributed architectures. It is also important to have multiple options (like normal and prefixless replication) to do the replication process, since every solution has its own advantages.

Top SaaS Data Integration Platforms For Your Use Case

SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) data integration platforms play an invaluable role in today’s business’s data management, access, and understanding by helping teams unify different, unrelated business data sources into one source of truth, fostering cohesion, actionable insights, and improved decision-making. Five things to know about SaaS data integration platforms include: The best SaaS data integration platforms ensure high scalability, security, and governance.

GenAI for Financial Services - MLOps Live #25 with McKinsey

Generative AI has sparked the imagination with the explosion of tools like ChatGPT, CodePilot and others, highlighting the importance of LLMs as the basis for modern AI applications. However, implementing GenAI in the enterprise is challenging, and it becomes even more difficult for banks, insurance companies, and other financial services companies. Many Financial Service companies are struggling and end up missing out on the great value of GenAI and the competitive edge it can provide.

Achieving Trusted AI in Manufacturing

In the dynamic landscape of modern manufacturing, AI has emerged as a transformative differentiator, reshaping the industry for those seeking the competitive advantages of gained efficiency and innovation. As we navigate the fourth and fifth industrial revolution, AI technologies are catalyzing a paradigm shift in how products are designed, produced, and optimized.

Understanding Data Products: A Comprehensive Guide

The emergence of data products has brought about a momentous change in how organizations are leveraging information for making strategic decisions. Data products encompass a broad scope of tools and solutions to reshape how businesses and industries operate. These innovations transform raw data sources into actionable insights. They offer dynamic reports, interactive dashboards, and sophisticated data-as-a-service offerings.

A Data-Agenda at Davos: Promoting the Promise of AI

In the buildup to this week’s World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, the talk of polycrisis becoming permacrisis painted a picture of impending doom. These terms have been used to describe the global condition today, citing the “cascading and connected crises” triggered by war and geopolitics, economic uncertainty, and environmental concerns, and their persistence.

A Modern Embedded BI Platform: Yellowfin GM 2024 Update to Customers

To our valued users and partners, Happy New Year from the Yellowfin team, and welcome to our 2023 recap! As we step into 2024, I want to take a moment to reflect on the past year and the remarkable journey Yellowfin has been embarking on and provide our followers with insight into how we have approached the ever-evolving market of business intelligence (BI) and embedded analytics.

8 Best Reporting Tools in 2024

Are you hitting your monthly revenue goals? Driving a ton of traffic to your website? Have a great closing rate in your sales department? That’s great news – but your C-executives and shareholders won’t exactly take your word for it. Instead, you need a quality reporting tool to share your performance and key insights in a clear and professional manner.

Ask Me Anything about Natural Language Query

Guided Natural Language Queries are the next step in the evolution of ad hoc interrogation of data sources. Being able to quickly pose questions to your data without getting into the details of advanced report editing and formatting is a powerful capability that enables on the spot insights for your audience. Simplifying this interrogation does require some consideration and design when enabling data discovery on complex or large data sets.

Unlock the Power of Your Marketing Data with Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics

Imagine seamlessly integrating your Google Analytics data with Snowflake, allowing you to combine it effortlessly with other key sources like CRM, ERP, social media metrics, email campaign data, and whatever data sources compose the full scope of your data estate. The good news is that it’s possible with the native Snowflake Connector for Google Analytics, now available in public preview.

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving to the Cloud

As we assess the technological landscape for the new year, one of the only guarantees is that technology will continue to evolve. Cloud migration and support are top-of-mind for worldwide organizations–this year, cloud computing is forecast to surpass $1 trillion worldwide for the first time. Cloud-based ERPs reduce operating costs, can help automate processes, and provide finance teams with greater autonomy.

How engagement surveys impact team effectiveness and build a high-performing culture

Growing as a company involves a myriad of elements, but ultimately, it comes down to the practices and routines that teams have. These habits have a great impact on boosting team performance and engagement, which helps the company move ahead together. Fostering a high-performance culture means creating a space where team members do their best because they are engaged, feel valued, and keep learning.

New Snowflake Deployments: Saudi Arabia and Zurich Coming Soon

A key benefit of the Snowflake Data Cloud is the elimination of data silos. Fundamental to this outcome is the ability of customers to operate and collaborate globally. To support this, the Data Cloud was designed to provide customers with the same product experience—including security and governance capabilities — across multiple cloud regions with the three major cloud providers: AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

Metadata Management and Data Governance with Cloudera SDX

In this article, we will walk you through the process of implementing fine grained access control for the data governance framework within the Cloudera platform. This will allow a data office to implement access policies over metadata management assets like tags or classifications, business glossaries, and data catalog entities, laying the foundation for comprehensive data access control.

Data Observability + FinOps for Snowflake Engineers

Snowflake data engineers are under enormous pressure to deliver results. This data sheet provides more context about the challenges data engineers face and how Unravel helps them address these challenges. Specifically, it discusses: With Unravel, Snowflake data engineers can speed data pipeline development and analytics initiatives with granular and real-time cost visibility, predictive, predictive spend forecasting, and performance insights for their data cloud.

#shorts - Sankey Chart - There's a better Viz for that

The Sankey chart (Sankey chart) lets you add a specific type of flow chart to the sheet you are editing. The chart visually emphasizes major transfers or flows within defined system boundaries. The width of the chart arrows is shown proportionally to the flow quantity. The Sankey chart is included in the Visualization bundle.

Delimited File Source in Astera Data Stack

In this video, we will be discussing how you can extract data from a delimited file using the Delimited File Source object in Astera. Delimited files are one of the most commonly used data formats and use specific characters or delimiters to separate records and indicate the structure of the table in which the data resides. Contents of the video.

XML JSON File Source in Astera Data Stack

In this video, we will be discussing how you can extract data from an XML JSON File Source using the XML JSON File Source object in Astera. XML JSON file source in Astera provides a high-speed reader for XML or JSON files in which the data is stored in a hierarchical format within several nodes and sub nodes. Contents of the video: Configure the object properties, including File Path, Schema Location, and other options. Generate XML Schema. Customizing XML Layout and Config Parameters. XML data preview.

Database Table Source in Astera Data Stack

In this video, we will see how a Database Table Source object works in Astera. The Database Table Source object is used to retrieve data from a database table. It offers incremental reads via change data capture, supports multi-way partitioning for enhanced performance, and allows customization with WHERE clauses and sorting options.

Confluent's Customer Zero: Building a Real-Time Alerting System With Confluent Cloud and Slack

We talk a lot about how customers can use Confluent as the data backbone for event streaming applications and enable a new class of event-driven microservices by completely decoupling services from one another. With Confluent, organizations can rapidly build and deploy business applications with greater flexibility, support larger scale, and be more responsive to customer demands. But we don’t just talk about it, we do it ourselves as Confluent’s “Customer Zero”!

Yellowfin BI Celebrates 20 Years of Embedded Analytics Innovation

AUSTIN, TEXAS, USA, January 25, 2024 - Yellowfin, a leading global provider of business intelligence (BI) and data analytics software, is proud to celebrate 20 years of innovation in the business intelligence (BI) and data analytics industry. Founded in 2004 with a mission to make data accessible and actionable for everyone, Yellowfin has grown into a global force, empowering businesses of all sizes to unlock the power of data and gain a competitive edge.

Top 3 Healthcare and Life Sciences Data + AI Predictions for 2024

This year may be the most innovative on record. Recent advances in AI are beginning to transform how we live and work. And the potential impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) on the healthcare and life sciences industries are expected to be far-reaching. It’s essential for organizations to leverage vast amounts of structured and unstructured data for effective generative AI (gen AI) solutions that deliver a clear return on investment.

From Reporting to Decision Science: Inside HP with Juergen

You’ve heard the term data science, but have you heard about decision science? Juergen Kallinger, VP of Data and Insights at HP, shares valuable insights and reflections from his 22-year journey at HP. In this episode, Juergen dives into HP’s pivotal shift from solely reporting, to the dynamic realm of decision science and how it’s aligned their data team.

How To Build Scalable and Resilient Microservices | Microservices 101

Building scalable and resilient microservices requires an approach that eliminates the need to treat them as special. They should be treated as easily replaceable building blocks. This means eliminating bottlenecks and single points of failure but it can also mean changing from a pull-based approach to a push-based approach. CHAPTERS.

Snowflake + Unravel: A Dynamic Duo to Supercharge Speed and Efficiency

GenAI and analytics are increasing demands on data teams. They need new ways to accurately forecast data cloud spend, improve efficiency, and increase automation. Organizations are increasingly turning to purpose-built AI to enable data observability and FinOps that dramatically accelerates time to launch new data products, increases spend predictability, and minimizes cloud waste.

Best 19 Data Integration Tools Reviews 2024

Choosing the right Data Integration tool might be a bit tricky since wide options are available in the market today. You might pick the wrong choice if you aren’t aware of what you are looking for. So, it would be a great help if you will be equipped with essential details and information about Data Integration Tools before choosing a service. Table of Contents This article unfolds how you can choose the right Data Integration Tools to cover all your requirements.

Choosing the Right API: REST vs. RESTful for Integration

Choosing between REST API vs RESTful API is pivotal for efficient and scalable business solutions in data integration. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are critical in data integration, enabling diverse systems to communicate and data exchange seamlessly. In this landscape, REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs have emerged as a standard, known for their simplicity and effectiveness in handling network requests.

Easily Train, Manage, and Deploy Your AI Models With Scalable and Optimized Access to Your Company's AI Compute. Anywhere.

Now you can create and manage your control plane on-prem or on-cloud, regardless of where your data and compute are. We recently announced extensive new orchestration,scheduling, and compute management capabilities for optimizing control of enterprise AI & ML. Machine learning and DevOps practitioners can now fully utilize GPUs for maximal usage with minimal costs.

Keboola Pronounced Leading Solution in Europe by G2

At Keboola, our aim has always been to put the customer first. We strive to be the best self-service data operations platform for companies, so they can get the most out of their data and grow their business fast and smart. Being perfectionists we tend to focus on what’s still not good enough and needs improving.

Top Data + AI Predictions for the Public Sector in 2024

Governments collect more data than any other type of entity on the planet, yet their ability to use data to serve citizens more effectively has always been limited. Regulatory compliance, budgetary constraints, reliance on legacy systems and internal resistance to change all play a role. That’s why when it comes to adopting new technologies, public agencies tend to lag behind the private sector by 18 to 24 months—and often longer.

How to Increase Data Reliability in Construction

Between soaring material costs and the impact of inflation, the construction industry has had to practice extra agility and resilience in recent years. Market upheaval, including skills shortages and supply chain disruptions have made financial reporting in the construction industry even more challenging. Manually exporting data into static spreadsheets adds another roadblock–when reports are manually exported or input, information grows stale quickly.

Bring your Snowpark models to life on ThoughtSpot

ThoughtSpot is taking Snowpark use cases to the next level with generative AI, connecting the dots between ML-powered insights and business action. If you’re new to Snowpark, this is Snowflake’s set of libraries and runtimes that securely deploy and process non-SQL code including Python, Java, and Scala.

Accelerate Your Machine Learning Workflows in Snowflake with Snowpark ML

Many developers and enterprises looking to use machine learning (ML) to generate insights from data get bogged down by operational complexity. We have been making it easier and faster to build and manage ML models with Snowpark ML, the Python library and underlying infrastructure for end-to-end ML workflows in Snowflake.

Data Visualization Best Practices: Making Your Data Shine

Effective data visualization is an important aspect of creating impactful and actionable reflections of key metrics in today’s business environment. Our five key takeaways are: This piece explores data visualization best practices and core principles, from integration to analysis, and the skills you need to create stunning dashboards, breathe life into your KPIs, and discover the secret to designing data visuals that shine.

Ask Me Anything About Building Dashboards

Yellowfin makes it possible to combine action-based dashboards, automated data discovery, and data storytelling into a single, integrated, seamless platform — right in your user’s core workflow. Watch this “Ask Me Anything” session for a walkthrough of the basics of building a dashboard along with some tips and tricks, followed by a Q&A session.

Implementing Gen AI in Practice

Across the industry, organizations are attempting to find ways to implement generative AI in their business and operations. But doing so requires significant engineering, quality data and overcoming risks. In this blog post, we show all the elements and practices you need to to take to productize LLMs and generative AI. You can watch the full talk this blog post is based on, which took place at ODSC West 2023, here.

Harness the Power of Outcomes: Solve Problems, Drive Success

You will see how Qlik works where and how you work, whether you are on a computer or mobile device You will see how I use AI and conversational analytics to collaborate in real-time with my colleagues to get context to help me explore my business problem further and how I can take action on my findings immediately by notifying and integrating with my valued partners, all from one platform. I even use a little generative AI with Amazon Bedrock as a fun example to show you the art of the possible.

Setting up and Getting Started with Cloudera's New SQL AI Assistant

As described in our recent blog post, an SQL AI Assistant has been integrated into Hue with the capability to leverage the power of large language models (LLMs) for a number of SQL tasks. It can help you to create, edit, optimize, fix, and succinctly summarize queries using natural language. This is a real game-changer for data analysts on all levels and will make SQL development faster, easier, and less error-prone.

Optimizing Your Data Story

Picture it with me: a time when you were a child and someone read your favorite story to you, or when you were an adult and you read someone their favorite story. I want you to focus on the emotions remembering that experience generated. Personally, I thought about reading the book, “Guess How Much I Love You,” to my daughter when she was young and how she would sit on my lap and hang on to every word.

Embedded Analytics in 2023: A Year in Review

2023 was a big year for developers, with technology taking huge leaps forward in new and exciting areas like AI. With this new unlocked potential, advanced analytics jumped back to the top of the capability wish list for many technology buyers. With customers now expecting more than ever from analytics, many development teams invested in embedded analytics solutions to reduce the workload and time to value for their applications. Here are some of the top trends from last year in embedded analytics.

Point-to-Point vs Publish/Subscribe | Microservices 101

Communication between microservices can be broadly categorized as either point-to-point or publish/subscribe. Point-to-point is often used synchronously, while publish/subscribe tends to be asynchronous. Each of these techniques can have a place in a modern microservices platform, but it is important to understand the role each one plays so that they can be used effectively. CHAPTERS.

Sorenson Plugs & Plays Data Integration at Scale with Fivetran

Sorenson Communications is a leading provider of captioning and interpretation services for the hard-of-hearing and deaf, with the mission to make communication accessible and clear regardless of signed or spoken language. Automated, real-time translation of all kinds depends heavily on natural language processing and the data used to train it.

How to Unlock Faster Analytics with Amazon S3 Express One Zone

Recently at re:Invent, Amazon unveiled S3 Express One Zone for AWS. Express Zone for S3 responds to the demand for faster analytical query speeds, with the convenience of centrally storing all of your application telemetry data in cloud object storage. In the past, for data-intensive applications, data access speeds were slower than desired.

Extending the Confluent CLI With Custom Plugins

A good command line interface is essential for developer productivity. If you look at any of the major cloud providers, they all have a robust CLI API that enables you to achieve high productivity. The key benefits of a CLI include: Confluent offers a powerful CLI that lets you quickly create and manage Apache Kafka® clusters and Apache Flink® compute pools and all associated operations with both.

5 Reasons Manufacturers Should Move ERP Data to Snowflake to Supercharge Analytics

Advanced analytics help manufacturers extract insights from their data and improve operations and decision-making. But for manufacturers, it’s often challenging to perform analytics with ERP data. Because of the high rate of M&A activity in the industry, manufacturing enterprises often struggle with multiple ERP instances. A fragmented resource planning system causes data silos, making enterprise-wide visibility virtually impossible.

How To Define a View and Create Reports using Yellowfin View

In the previous blog, the Yellowfin Japan team used Yellowfin's Data Transformation Flow feature to create a database of the CSV file of order history data. In this article, the team will demonstrate how to leverage the database for analysis by processing and formatting said data using native Yellowfin features, including View and Report Builder.

Best Practices For Transferring Healthcare Data To Your Database

In the constantly changing healthcare environment, smooth data exchange is not just a luxury; it is a vital necessity. Integrating patient records from Electronic Health Records (EHRs), clinical data repositories, and other healthcare systems unlocks valuable insights, empowering providers to deliver personalized care, fuel groundbreaking research, and streamline operational efficiency.

Hitting the Ground Running with Generative AI

Generative AI was undoubtedly the most important data moment of 2023, and created a level of excitement for our industry that will certainly continue to be felt in 2024. As we welcome the new year, I am thrilled to share that Qlik is hitting the ground running on that front: today we are announcing the acquisition of groundbreaking technology from Kyndi, an innovator in natural language processing, search, and generative AI.

Monitoring Cloudera DataFlow Deployments With Prometheus and Grafana

Cloudera DataFlow for the Public Cloud (CDF-PC) is a complete self-service streaming data capture and movement platform based on Apache NiFi. It allows developers to interactively design data flows in a drag and drop designer, which can be deployed as continuously running, auto-scaling flow deployments or event-driven serverless functions. CDF-PC comes with a monitoring dashboard out of the box for data flow health and performance monitoring.

Top 4 Data + AI Predictions for Telecommunications in 2024

The sheer breadth of data that telecommunications providers collect day-to-day is a huge advantage for the industry. Yet, many providers have been slower to adapt to a data-driven, hyperconnected world even as their services — including streaming, mobile payments and applications such as video conferencing — have driven innovation in nearly every other industry. The speed with which generative AI will change how we work, live, communicate and entertain ourselves is nearly unfathomable.

Are you a data power user? 3 reasons to join a ThoughtSpot User Group

Are you a ThoughtSpot enthusiast? Maybe you built a liveboard that saved your department hours each work week, or perhaps you figured out a unique way to gamify adoption across your team. You put in the hard work, now it’s time to show it off. ThoughtSpot User Groups were designed to help users connect—a place where you can share stories and get new ideas to empower your organization with data.

How Sense Uses Iguazio as a Key Component of Their ML Stack

Sense is a talent engagement platform that improves recruitment processes with automation, AI and personalization. Since AI is a central pillar of their value offering, Sense has invested heavily in a robust engineering organization, including a large number of data and data science professionals. This includes a data team, an analytics team, DevOps, AI/ML, and a data science team. The AI/Ml team is made up of ML engineers, data scientists and backend product engineers.

Data Replication Tools: Ensuring Data Consistency Across Systems

Today’s businesses generate more data than ever before. You need that data to be consistent and reliably accessible across disparate systems. But how? Here are five key takeaways concerning data replication tools: With multiple databases, applications, platforms, and other tools constantly generating data, it can be a challenge to maintain consistency and accessibility. Even the slightest error can mean unhappy customers, unreliable reports, failed analytics, and compliance issues.

How HR Tech Company Sense Scaled their ML Operations using Iguazio

Sense is a talent engagement company whose platform improves the recruitment processes with automation, AI and personalization. Since AI is a central pillar of their value offering, Sense has invested heavily in a robust engineering organization including a large number of data and AI professionals. This includes a data team, an analytics team, DevOps, AI/ML, and a data science team. The AI/Ml team is made up of ML engineers, data scientists and backend product engineers.

Revealing The New Qlik Brand

Today, at Qlik, we continue our exciting journey by revealing a completely new brand and website. This transformation goes beyond aesthetics, symbolizing our dynamic evolution at the forefront of data integration, analytics, and AI. Our new identity encapsulates innovation, clarity, and agility. In the current landscape, CEOs face the challenge of harnessing AI effectively—a realm where Qlik's unique agility and independence provide unparalleled advantage.

Ask Me Anything About Styling and White Labeling Yellowfin

Yellowfin makes it possible to combine action-based dashboards, automated data discovery, and data storytelling into a single, integrated, seamless platform — right in your user’s core workflow. Learn how to best to leverage these capabilities, starting with a walkthrough of the basics of white labeling Yellowfin along with some tips and tricks.

ELT as a Foundational Block for Advanced Data Science

This blog was written based on a collaborative webinar conducted by Hevo Data and Danu Consulting- “Data Bytes and Insights: Building a Modern Data Stack from the Ground Up”, furthering Hevo’s partnership with Danu consulting. The webinar explored how to build a robust modern data stack that will act as a foundation towards more advanced data science applications like AI and ML. If you are interested in knowing more, visit our YouTube channel now! Table of Contents.

Simplify Data Integration With Informatica's Snowflake Native App

Leading companies around the world rely on Informatica data management solutions to manage and integrate data across various platforms from virtually any data source and on any cloud. Now, Informatica customers in the Snowflake ecosystem have an even easier way to integrate data to and from the Snowflake Data Cloud.

Getting Started with OAuth for Confluent Cloud Using Azure AD DS

Released in December 2022, OAuth support on Confluent Cloud allows Confluent Cloud users to integrate their own third-party identity provider (IdP) with Confluent Cloud, centralizing account management across all of their cloud services. This article explains how to configure Azure Active Directory DS (Azure AD DS) and Confluent Cloud so that the Azure Directory can be used to authenticate and authorize applications to use Confluent Cloud clusters.

Automate Building ML Experiments with Databricks, AutoML, and Fivetran: Predicting Wine Quality

Learn how Fivetran’s automated data movement platform allows you to quickly set up a relational database connector to the Databricks Lakehouse to move a wine quality dataset over to the lakehouse and ensure that it’s ML-ready. Then you’ll see how to use Databricks and AutoML to run classification experiments on the dataset to generate models for wine quality predictions based on a variety of parameters, including citric acid, ph, residual sugar, and sulphates. An extra bonus is that you don’t have to be a data engineer, ML engineer, or a wine expert to deliver quick value with this tech stack and approach.

What's new in Cloudera DataFlow 2.7: Change Data Capture with NiFi & Productivity improvements

Learn how the latest Cloudera DataFlow release enables Change Data Capture use cases and improves developer productivity with new features like deployment configuration export, flow version tagging and new monitoring capabilities.

Benchmark Your Metrics in Databox!

🥁 BIG NEWS: Benchmarks now available in the Databox app! Curious about how your results measure up against companies like yours? Using Benchmarks, you will be able to compare your performance to similar companies, identifying where you are ahead and where you fall behind. Now you can benchmark any metric and empower your data-driven insight right in our Databox Analytics app.

Build A Snowflake REST API in Less Than 5 Minutes

Terence Bennett - January 11, 2024 Do you have a ton of data sources and do not know how to expose them? Do you know you need a Snowflake API but don’t know where to begin to build it? Look no further, DreamFactory can take any database and build a fully documented and secure REST API faster than making a sandwich. All you need is your Snowflake credentials and DreamFactory will handle the rest, instantly generating OpenAPI documentation and securing your API by way of API keys.

7 Key Product Management Metrics and KPIs to Track in 2024

Here’s a question for you – is your product really what your users need? Does it effectively solve their pain points? Is it simple to use and can they navigate it easily? Does it have all the necessary features? The problem is, most people answer this question based on their assumptions, subjective opinion, or what a handful of power users tell them.

Simplify data loading with new enhancements to BigQuery Data Transfer Service

BigQuery makes it easy for you to gain insights from your data, regardless of its scale, size or location. BigQuery Data Transfer Service (DTS) is a fully managed service that automates the loading of data into BigQuery from a variety of sources. DTS supports a wide range of data sources, including first party data sources from the Google Marketing Platform (GMP) such as Google Ads, DV360 and SA360 etc. as well as cloud storage providers such as Google Cloud Storage, Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure.

Our Secret to Customer-First Account Management? Using an LLM-Powered Chatbot for Sales Teams

Snowflake account managers need their fingers on the pulse of which workload shifts or performance optimizations could improve customer experience. Yet without an all-encompassing view of their customers, sales teams have to piece together customers’ wants and needs through duplicate CRM accounts and various BI tools and dashboards.

Unleashing Business Potential: Exploring Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse

In the era of data advancement, current organizations are looking forward to innovative ways to utilize the potential of their data. Considering these scenarios, Oracle has developed a powerful tool, Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse, which has emerged as a game changer for many organizations looking to uncover their data’s capability in an easy and accessible manner.

Top 7 Rivery Alternatives: A Comparison

In the dynamic world of data integration, various platforms stand as compelling alternatives to Rivery, each offering distinct features, pricing structures, and specific applicability to diverse business requirements. This exploration sheds light on the top contenders in the data integration arena, providing insights into how they compare and contrast with Rivery.

Top 8 MariaDB ETL Tools

MariaDB is an offshoot of the MySQL relational database management platform, designed to give users greater big data management capabilities and scalability in a fully open-source format. For everything from optimized data warehouse formatting to unified data management, a dedicated MariaDB ETL tool is the best way to move forward with analyzing and managing your data in this environment and beyond.

3 Practical Steps Advertisers Can Take to Win in a Cookieless World

Third-party cookies have long been the backbone of online advertising, providing valuable insights into user behavior and enabling targeted, personalized campaigns. However, privacy concerns and evolving regulations have led major browsers like Safari and Firefox to limit or eliminate third-party cookie tracking. The next major milestone is upon us as Google is now testing a cookieless experience for 1% of randomly assigned Chrome users.

Yellowfin Cool Features Part 3: Advanced Query Generation

In this blog series, Yellowfin Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Brad Scarff breaks down some of the coolest and most unique features of the Yellowfin embedded analytics suite. Advanced query generation is the use of sophisticated technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural language to streamline complex data analysis.

Snowflake Database Engineering: What Will You Create, Redefine, Become?

Dear engineers... everyone thinks they know who you are. Builders, problem solvers, creators, innovators, designers. But you can’t be labeled. You know the world runs on what you do. And you know when you’re ready for what’s next. Get rid of the bottlenecks and bureaucracy. Database engineering is where Snowflake began. Collaborate with a team, learn from the best, and join a culture defined by engineers to solve the toughest problems. Build a product no one else is.

Ask Me Anything About Data Storytelling

Too often, traditional dashboards present data without context or a narrative. Make it easier for stakeholders to understand and act on essential information with data storytelling: a more engaging and memorable way to communicate insights. In this webinar, Chance Coble presents an introduction to the key concepts of data storytelling, including selecting the most relevant data, choosing the appropriate visualization technique, and weaving the data into a story that communicates a clear message. Then he tackles the audience's toughest questions.

Why Data Literacy is Essential for a Data-Driven Future

In a world overflowing with data, our ability to understand, interpret, and utilize it effectively has never been more critical. 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day and with the rise of automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, this number is only set to increase. Data literacy plays a vital role in making sense of this wealth of information, empowering us to make informed decisions, identify trends, and ultimately enhance business outcomes.

New in Databox: See How You Stack Up To Companies Like Yours With Benchmarks

How do you know if your performance is good? For example, your click-through rate on LinkedIn Ads is 4.2%, is that good? Is your CPC too high? Are your conversions too low? One way to answer these questions is by using Benchmarks. In a nutshell, Benchmarks provide a point of reference – a reliable standard that helps you compare how you’re doing against businesses like yours. You can use them to understand where you’re performing well, and where you have opportunities to improve.

Zero to CDP: Unlock Your Full Marketing Potential with a Composable CDP on Snowflake

In today’s dynamic business landscape, numerous organizations are transitioning to the Snowflake Data Cloud, seeking more agile, secure and efficient solutions to manage and activate customer data. Yet, the timelines and engineering resources needed to support implementation haven’t always kept pace with the increased market demand, impeding innovation.

SaaS in 60 - Key Driver Analysis

This week we introduce Key Driver Analysis, a new capability that leverages the power of Qlik AutoML to surface the most influential factors that are driving an organizations outcomes in their analytics. Users can simply right click on a chart to initiate a key driver analysis and then specify a target measure and specific features they want to include. The AutoML engine will then generate an analysis that shows the fields in your data model that are most affecting the target measure, complete with visualizations and Natural language generated insights.

8 Data Governance Tools for Growing Organizations in 2024

As your organization grows, so does the complexity of managing data. It’s a critical challenge—get it wrong, and you’re facing a world of siloed and inaccurate data, compliance nightmares, and security risks. The consequences of poor data governance are not just operational hiccups; they can directly impact an organization’s performance. If you’re looking for a solution to tackle these challenges head-on, you’re in the right place.

Is Your Financial Services Organization Ready to Leverage Generative AI?

As an industry built on data, financial services has always been an early adopter of AI technologies. In a recent industry survey, 46% of respondents said AI has improved customer experience, 35% said it has created operational efficiencies, and 20% said it has reduced total cost of ownership. Now, generative AI (gen AI) has supercharged its importance and organizations have begun heavily investing in this technology.

Navigating the Fast-Moving Future: Cloud, Data, and Sustainability and AI

Today, businesses are facing some of the toughest digital innovation challenges we’ve ever seen in recent times. The climate crisis, the breakneck speed of technological innovation, and growing cybersecurity threats are just some of the hurdles that must be smartly addressed for organizations to succeed in today’s increasingly data-driven world. This is something we know to be true from recent discussions with our customers.

AI and LLMs: How to navigate these technologies to build trusted AI

From customer success and fraud detection to process automation and code completion, Varun Jaitly, Santiago Giraldo, and Robert Hryniewicz discuss the AI and GenAI use cases that separate early enterprise leaders, and the key obstacles businesses across verticals must overcome for successful LLM development and deployment.

Accelerate Building Data Apps with Snowflake, Streamlit, and Fivetran: Workday Talent Management

Learn how Fivetran accelerates and automates data movement for Workday HCM data to the Snowflake Data Cloud. Using Fivetran’s fully automated and fully managed data movement service, you can achieve self-service data integration for all Snowflake data workloads quickly and securely and always be 100% automated. Kelly Kohlleffel steps you through creating a Workday to Snowflake connector with Fivetran for both the initial sync and ongoing incremental change data capture while creating a data app-ready dataset in Snowflake that is immediately useable, trusted, organized, and understandable by Streamlit.

10 Tips to Manage Redshift Costs Without Compromising Performance

Effective management of Redshift costs is closely tied to data storage optimization. Choosing the right data types and implementing data compression are pivotal in reducing storage footprints and costs. Redshift’s columnar storage format enhances query performance, which in turn can lead to significant savings. For a more comprehensive approach, integrating tools like Anodot can provide advanced analytics and real-time visibility to further streamline storage efficiency and optimize costs.

Fivetran vs Stitch Data: Deep Comparison

Fivetran and Stitch Data are two of the top contenders in the great ETL tool debate. But both platforms have their own sets of advantages and drawbacks. Choosing the right ETL platform for your business depends on several factors unique to your company, such as the types of data you need to analyze and the business intelligence (BI) you expect to glean from it. Which of these ETL/ELT platforms is the right option to add to your data stack?

Cybersyn Puts Detailed Data Sets at Decision-Makers' Fingertips With Snowflake Native Apps

Your company collects huge amounts of data about everything from customer transactions to supplier contracts to system performance. This valuable resource becomes even more valuable when you combine it with data about financial market and economic trends, consumer spending, regional demographics and other elements that provide broader context and insights for your business decisions.

Accelerate and Automate SAP ERP data into the Snowflake Data Cloud with Fivetran

Learn how Fivetran accelerates and automates data movement for SAP ERP data to the Snowflake Data Cloud. Using Fivetran’s fully automated and fully managed data movement service you can achieve self service data integration for all Snowflake data workloads quickly and securely and always 100% automated. How Seznam Stays #1 With Data Management By Keboola is the most visited internet portal in the Czech Republic. Launched in 1996, it now incorporates more than 30 other web services and has expanded to radio, TV, print news and more. With over 382 million monthly visits, the most popular site in the country even outranks Google. But sustaining this growth in the data-driven era would never have been possible without leaving behind Seznam’s outdated legacy systems.

The Director of Data & Data Integration: Synergy in Leadership

Have you ever wondered how a Director of Data can transform vast amounts of diverse information into strategic goldmines? Data integration stands as the cornerstone for these leaders, serving as the foundation for informed decision-making and strategic leadership. It's more than a technical function; it's a multifaceted tool that not only sharpens data quality and drives innovation but also fosters a culture of collaboration and risk management across your organization.