Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

February 2023

APISecOps Tutorial: Delivering APIs Securely Together with Kong Konnect and Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)

Red Hat OpenShift is the industry’s leading enterprise Kubernetes platform that runs ubiquitously across on-prem, and the cloud. With Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), a managed Red Hat OpenShift platform that runs natively on AWS, it is even easier to get kick-started on an enterprise-ready instance of Red Hat OpenShift in the cloud. Kong similarly distinguishes itself as a multi-platform, multi-cloud API Management solution pushing the vision of APIs.

Snowflake's Phil Kippen Weighs In on Launch of the Telecom Data Cloud

Today Snowflake is officially launching the Telecom Data Cloud. Snowflake’s newest Data Cloud helps telecommunications service providers break down data silos within the business and across the ecosystem, allowing organizations to easily and securely access data in near real time, enrich it with machine learning models, and then share and analyze it to drive better decision-making.

On-premise vs. Cloud: Finding the Best Solution for your Product

When thinking about a product analytics solution, an essential component of the process lies in deciding between two types of data storage: cloud or on-premise. Each has its advantages and disadvantages depending on a number of factors, such as the stage or size of a business, budget, etc. Before we can tackle these variables, we should understand what each option entails.

Introducing the Koyeb Terraform Provider

Today, we are glad to release the Koyeb Terraform Provider and announce that we are a Hashicorp Technology partner. Terraform has become an essential tool for many developers who manage infrastructure and applications running in the cloud. We are excited to offer our users a way to manage their Koyeb resources using Terraform.

An Overview of Streaming Analytics in AWS for Logging Applications

Streaming analytics in AWS gives enterprises the ability to process and analyze log data in real time, enabling use cases that range from delivering personalized customer experiences to anomaly and fraud detection, application troubleshooting, and user behavior analysis. In the past, real-time log analytics solutions could process just a few thousand records per second and it would still take minutes or hours to process the data and get answers.

10 Dos and Don'ts When Debugging Cloud-Native Applications

Lately, everyone has been jumping on the cloud transformation bandwagon, which isn’t surprising, because when it comes to tech, you don’t want to find yourself behind, stuck with your dusty old monoliths. Just kidding – we love ourselves some good old monolith architectures – but there’s no comparing to dynamic, cloud-native technology.

Your Go-To Guide to Building CI/CD Pipeline In Azure DevOps

“Good software, like wine, takes time” – Avram Joel Spolsky But do we have that much time? The statement was perfect when SDLC still relied on the waterfall and agile methodologies. But the scenario has drastically changed since then. DevOps is ruling the SDLC world today, and tools supporting the process are everyone’s favorite. And CI/CD is the modern software development practice every DevOps engineer swears by.

Taming Cloud Costs for Data Analytics with FinOps

Uncontrolled cloud costs pose an enormous risk for any organization. The longer these costs go ungoverned, the greater your risk. Volatile, unforeseen expenses eat into profits. Budgets become unstable. Waste and inefficiency go unchecked. Making strategic decisions becomes difficult, if not impossible. Uncertainty reigns.

Benefits of a Public Cloud vs Private Cloud & Dedicated Devices

Most software projects leverage synthetic tests to verify functionality early on, but physical devices are the ultimate form of quality assurance. While a few smartphones may suffice early on, a growing user base means quality assurance teams must ensure support for a broad range of devices, operating systems, and browsers with public or private device clouds. Device clouds make it easier to manage devices and run automated tests from anywhere.