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May 2020

PHP Memory Leaks, How to Find and Fix Them

Memory leaks can happen in any language, including PHP. These memory leaks may happen in small increments that take time to accumulate, or in larger jumps that manifest quickly. Either way, if your app has a memory leak, sooner or later it will cause problems. The source of and solution to PHP memory leaks aren’t always obvious, so you may need to try a few strategies before you eliminate the problem.

Deep Dive: Android Fan Out Builds

Success on mobile is about speed and it's about quality. In this webinar, Bitrise Sales engineer Tamas Bazsonyi explains how to get the best of both, by demonstrating how to combine speed and quality by speeding up Android builds on Bitrise. We are going to share a couple of suggestions to speed up your android builds and also share a sample solution for fan out builds with your Android project.

Need to Node - Volume 67

In this volume of Need to Node, you can find the latest news on Deno, a recording of our webinar ‘New and Exciting Features to Land in Node.js version 14’ and ‘JavaScript features to forget’. Need to Node is a weekly bulletin designed to keep you up-to-date with the latest news on the Node.js project, events and articles. You are always welcome to collaborate and participate. Please let us know if we missed a piece of content you think should be included!

Try N|Solid - A Ready Made Demo

You asked and we listened. Until today, trying our novel approach to monitoring performance, diagnostics and security required bringing your own application and load testing environment. Our latest release of N|Solid 3.12 changes this. We are excited to announce the launch of ‘Try N|Solid’ a new, one-command , zero-config way for you and/or your colleagues to experience the power of our Node.js Enterprise Runtime (N|Solid) 💪.

How a Hackathon Led to 80% Fewer Rollbar Items

Earlier this year, we were invited to Threadup’s wonderful office space in Oakland to be one of the presenters at their quarterly Hackathon. Thredup, a fashion retail marketplace with over 35,000 brands, has been one of our key customers since 2013. We soon realized this wasn’t a normal Hackathon. This hackathon was dedicated to instrumentation and monitoring.

10+ Frameworks and Tools to Consider for PWA Development

From AliExpress to Forbes, Starbucks, Instagram, George, Trivago, Uber, and Medium, a vast number of top brands have switched to the PWA environment and recorded a significant rise in their ROI. Especially, in terms of faster app loading & higher customer engagement and retention rate. These brands have not just unveiled the numbers publicly, but have also encouraged others to step into the PWA development world.

New Kafka governance: approval flows & app topology

It feels like only yesterday that we announced Lenses 3.1. The release was focused around helping developers be more productive when developing real-time data applications. Since then, our customers are onboarding new applications and new users onto their data platform at a faster rate than ever. And with more apps and users come stricter and tougher requirements for compliance and governance.

A Tour of 7 Popular Ruby Frameworks in 2020

Ruby may be over 25 years old, but it remains popular in the software community for its focus on programmer happiness. Building software with Ruby often involves leveraging one or more popular frameworks for the purpose of increasing productivity by relying on existing solutions to common problems. Ruby frameworks generally fall into two categories: web-facing frameworks and background job frameworks.

North Dakota's COVID-19 Contact Tracking App Uses Bugfender, What About Privacy?

Today, May 21st, we received an interesting email from a journalist writing for Fast Company. Apparently, a privacy-focused company audited the app Care19, North Dakota’s COVID-19 contact tracking app, and they found that an anonymous tracking ID generated by the app was sent via API to Bugfender along with other identifiers. While the journalist contacted the app developers, he also gave us the opportunity to comment.

How to Improve User Experience

Our attention is increasingly focused on the online world, and with the widespread adoption of mobile devices, and rising data speeds, accessing a website has never been easier. There is also more choice than ever before for online users, with social media apps competing with traditional websites for our attention. In this crowded and competitive marketplace, how can you make your website stand out from the crowd?

Station: A powerful smart browser for all your web applications

The internet has become an integral part of our lives. Be it work or daily chores, we can’t imagine getting through the day without it. As our reliance on internet increases day by day, a majority of applications we’re switching to have web-based interfaces. The growing popularity of smartphones and portable devices has fueled this tech revolution. Most applications that have web-based interfaces are hosted on the cloud these days.

Speeding up Rails with Memoization

Whoever first said that "the fastest code is no code" must have really liked memoization. After all, memoization speeds up your application by running less code. In this article, Jonathan Miles introduces us to memoization. We'll learn when to use it, how to implement it in Ruby, and how to avoid common pitfalls. Buckle up!

New and Exciting Features to Land In Node.js v14

Node.js v14 has just been released. It comes with exciting features and enhancements. More importantly, it will be promoted to Long-Term Support (LTS) in October. The time to start trying said features and start testing your applications and secure a smooth transition is now. In this talk we will be showing the most relevant of these new features implementation examples and more.

What is Code Profiling? Learn the 3 Types of Code Profilers

At Stackify, we’re all about helping you improve your application’s performance. We have actually developed two code profilers ourselves. Because of that, we like to think we know a thing or two about code profiling. Today I want to talk about the three different types of code profilers, describe the differences between them, and recommend some tools for your toolbox.

Using Mnesia in an Elixir Application

In today’s post, we’ll learn about Mnesia, see when you would use such a tool, and take a look at some of the pros and cons of using it. After covering the fundamentals of Mnesia, we’ll dive right into a sample application where we’ll build an Elixir application that uses Mnesia as its database. Let’s jump right in!

5 Tips to Take Your Development Pipeline to the Next Level

Development can successfully remove the bottlenecks created by waterfall methodology by improving development productivity through encouraging collaboration,continuous feedback loops, and automating processes. Collaboration. Feedback. Automation. These are the main building blocks of Development operations. However, not all Development implementations are successful. Why? Building blocks are not enough. You need to take these building blocks and design a Development pipeline that suits your needs.

Android device testing on Bitrise

Automate the device testing of your mobile apps with Bitrise: use our dedicated Steps to run device tests on iOS and Android devices in Firebase Test Lab. Continuous integration and delivery built for mobile: Automate iOS and Android builds, testing and deployment from your first install to the one millionth. Free for Open Source and small teams. Plans for teams of all sizes.

JavaScript Growing Pains: From 0 to 13,000 Dependencies

In today’s post, we’re going to demystify how the number of JavaScript dependencies grows while we’re working on a relatively simple project. Should you be worried about the number of dependencies? Keep in mind that this blog post is related to the Ride Down The JavaScript Dependency Hell blog post that was released a while back. We’ll show a “real-world” example of how a project’s dependencies can grow from zero to 13K.

5 Ways to Empower Your Developers

You know the saying, “by developers, for developers”? Well, at Rookout, we take that quite literally. Developers are the heart and soul of Rookout. As developers ourselves, especially as ones who have had our heads stuck in code for many years, we look to make fellow developers’ lives easier. There are countless tools that are available to developers. Whether they enable easier workflows, improve quality, aid in collaboration, and so on and so forth - the sky's the limit.

Introducing The Bugfender Web SDK

We are thrilled to announce Bugfender’s new javascript SDK for the frontend, which applies the simplicity of our mobile SDKs to web applications. Bugfender JS has all the features that you already know from iOS and the Android SDKs, enabling you to: In this blog, we’re going to tell you how to access our new SDK, provide a quick overview of its benefits, and bring you up to speed with the evolution of the Bugfender project.

Ruby Garbage Collection: More Exciting than it Sounds

Running software uses computer memory for data structures and executable operations. How this memory is accessed and managed depends on the operating system and the programming language. Many modern programming languages manage memory for you, and Ruby is no different. Ruby manages memory usage using a garbage collector (also called gc). In this post, we’ll examine what you, a Ruby developer, need to know about Ruby’s gc. Use the links below to skip ahead in the tutorial.

Jenkins and Kubernetes: The Perfect Pair

As the world is adapting to new and unforeseen circumstances, many of the traditional ways of doing things are no longer. One significant effect of this is that the world has gone almost completely virtual. Whether it’s Zoom happy hours and family catch ups or virtual conferences, what used to be in-person has digitized.

Avoiding Memory Leaks in NodeJS: Best Practices for Performance

Memory leaks are something every developer has to eventually face. They are common in most languages, even if the language automatically manages memory for you. Memory leaks can result in problems such as application slowdowns, crashes, high latency, and so on. In this blog post, we will look at what memory leaks are and how you can avoid them in your NodeJS application. Though this is more focused on NodeJS, it should generally apply to JavaScript and TypeScript as well.

Deep Dive: Fan out Builds for faster performance and stability on Bitrise

Success on mobile is about speed and it’s about quality. To ensure quality, rigorous testing of your mobile builds are crucial, but these tests take time. In this webinar, Bitrise mobile DevOps engineer Damien Murphy explains how to get the best of both, by demonstrating how to combine speed and quality by speeding up tests on Bitrise.

PHP Json_encode: Serialize PHP Objects to JSON

PHP is a server-side scripting language for creating your website’s backend system that can serve webpages, communicate with databases, and exchange data over the internet. A decent backend framework like PHP needs to be capable of providing and processing data in any format (e.g., XML, JSON, etc.) to be socially accepted in a society of skilled web development frameworks.