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September 2020

Exploring Node.js Async Hooks

Have you ever heard of Node.js async hooks module? If the answer is no, then you should get familiar with it. Even though it’s new stuff (released along with Node.js 9) and the module is still in experimental mode, which means it’s not recommended for production, you should still get to know it a bit better. In short, Node.js async hooks, more specifically the async_hooks module, provides a clear and easy-to-use API to track async resources in Node.js.

Digital Transformation Requires Development Transformation

Analysts Jeffrey Hammond, Diego Lo Giudice, and Christopher Condo explain in this Forrester report why digital and software development leaders should take a customer-focused approach to software development to support digital transformation. Organizations often think of modernization in terms of technology choices-and as NodeSource has seen firsthand, Node.js is a key part of the tool set for application modernization. However, this report indicates that most IT organizations don't have the right operational models to develop and deliver great digital experiences.

Why do Kubernetes pods stay in pending state?

Kubernetes refers to an open-source platform managing containerized service. This portable system simplifies automation and configuration. You can link an app in a Kubernetes cluster and connect it to IBM Cloud Kubernetes service through the VPN. In this article, we will focus on why your kubernetes pod stays in pending state.

Video: Identifying Memory Bloat

In this video, we are going to take a look at what memory bloat is, what causes it, and how you can use Scout to eliminate it from your applications. Memory related performance issues have the potential to bring your entire application down, and yet, most APMs completely ignore this fact and fail to provide any useful way of monitoring memory usage at all.

How Containerized Applications Increase Speed & Efficiency

Most modern applications today are being designed as a set of microservices with each service running as an independent application. This simply implies that one large application is broken down into small Apps running independently and only communicating with each other. This of course makes it much easier to build and maintain Apps but also offers way more value when combined with containerization technology.

Robust JavaScript Error Handling. Learn About JavaScript Errors

By combining custom errors, named functions and Bugfender, you can create a robust error-handling process that allows you to immediately identify the defects of your JavaScript apps. Unhandled JavaScript errors will stop the execution of your script, leaving the application in an undesired state – or, even worse, in an unknown state. So you need a robust error-handling process to avoid unknown errors in your apps. But, why are errors thrown anyway?

How to configure HTTPS for an Nginx Docker Container

There are a few ways to effectively configure HTTPs for an Nginx Docker Container. In this guide, we will quickly cover configuration through the use of free certificate authority Let’s Encrypt. For plenty of people, using Let’s Encrypt to configure HTTPS for an Nginx docker container is a good option. A paid version like Comodo’s SSL certificates may make more sense if you want to increase the security of your site and server.

Debugging Kubernetes Applications on the Fly

Over the recent years, software development organizations have seen a major shift in where they build and run their applications. Teams have transitioned from building applications that run exclusively on-prem to microservices applications that are built to run natively in the cloud. This shift gives businesses more flexibility as well as quick and easy access to enterprise services without the need to host costly applications and infrastructure.

Find Where N+1 Database Queries Affect Your Application

One of the Scout’s key features is its ability to quickly highlight N+1 queries in your application that you might not have been aware of, and then show you the exact line of code that you need to look at in order to fix it. In this video, we will use a Ruby on Rails application as an example, but the same concepts apply to other popular web frameworks.

An Introduction to Kubernetes and Its Uses

It's easy to get lost in today's continuously changing landscape of cloud native technologies. The learning curve from a beginner's perspective is quite steep, and without proper context it becomes increasingly difficult to sift through all the buzzwords. If you have been developing software, chances are you may have heard of Kubernetes by now. Before we jump into what Kubernetes is, it's essential to familiarize ourselves with containerization and how it came about.

Infrastructure Improvements (Update 2020)

Most of our blog posts are dedicated to Android, iOS and JavaScript development because those are the most interesting platforms for our users. However, from time to time, we also think it’s important to share what’s happening behind the scenes. In this post we’ll be highlighting some of the recent improvements we’ve made to Bugfender’s infrastructure.

Development and the Cloud: 5 Ways Development And the Cloud Will Come Together in 2020

More and more companies are beginning to turn to Development and the cloud as a way to improve their software teams. Whilst it used to be that development and operations were seen as separate, that view has now changed. Linking the two leads to better communication, faster development times, and the ability to stay on top of things.

How to store the bitrise.yml file | TUTORIAL

Keep your bitrise.yml config file in the repository of your Bitrise app: with this feature, you have full control over maintaining, versioning, and the security of your Bitrise config. Continuous integration and delivery built for mobile: Automate iOS and Android builds, testing and deployment from your first install to the one millionth.

Stackify's New Pricing: Everything you need to know

Stackify Retrace pricing is changing. We’re moving away from our old device-based billing to a modern usage-based billing. This means you’ll pick a plan based on the exact amount of projected logs and performance traces you collect and nothing more. You’re probably wondering why and what’s in it for me. Stackify has one core belief that has guided us since our inception and will never change.

Going from Consulting to SaaS

For many freelancers and small business owners, moving from consulting or freelance development work to operating a SaaS product is the Holy Grail. That makes sense: running a SaaS scales better and makes for a stable income. While there’s no guaranteed path to success, here’s what we learned taking AppSignal from a “20% time side-project” to a business serving thousands of developers around the globe. This article isn’t a blueprint.

A Gentle Introduction to Web Services With Go

When you're deciding on a technology to use for your project, it helps to have a broad understanding of your options. You may be tempted to build a web service in Go for performance reasons - but what would that code actually look like? How would it compare to languages like Ruby or JS? In this article, Ayooluwa Isaiah gives us a guided tour through the building blocks of go web services so you'll be well-informed.

N|Solid v4 - now with Windows support

Node.js Enterprise (N|Solid) is now available for Windows 10 🎉. With N|Solid v4 we reimagined some of the runtime’s internals. This not only introduces support for Windows 10 (BETA) but lays the groundwork to provide the most performant, secure and observable version of Node.js in scaled production anywhere.

Kubernetes vs. Docker

Kubernetes and Docker each play a vital role in modern, microservices-based application development. Since Kubernetes and Docker work in unison to help develop, deploy, and manage large-scale applications – they are not mutually exclusive technologies and they are certainly not in competition with each other. Nevertheless, Kubernetes and Docker are often misunderstood by the non-developer community. To clear up the confusion around Kubernetes vs. Docker, we’ve written this guide.

Node.js Microservices: Developing Node.js Apps Based On Microservices

Node.js application developers, in the ever-evolving business landscape, enjoy tangible advantages while incorporating microservices in Node.js apps development. The microservice architecture, or microservices, is a distinct method of software systems development, which attempts to create modules that are single-function, with well-defined operations and interfaces.

To Perforce or Not To Perforce: That is The Question

As the world keeps spinning and technology keeps progressing ever-further, a lot of focus is being put on optimizing productivity. However, there is an aspect that is being overlooked: adaptivity. Being adaptive as an organization has become critical. It’s not just about your organization, but about helping your clients to be fluent and adaptive as well. In our experience, this means helping the user to get the best experience possible.

Serverless vs. Containers: Key Differences Explained

The “as a service” business model continues to grow rapidly, largely thanks to the rise of cloud computing. “As a service” offerings deliver IT products and technologies such as software, hardware, and data storage to consumers via the Internet, rather than having to install or manage them themselves. Serverless and containers are two such “as a service” technologies that have seen increasing adoption in recent years.

Top 10 Best Node.js Open Source Projects to Keep an Eye On

NodeJS is a server-side platform that’s built on the JavaScript Engine (V8 Engine) of Google Chrome. It’s an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for JavaScript code execution outside the browser. The platform, being event-driven, works on a non-blocking I/O model, making it lightweight and effective in building web applications. With the platform, you could simultaneously run code on the client and server side, hastening the development process.

Navigating Technology Adoption in the Enterprise

While startups rarely enjoy the resources of a large organization, they usually enjoy a comparative "easy-mode" when it comes to technology adoption. Once a company has reached a certain size, or has existed for long enough, technical debt builds up, organizational ossification sets in, and bureaucratic creep becomes pervasive. This white paper covers our findings from over the last four years of engaging deeply with our enterprise customers: advising, training, and supporting them with our products and expertise through their Node.js adoption journeys.