Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

November 2020

Production Debugging: Everything You Need to Know

Production debugging, as the name suggests, takes place when one must debug the production environment and see the root cause of this problem. This is a form of debugging that can also be done remotely, as during the production phase, it may not be possible to debug within the local environment of the application. These production bugs are trickier to resolve as well, because the development team may not have access to the local environment when the problems do crop up.

Best tools in 2021 to do automated testing of your JavaScript apps

It’s no exaggeration to say that today’s internet is built on JavaScript. Around 95% of all websites have been built using the language, according to the latest figures. JavaScript has evolved beyond the client side and is now used to construct entire technology stacks, not to mention support databases like pouchdb and RethinkDB.

Editor X - a Responsive Builder for Your Next Website

Welcome to 2020: the year in which having a business simply can’t happen without having a website. And, in recent years, not just ANY website. Business owners must have THE website: an online virtual space that is so magnificently created and intuitive to use, not to mention flame up emotions we never knew existed that users simply can’t forget. But how do you achieve this in a world with SO MANY WEBSITES without having to spend weeks if not MONTHS creating it?

Why Are You Logging If You're Not Using the Logs?

There comes a time in every developer’s life (or daily routine, we’re not here to judge) where they have to go and fix a bug. Back in the days when I used to be a developer, I distinctly remember how each time I would go face to face with a bug, my favorite method to fix it was to add log lines. I mean, why not, right?

Server-side Rendering in JavaScript: A Modern Approach

Let’s talk about SPAs. It all starts from a blank page which is subsequently filled with HTML and JavaScript. If we take PHP pages as an example, they already come bundled with the server, which is an advantage in terms of performance, right? For situations like these, server-side rendering frameworks (such as Next.js) come to the rescue. They process the code on the server-side to pre-fill the HTML result page with something (if not the whole page) before it reaches the browser.

Focus On The Path, Not Only The Product: Here's Why

As engineers, we continuously aim for perfection. The drive to deliver the perfect product sometimes defines how good we are as engineers. We often discuss and fine tune the term and the essence of our product’s perfection. Some claim that a perfect product is one that handles all the edge cases, works flawlessly, and can do everything.

Announcing N|Solid 4.3.0 - Import/Export Settings

We are excited to announce N|Solid v4.3.0, which delivers Import/Export functionality allowing users to easily match configuration settings across and covers the security patch to coincide with Node.js v15.2.1, v14.15.1, and v12.19.1. N|Solid Console users can now export configuration settings using either NSolid Console or the CLI, the result is a JSON format file which can be used to import settings across different setups.

Autumn Launch: PHP 8, Autoloading Performance, Deprecation Tracking, Alerting Improvements

This autumn launch for Tideways includes new features and improvements that we worked on the last three months. These are (in no particular order): Aside from this blog post explaining the new features in detail and the documentation, we also invite you to sign up for our 30 minute webinar "New Features and Improvements launched in autumn 2020" scheduled for 25th November 2020, 15:00 Europe/Berlin.

React Hooks Common Mistakes

React Hooks is a new addition to React which enables you to use state and other features of the library without having to create a class. By ‘hooking into’ React’s existing features, you can significantly reduce the number of concepts you have to grapple with, and you can create custom hooks to share all kinds of non-visual logic, making your code much more reusable.

Tips for Successful Data Analysis & Benefits

This short guide for conducting successful big data analysis will take you through a couple of the most essential tips to help you learn how to analyse data & become a better data analyst by avoiding rookie mistakes and embracing the correct mindset to get the most from your data. We’ll also cover some of ways that conducting effective data analysis can help your organisation.

Achieving exactly-once delivery with Ably

Exactly-once is a desirable (if not critical) message delivery guarantee and a remarkably complex engineering challenge to solve. In this blog post, we will look at what exactly-once means in the context of distributed pub/sub systems, and the exactly-once guarantees that the Ably realtime pub/sub messaging platform provides. Ably often acts as the broker in data streaming pipelines: publishers send messages to our platform, and we deliver these messages to subscribers.

How augmented reality improves conversions and engagement in mobile shopping apps

COVID-19 caused a significant shift in consumer sentiment; making mobile shopping ever so popular — and digital brand engagement a competitive necessity. With an increasingly noisy online marketplace and physical stores losing traction, it’s time to adopt immersive consumer tech to attract new shoppers, revenue, and brand recognition.

Meet Continuous Code Improvement

If your experience as a developer is anything like mine, the best moments are those known as the "flow state.” When distractions drift into the background and all your energy is going in the creative direction of solving the problem at hand. Your brain is directly connected to your users through your code. Months of progress happen in hours. Unfortunately, those moments are rare. But it’s not emails or Slack messages that are the biggest distractions.

Introducing AI-Assisted Workflows and Automation-Grade Grouping

Imagine you’ve been working on a new feature for weeks. Finally—after exhaustive QA and testing, and more late coding sessions than you care to count—you release with a feeling of both accomplishment and relief. Only to be woken up at 3am that something’s wrong. Or worse, you get flooded with customer complaints that it’s not working properly. Well, it’s probably a scenario you don’t need to imagine. Every developer has a version of this story to tell.

Microservices vs API

In this article, we’ll cover the key differences between APIs and microservices as answered by our contributors consisting of senior decision-makers and CTOs from technology companies around the world. One of the most popular ways to consume data from a web service is through a web application programming interface (API). By interface, we are referring to an agreement, or schema, that anyone using this API must abide by.

3 life-changing tips for Flutter apps on Bitrise | MATTHEW R. JONES

3 life-changing tips for Flutter apps on Bitrise, featuring Matthew R. Jones, Senior Customer Engineer at Bitrise. Bitrise is a Continous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) Platform as a Service (PaaS) with a main focus on mobile app development (iOS, Android). ‎ Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below.

How to Use the Javascript Debugger

As developers, we’ve traditionally rooted out errors in our programs (we’ll call them bugs from now on if that’s ok) by using meaningful log statements. JavaScript has the famous console.log() method for that. But while log statements are good, they are less efficient than a tool that enables you to carry out step-by-step debugging. So in this article, we will learn how to use Google Chrome developer tools (also known as DevTools) to debug any JavaScript application effortlessly.

Announcing N|Solid JS API

NodeSource is excited to announce N|Solid JS API! 🥳 With this new API you can use all the power provided by the N|Solid console and CLI using your own JavaScript code programmatically. In other words, now it is not necessary to listen to events from the console, but from your own code you can decide when to run a certain command under your chosen conditions.

How to catch all exceptions in Python

One of the struggles developers face is how to catch all Python exceptions. Developers often categorize exceptions as coding mistakes that lead to errors when running the program. Some developers still fail to distinguish between errors and exceptions. In the case of Python application development, a python program terminates as soon as it encounters an unhandled error. So, to establish the difference between errors and exceptions, there are two types of errors.

Rollbar SDKs and the new Apple-Silicon Mac Platform

Apple just introduced Apple M1, it’s new processor, along with their latest product versions. Back in June, when Apple had first announced the transition to Apple silicon, we applied for their Universal App Quick Start Program and, eventually, received an Apple Developer Transition Kit (DTK) so that we could try out our Rollbar-iOS and Rollbar.NET (via Xamarin) SDKs on the Apple new platform.

The ELK Test for Software Management

Are you planning moving to data-driven software management to keep on top of your quality assurance status, your security findings and development velocity? Thinking about building it yourself using Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana or maybe just using your Splunk instance for this? Read more to find out why this may or may not be a good idea.

Python Garbage Collection: A Guide for Developers

During the course of execution, software programs accumulate several data objects that serve no purpose in the program and need to be let go. If not dealt with, they can keep eating up memory and significantly hamper performance. Garbage collection is the process of cleaning up all these useless data objects that continue to reside in memory. It frees up the corresponding RAM to make room for new program objects.

Bitrise User Group #6 - Getting started with Bitrise | WEBINAR

Do you need guidance on how to get started with Bitrise? Watch this virtual meetup featuring mobile developer Alex Logan, Vladimir Ivanov, and Wisdom Nwokocha. 📺 Bitrise Users from all around the world come together to learn, teach, and connect with each other! Bitrise User Groups (or BUGs) are live meetups where Bitrise users share knowledge, best practices, and ideas with each other. Check out our other videos!

The True Cost of Downtime For Businesses

In this post, we’re sharing some of the best insights from specialists across a variety of industries to answer: What is downtime & why is downtime so detrimental for businesses? As well as answering this key topic we’ll also cover how businesses can take steps to prevent downtime & understand the underlying causes behind this often costly concern. Downtime is a term used to refer to a period of time in which a system, website or service is unavailable to its users.

How to Manage Ruby Memory Usage

Even the most prominent and reliable frameworks are notorious for burning out resources if not configured perfectly. In this post, we are about to take a look at how Ruby, one of the most prominent programming languages and an awesome web application alternative when combined with Rails, manages memory, and how you can make it perform even better. Ruby is a scripting language built for use in web applications and similar stuff.

Why should you use Elasticsearch on your website?

In this post we’re covering a range of the best reasons why you should consider using Elasticsearch for your business or website. We’ve brought together some of our favourite experts working in eCommerce and Technology to let us know why they love using Elasticsearch for their projects & why they would recommend this powerful search engine. Two of the biggest reasons for using Elasticsearch were detailed by Usama Raudo, Marketing Strategist at Within The Flow.

FaaS Vs. Serverless: Resolving the Dilemma

In the vast ever-changing world of technology, Serverless and Faas are the two new categories of cloud computing services. Both FaaS and Serverless have helped organizations in saving money, refocusing developers’ time, relegating infrastructure management, and harnessing cloud technology. However, while both are treated as the same, there is a slight difference. Through this post, we will shed light on the similarities and differences between FaaS vs.