Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

December 2020

Definitive Guide to Remote Java Debugging

In the world of software development, there’s no such thing as writing perfect code. As such, almost every software developer ends up spending a great deal of their time debugging code. Therefore, one of the best ways to increase your efficiency as a developer is to have the ability to locate errors, identify the root cause, and fix it to resolve problems in your codebase.

How To Become A Kickass Dev Manager In 2021

As all dev managers, including ourselves, have witnessed, the last few years have been characterized by unprecedented and rapid technological advances. Due to this, there has been a fundamental change in the way applications are being developed. The software world as we knew it shifted from monolithic app development to new methods such as microservices architectures, cloud functions, and distributed systems that are faster and more agile.

Developer Tooling for Kubernetes in 2021 - Helm, Kustomize, and Skaffold

Over the last few years, we have seen an avalanche of tools to enable easier software development on Kubernetes (let’s face it, it is quite hard out of the box). As often happens in growing ecosystems, some tools grow and adapt, while others get left behind, or at the very least, merged into new offerings. What’s a better way to open 2021 than with an up-to-date review of the options we have?

NodeSource brings arm64 support, C++ API and Event Profiler to N|Solid!

NodeSource is excited to announce the release of N|Solid 4.4.0 This latest release includes exciting features that users of the N|Solid Node.js Enterprise Runtime will want to understand and start utilizing right away. They include support for arm64 architecture, a C++ API (Beta), and the new Event Profiler tool.

13 Marketplaces to Sell or Buy a Website or a SaaS Business

Web design is creative and time-consuming at the same time. But sometimes, selling a design, a template, or a ready to use website can get challenging. It might not prove to be as much of a revenue generator as one would like, and there could be several reasons for it. For one, the justified asking price might get slightly high due to the scale of investment and time involved, and thus, buyers might move to other vendors.

How To Detect and Prevent Memory Leaks

A memory leak in an application deployed on the cloud can affect the availability and reliability of the application. Therefore, it is highly important to identify and ultimately resolve it quickly. However, in the production environment running on the cloud, memory leak detection is a challenge without the knowledge of the application or its internal object allocation details.

An expert's perspective on fintech trends and digital transformation across finance and banking

Following up on our fintech mobile report insights and our interview on EMEA banking trends, we delved deep again to discover what future disruptions are on the horizon of the finance and banking industry — from innovative challenger banks to companies like Google.

Are You Making These 3 Debugging Mistakes?

I have been managing R&D teams for the past 14 years or so and have learned many lessons along the way. Some of the best lessons have come about in the moment when your software meets the real world and you find that you need to debug remotely. Part of them were learned from my own battle scars and some were taught to me by my peers and employees.

Ship healthier code with Codecov and Bitrise - How to establish a code coverage benchmark | WEBINAR

Are you looking to improve your code quality to make your app development easier? Rewatch our webinar on-demand, and learn about the tools, processes and best practices of making code coverage part of your CI flow. What you’ll learn? In this webinar, we are exploring the most common code coverage metrics, tools and reports Codecov provides and we’ll show you how you can integrate Codecov and Bitrise to automate your code coverage reports and improve your code quality.

Data-driven Software Engineering Management. Which Data??

Leading software organisations with data-driven insights? Sure! Bring it on! But how? And where to get the right data from? Learn how to unlock your software engineering teams treasure trove of data for better decisions making. It is easy to get behind the idea of data-driven decision making in the software engineering world.

How to add Bugfender to an Android Project

Adding Bugfender to an Android project is a two-minutes task that can save you hours of debugging in production. In this video we review the whole process from scratch. We start creating an Android app with Android Studio. Then we add Bugfender with Gradle and finally we configure a new App in the Bugfender's Dashboard. We use the last minutes to explain how the different logs work in Bugfender so you can get the most from the first minute.

Embedding Source Code Version Information in Docker Images

As organizations place focus on innovation and digital transformation across enterprise IT, we continue to see increased adoption of containers and microservice application development patterns. Containers have brought developers new levels of flexibility and portability, but oftentimes still leave developers with questions about the best way to configure and build those containers.

The Easiest Way to Monitor Node.js: Automatic Instrumentation

Monitoring for your Node.js apps can be hard. The tricky part is understanding what you need to monitor, instrumenting your code, and then making sense of all the data that’s been emitted. (That’s almost every part you might say 😅 ). At AppSignal, we dogfood our product and understand the pain users feel ourselves. The key points we focus on are the ease of use, flexibility, and developer experience.

NodeSource Brings arm64 Support to its Node.js Binary Distributions

NodeSource is excited to announce support for the aarch64 (ARM 64-bit) architecture in Enterprise Linux based distributions! It includes: In the last decade x86_64 was the dominant architecture in Enterprise Linux based distributions, but since 2018 there has been a significant increase in arm64 downloads. Also, big tech companies such as Apple and Amazon are adopting the arm64 processor.

When Debugging Meets Performance

Our ongoing goal at Rookout, the Live Debugging company, is to turn the debugging of live, remote applications into something that every developer can easily do as part of their daily workflow. Recently, we have taken this challenge one step further. What if we could make it so developers were also able to solve performance issues on a daily basis as well? Some recent additions we made to the Rookout platform are the first step towards turning that vision into a reality.

Introduction to Event Loop Utilization in Node.js

In the last year, I've spent many hours writing patches for libuv and Node to collect new metrics. The goal of this was to indirectly infer the state of the application without introducing measurable overhead. I've run a few hundred hours of benchmarks and collected over one million data points to make sure my analysis was correct. Eventually, I plan to write about all aspects of my research, but today we will focus on a metric that has already been added to Node.

Python Memory Management: The Essential Guide

Python is not known to be a "fast" programming language. However, according to the 2020 Stack Overflow Developer Survey results, Python is the 2nd most popular programming language behind JavaScript (as you may have guessed). This is largely due to its super friendly syntax and its applicability for just about any purpose.

"Hello, Ruby Debugging"

Learning a new language is always a joyous event. From the first innocent google search, through the first “hello world”, to always being surprised when the classic text is somehow printed to the screen/command line console/browser tab/local text file. The entire time your mind is quickly soaking in new ideas and concepts, new syntax and phrases, and new ways of doing things. Some of them can be compared to the languages you already know. Others are brand new.

Building a Multi-tenant Ruby on Rails App With Subdomains

According to a definition of multitenancy, when an app serves multiple tenants, it means that there are a few groups of users who share common access to the software instance. An excellent example of an app that supports multitenancy is the Jira platform, where each company has its subdomain to access the software, for example,

How to skip code freezes and release with confidence instead

With the holidays coming up, teams may already have started the season's annual code freeze to avoid downtime, unexpected bugs, crashes, or faulty releases. In this whitepaper - featuring mobile engineers behind popular shopping apps - we dive into the latest tendencies, main motives, and technical decision-making factors behind this practice, and discuss whether there's a better way of going forward.

Fast & Curious: Find and Fix Slow Queries & API Requests

AppSignal was built because we were tired of slow and clumsy monitoring setups. Instead, we built monitoring that’s easy yet powerful - an intuitive interface enables you to figure out what’s happening in no time. Today, our team made finding slow events effortless. We’ve fully overhauled our slow events feature, helping developers to quickly find and fix slow queries and API requests.

Rest vs SOAP: The Key Differences You Need To Know

When choosing between these two popular web API (application programming interface) formats it can be surprisingly difficult to know which one you should select for your infrastructure. Although both Rest (Representational State Transfer) and SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol) share attributes in common with how they handle HTTP protocols, there are a number of key differences as discussed in this article.