Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

April 2021

How to Handle Complexity in ISO 26262 Compliance Workflows

When you need to comply with functional safety standards like ISO 26262, you need to establish a compliance workflow. This is critical for both ISO 26262 semiconductor design and software design. In this blog, we breakdown how to handle complexity of semiconductor IPs in ISO 26262 compliance workflows.

Security Best Practices + Klocwork

Security best practices are essential to follow when installing any web-based application. Here, we outline the steps for setting up Klocwork, a static code analysis and SAST tool, for secure operations. This process is generally on-premises and behind a firewall. There should be additional precautions taken in the case of exposing anything on the internet. Read along or jump ahead to the section that interests you the most.

Virtual Reality Retail: Next-Gen Shopping Experience

Virtual reality retail experiences are transforming brick-and-mortar shopping. With the global augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) market expected to reach 1.6 billion by 2021, there is massive potential to expand into virtual spaces. Creating a virtual shopping experience helps both retailers and consumers. It can reduce overall operating costs and offer immersive experiences for consumers to try and customize before they buy. So how can retailers build VR in retail?

Report: The 5 main benefits you can expect from migrating your app to cloud CI

Our research finds that leaving Jenkins behind results in a higher return on investment, thanks to predictability of resource requirements and freed-up capacity. Read our new report focusing on the business impact of switching to cloud-based CI.

Managing From Home: Running Software Teams in a Remote-First World

Working from home, remote-first, asynchronous work. There are many ways to describe our new way of professional life. Much has been explored from an employees point of view, but how do leaders and managers deal with the new situation? We have a look at the challenges and needs of software engineering leadership.

Helix ALM vs. Doors Next

Helix ALM is an application lifecycle management tool, which includes requirements management, test case management, and issue management. It is applicable across a broad range of methodologies, including modern agile practices, traditional waterfall development, or a hybrid approach. Because it encompasses a broad scope of records and team activities, Helix ALM specializes in end-to-end traceability and configurable workflows.

Why Developers Should Care About Resilience

Recently, a friend reminded me of a joke we used to have when we were both developers at a huge software corporation (we won’t mention names, but back when printers were a thing, you probably owned one of theirs). We didn’t develop printers. We developed performance testing and monitoring tools. We were the dev team, which was completely separate from the QA team and from the Ops team (yes, I’m that old – we didn’t even call it DevOps back then).

Enabling Oracle SSL/TLS Encryption

In our previous post on securing Oracle applications, we discussed how to enable Oracle Native Network Encryption for your client and server. In the conclusion however, we noted some of the shortcomings of using that security mechanism (potential for man-in-the-middle attacks, inability to control secure certificates, etc.). Here we begin to address those issues by instead enabling SSL/TLS encryption between the Oracle client and database.

Top 10 Online Code Editors for Web Development

A code editor gives developers an environment to write code using a specific programming language. While the code editor’s primary purpose is to assist with coding, most of the editors go beyond and help developers with pointing errors, autocomplete suggestions, running the program and other common areas of doubt. We can install a code editor on our laptop or PC, or we can use an online version. This can help us avoid the hassle of installation, saving us both time and memory.

Top 7 Tools for Adding Web Forms to Static Websites

The power of the Internet and the World Wide Web is known to everyone. Within a few years after its inception, businesses started to take advantage of all the facilities in features. And within no time, e-commerce became prominent as a new way to do business. Nowadays, it is the dominant way any company or business can reach its customers across the globe with a website.

Taking open-source to the next level at Bitrise - Step by step

One of the reasons I joined Bitrise was the awesome community and the fact that most of the codebase here is actually open-sourced. If the Step Library is the brain of each and every build running on Bitrise, the open-source community must be the heart of it, playing a key role in the success of our product. That's why we have some plans to do more amazing things.

Resilience: The Muscle We Always Need to Train

Last year tested us on many fronts and resilience was a major theme. How well we handle change, unrest and uncertainty have all translated into how well we can deal with major events — such as a global pandemic. Being able to quickly adapt our habits has helped us make the most of the unique year that we had.

Change Data Capture and Kafka to break up your monolith

Getting data from a database into Kafka is one of the most frequent use cases we see. For data integration between enterprise data sources when migrating from monolith to microservices, what better than CDC? We talked about breaking up a monolith and the importance of data observability previously. Now we’re showing you how to do it with a typical microservices architecture pattern including PostgreSQL, Debezium and Apache Kafka.

Integrating tests to your development pipeline. Quickstart guide to Loadero API.

Sometimes using a graphical user interface isn’t enough to fulfill your daily tasks, especially when you start automating your testing routines. Imagine a scenario, when you perform a regression test on a piece of functionality every time you push a new release or merge your code to a particular branch. It would be a nightmare to manually run those tests every time, especially if your team is rather large and you’re practicing continuous delivery.

Future Scope of Digital Twins Technology

Digital twin technology has been around for years. But recently, industries have started to leverage it as a cost-effective method for creating prototypes to test, analyze, and study real-world simulations. Learn more about digital twins and get digital twin examples to learn how they could help you build bigger and better products.

Enabling Oracle Native Network Encryption

Network encryption is a vital security step in hardening your application and guarding your data. Additionally, it is more often becoming a requirement by many organizations and laws such as HIPAA. In this article, we will discuss how to secure network communication between your application and the Oracle database using Oracle Native Network Encryption. We will demonstrate how encryption can be enabled and leveraged from SourcePro DB with no source code changes to your application.'s Response To The Elasticsearch B.V. SSPL Licensing Change

On the 14th of January 2021, Elasticsearch B.V. announced that future releases of Elasticsearch and Kibana would be released under a dual license SSPL (Server Side Public License). As a result of this change it is evident that the components that make up Elasticsearch and Kibana in version 7.11 (and onwards) of the ELK Stack will no longer be considered as open source based upon the Open Source Initiative's requirements for licensing.

Flutter vs. React Native: What's the best cross-platform framework in 2021?

Congratulations! This is an exciting moment to begin building a new mobile app. Cross-platform frameworks have changed everything: thanks to them, developers can now ship performant apps across many platforms with a single codebase. Two of the biggest frameworks are Flutter and React Native, both with a ton of buzz around them. So what’s the right choice for your project?

How to Debug Your Unity Videogame

We’re going to investigate the basic strategies to debug an application created with Unity, from logs to breakpoints, during the development stage. Once an app is in production we can switch to using Bugfender, and we’ll explain this too. To illustrate this tutorial we have created a custom app called The Bugfender Game, a variation of the popular Flappy Bird. Unity is a cross-platform game engine that gives users the ability to create games and experiences in 2D, 3D, VR and AR.

Disaster Recovery Plan: How to make sure you're prepared for the worst

The first lesson you learn as you start to work around the DevOps field is that being optimistic is not a good virtue. While that might seem overly pessimistic, let me explain. We plan our architecture to fit our needs, deal with edge cases, scale our applications up and as wide as we see fit, and with all of that, we still always expect for the unexpected to happen. As engineers, we are expected to deal with that unexpected.

Helix QAC 2021.1 Continues to Provide In-Depth, High-Quality Compliance Coverage

With the latest release of Helix QAC, the static code analysis tool continues to provide you with in-depth, high-quality compliance coverage for C and C++ coding languages. However, what makes Helix QAC 2021.1 notable is that it now offers complete support for many key coding standards. Here is an overview of the most impactful enhancements made to Helix QAC.

5 Ways to Effectively Import Your Product Requirements

Product lifecycle management is all about the dynamics between requirements and their fulfilment (e.g., the ability to test and prove that a requirement is fully covered, as defined during the product planning phase). Understanding this relationship, and respecting it unconditionally, allows great products to achieve world-class quality and stability. For the majority of products, the combination of people, processes, and technology is triggering different forms of changes to the original plan.

Why Python cProfile is the Recommended Profiling Interface

Performance optimization is a basic need for software development. When it comes to optimizing app performance, tracking frequency, maintaining production, or perpetuation method calls, profilers play a vital role. Learn why Python cProfile is a recommended profiling interface and how it enhances your software performance.

How to Choose the Best Performance Profiling Tools

You finish writing your code and launch your application. Then, you begin experiencing performance issues. How can you fix this? It doesn’t matter how talented your development team is, every code should always be analyzed, debugged, and reviewed to make it run faster. What you need is a performance profiling tool. In this article, you will learn about performance profiling and how to determine the best performance profiling tools for your software.

Reliable WebSockets-based pub/sub with Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a powerful application framework for creating production-grade Spring based Applications. It allows for developers to very quickly and easily get sites up and running, with databases and more. In this tutorial, we’ll be going over WebSockets, Pub/Sub, and how to make the most out of these in your Spring Boot applications.

The Road to MobileDevTestOps - Kobiton Odyssey 2021 presentation by Moataz Nabil

Join Moataz Nabil for this explainer on MobileDevTestOps, and a description of the common journey mobile engineering organisations go through to reach this stage of continuous testing. This presentation, watched live by attendees of Kobiton's Odyssey 2021 testing conference, explores the role of QA and testing in mobile DevOps processes. Specifically, it deep-dives into the notion of Mobile DevTestOps, it's challenges and how they're addressed by both large and small mobile product engineering organisations.

Solving Customer Related Problems with R&D

As an R&D manager, there are many things on my mind that keep me up at night. These thoughts range anywhere from impossible research explorations, employee motivation, rising cloud costs, all the way to security incidents. However, there is one that sweeps all of them aside when they surface and that is solving customer facing issues.

Lighthouse Performance Metrics: What They Are & How to Improve Them

Google has made page speed a ranking factor in mobile searches for quite sometime now. Thus measuring performance has become a key part of any web development project. Performance, accessibility and general SEO best practices are major factors in search engine rankings. Your site's performance can have a big impact on how it is perceived. It can be stated as how fast a website is, or how good the user experience is with the site.

Node.js Server Monitoring: A How to Guide

Node.js is one of the most popular Javascript frameworks in 2021. With the increasing demand for Node.js comes the crucial next step of Node.js server monitoring. The best way to monitor your Node.js server is with an Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tool. Keep in mind, Node.js server monitoring is a bit of a tricky task, and there are particular challenges you should be aware of. But don’t worry because this how-to guide will walk you through it step-by-step.

Debugging in PHP

PHP is a great language to start with when you are learning how to code. It has a simple syntax, it’s easy to learn and you can make dynamic websites with it. But even though it’s easy to write PHP code, it’s not always easy to debug. There are a lot of tools out there that can help you, but since PHP is an interpreted language, you can also use a couple of debugging techniques to help you find bugs in your code. In this blog post I'll cover the the following sections.

Updates from Bugfender Q1, 2021

Welcome to the spring Bugfender newsletter! We’ve been working on the past months improving some of our SDKs, making it easier to integrate Bugfender thanks to API improvements and introducing some new features to make your debugging experience even better. Furthermore, we’ve been actively writing fresh content for our blog. Make sure you don’t miss out on our featured articles for this quarter below!

How to Detect Memory Leaks in Java: Causes, Types, & Tools

A memory leak is a situation where unused objects occupy unnecessary space in memory. Unused objects are typically removed by the Java Garbage Collector (GC) but in cases where objects are still being referenced, they are not eligible to be removed. As a result, these unused objects are unnecessarily maintained in memory. Memory leaks block access to resources and cause an application to consume more memory over time, leading to degrading system performance.

Lessons Learned When Building A Kubernetes Operator

As we see more customers adopting Rookout for debugging cloud-native applications, we are not surprised to learn that a significant number of them work in a microservice environment. In the most common case among these customers, each service has its own code repository maintained by the team who develops the service.

A Guide to Security in Software Development

With the ever increasing frequency of cyberattacks, software security is not only essential but necessary. The most effective and efficient practice for safeguarding software is with secure coding standards. When used effectively, these standards prevent, detect, and eliminate errors that could compromise software security. Even though secure coding standards are not overly complex, it can nevertheless be a challenge knowing when and how to use the right standard. For that reason, it is important that you learn about the key secure coding standards and how to comply with them.

Compliance, Quality, and Efficiency for GDPR

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requires businesses to protect the personal data they hold for any citizens of Europe. It pertains to those organizations that operate within the EU (European Union), and also those that offer goods and services to individuals in the EU. Proving GDPR compliance is all about documentation. It can be difficult, however, to cover your bases reliably and efficiently. Especially when regulations change.