Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

August 2021

LiveView Integration Tests in Elixir

In the second part of this two-part series on testing LiveView in Elixir, we’ll write an integration test that validates interactions within a single live view, and an integration test that validates the interactions between two separate live views. You will focus on testing the behavior of the survey results chart filter from the previous post. We’ll use the LiveViewTest module’s functions to simulate LiveView connections without a browser.

AutoCAD + Game Engines for Visualization and Innovation

Engineers across industries are using AutoCAD + game engines, like Unreal. Why? AutoCAD can be used to create comprehensive technical designs which are required for manufacturing and testing. For product visualization, game engines shine. When combined, they can maximize innovation. Learn more about this powerful duo and discover why teams are adding the Unreal game engine to their use of AutoCAD.

The Top 5 Node.js Performance Measurement Metrics

Using Node.js as a JavasScript runtime has its advantages. However, it requires significant maintenance to keep it working as expected. Here are the top metrics you should monitor for Node.js performance measurement analysis. Application programming interfaces or APIs that use the Node.js runtime environment are scalable. Node.js is asynchronous and event-driven, which means the application can handle multiple connections at the same time.

Why you should be using a VPN when working from home

With so many of us working from home full time for the last 16 months, VPNs have become essential tools for companies to keep their staff working in a safe environment. What we mean by “safe” is mainly about your online presence whilst performing daily tasks for your job.

It's Time To Turn On The Light With Dynamic Log Verbosity

As we recently discussed, many of us are still lost in the darkness, grasping for a log line to shed some light on the issue we are trying to troubleshoot. Many of our customers and colleagues have shared the following challenges with us: But what if we didn’t have to make such a choice? What if we could easily and efficiently switch on exactly the logs we needed, without hurting our application?

Game Asset Recycling - What You Need to Know

To meet the ever-increasing demand for new video games, teams need to move faster than ever. Keeping up with releases and producing new game assets can be challenging, even for the largest studios. To accelerate development without sacrificing quality, many teams look to past projects, and their corresponding game assets. Game asset recycling saves time, allowing coders and creatives to innovate using existing materials. But how can you share game assets across teams and projects? Learn how.

Live From The Indie Hackers' Backstage

We're back! The Founders recap their respective Hot Vax Summers. They also provide some updates on automating the SOC 2 process, their outbound sales efforts, and the blog. Also, what if you could trade-up your small business to a larger one, similar to trading up from a starter home? Listen hungry, there's lots of food for thought!

A Deep Dive Into PHP 8.1 New Feature

We all know the updated features in PHP 8 that was released a few months earlier. Now there is a new set of features expected to release on 25 November 2021. It is one of the most used programming languages nowadays. With the recent updates in the 8th version, the usage of PHP language has become increased. Developers at PHP are continuously working to improvise the features. The team has recently announced the list of features that are going to be released in the upcoming version of PHP.

Genymotion | Verified Steps on Bitrise

With Genymotion Cloud SaaS, QA engineers can spawn many Android virtual devices in the Cloud in parallel and test at scale. With Bitrise, a Continuous Integration & Delivery platform dedicated to mobile apps, users can use a powerful UI to create workflows easily, which then can build, test and deploy an app and improve efficiency by setting up the whole mobile application dev lifecycle environment.

How to Generate Compliance Reports in Perforce Static Code Analyzers

Ensuring and verifying that your codebase is compliant with a particular coding standard or industry regulation can be a difficult and time-consuming process. However, by using a static code analysis tool — such as Helix QAC and Klocwork — you can generate a compliance report to see whether your codebase is compliant or not.

Responsible Monkeypatching in Ruby

When I first started writing Ruby code professionally back in 2011, one of the things that impressed me the most about the language was its flexibility. It felt as though with Ruby, everything was possible. Compared to the rigidity of languages like C# and Java, Ruby programs almost seemed like they were alive. Consider how many incredible things you can do in a Ruby program. You can define and delete methods at will. You can call methods that don’t exist.

The Top Visual Studio Code shortcuts to make your life easier

Visual Studio Code is a feature-rich IDE that can be used for small personal projects and massive enterprise projects alike. It’s a great tool that enables a developer to focus on the task they have in front of them, but there are times when a developer gets slowed down like when they have to move from the keyboard to the mouse and then having to click through endless menus to find the file or feature they’re looking for. Thinking it sounds like you?

Log all tasks the Shopware 6 queue processes

The Shopware 6 software architecture heavily relies on a message queue to process tasks in the background. This is a fundamental change of how Shopware works compared to version 5, which did not have a message queue. To fully leverage the benefits of Shopware 6 you should make use of the message queue as much as possible.

Get To The Root Cause Faster With Rookout's Live Debugger - Now Available On The Azure Marketplace

We have recently launched our disruptive Live Debugger on the Azure Marketplace, making it easier than ever before for teams on the Microsoft stack to slash the time they invest in debugging. We are excited about this, as we have been working closely with Microsoft to make sure that both large international enterprises as well as smaller and scaling startups have direct access to Rookout, to make the most out of our dynamic observability solutions.

Nameserver: What is It? How Does It Work? Why It is Important to Your Website?

You may have come across the word "nameserver" if you maintain your own website. You may, however, have no true idea of what one is or how it works. Knowing a little about the “nameserver” concept can help you manage your website. Simply said, nameservers help browsers in establishing links between URLs and websites. They're essential since we'd have to memorize IP addresses to visit websites if we didn't have them. Launch New ELK Stack Dashboard Layout

We are pleased to announce our newly launched dashboard design which we have created to assist cross team collaboration for users that prefer to use multiple Stacks per account. We understand that Cybersecurity specialists, Sysadmins, Product owners, developers and CTOs may all have different requirements for using our platform for logs and metrics analysis.

It's Time We All Stop Cursing The Darkness

To paraphrase a popular Chinese proverb: “It is better to light a log line than to curse the darkness”. And yet it’s 2021, and many of us are still lost in the dark, struggling to find a match, praying for that one missing log line that would have pointed us in the right direction. How did things get this bad? Since time immemorial, we have relied on logging as the first trustworthy, intuitive, and straightforward debugging method.

How Youredi Used To Fulfill Their Client's Dashboard Needs

See how the platform helped give Youredi a more streamlined reporting and data visualisation alternative to using Microsoft’s Power BI in our latest customer case study. Outside of its BI capabilities, the platform is used throughout Youredi by everyone from their technical teams through to their customer support and professional services department.

TypeScript Compiler API: Improve API Integrations Using Code Generation

Developing against third-party or unfamiliar web APIs can be painful and slow compared to using native libraries. For example, making requests with an HTTP client is simple enough but offers no compile-time sanity checks and no way for code suggestion tools like Intellisense to help you navigate. Worst of all, if the API you are consuming introduces breaking changes, you won’t find out until runtime. named as a Performer in log management & data analytics award

We are excited to announce that has recently taken home three awards from Appvizer’s selection ranking the best log management and data analytics tools on their platform. In addition to this, we’ve also been named as one of their certified partners for 2021.

The Ultimate Salesforce Developers Guide

Salesforce enables companies of all sizes to build amazing app experiences that drive stronger customer relationships. Heroku makes it easy to deliver engaging apps on the public cloud that integrate customer data. Heroku Connect is an easy way to keep your Salesforce data up-to-date with practically unlimited scaling, containers, and support for various application frameworks.

An Introduction to Testing LiveView in Elixir

In this two-part series, you’ll get a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know to test your LiveView applications in Elixir. In Part I, I’ll introduce you to LiveView testing guidelines and you’ll write some flexible and elegant LiveView unit tests. In Part II, you’ll write interactive LiveView tests that validate a full set of live view behaviors.

Game Development After Jira Server: Where Should Game Studios Turn?

As Atlassian has decided to deprecate their server products, including Jira Server and Confluence Server, game studios using these products have to look for alternatives, or swallow the cost to migrate to Atlassian’s other products (Cloud or Data Center). Let’s explore how life may look like after Jira, as this is something we have discussed with several game studios since Atlassian made their announcement .

NAN to Node-API Migration: A Short Story

Throughout the years I’ve created my fair share of native addons. The first ones were created by using the native C++ Node.js and v8 API’s. When NAN was created which made life much easier, especially in terms of maintenance, there was no question that I should move all my addons to use it. The years passed and Node-API was created and though it was on my radar and saw the benefits of using it, I never had the time to try it on my own modules.

Building A Full-Stack Application With Vue, Vuex and Rails

Vue is a popular front-end that is especially useful for Rails developers since it was designed to be incrementally adoptable. That means you can use Vue for parts of your UI without having to rebuild everything from scratch. In this article, John Emmanual will introduce us to Vue, show us how to set it up in Rails, and walk us through a simple project.

Event-Driven Architecture is unblocking data-driven decisions in shipping

In March 2021, a 200,000 tonne ship got stuck in the Suez Canal, and the global shipping industry suddenly caught the world’s attention. It made us realize ships play an important role in our daily lives. Really important in fact; 90% of the things we consume arrive by ship. Take a look at this map. By visualizing vessel routes over time, the pattern creates a map of the earth. Note the lack of vessels travelling close to the coast of Somalia where piracy is common.

14 Useful Bash Aliases that Make Shell Less Complex and More Fun

Do you frequently find yourself typing a long command on the command line or checking the bash history for a command you've already typed? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, bash aliases will come in helpful. You can use aliases in Bash to create a shortcut command for a longer command. When working on the command line, bash aliases are essentially shortcuts that can save you time and effort by eliminating the need to remember long commands.

Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture

Microservices are an accelerating trend thanks to rousing endorsements from the likes of Google, Netflix, and Amazon. The microservice architecture is advantageous for it’s scalability, agility and flexibility. In contrast, the monolithic approach is the traditional tried-and-true model for building software. It’s much easier to debug and test. But how do you know which approach is best for your organization?

Securing Your SQL Server Application: Enabling Client-Initiated Encrypted Connections

In the previous article we discussed how to enable a server initiated encrypted connection to a Microsoft SQL Server. But what if we have a scenario where we do not want to incur the overhead of encryption for every application? In that scenario instead of configuring the server to force encryption we will instead need the client to initiate the encrypted connection.

The Benefits of Bringing Together Debugging and Tracing Data

The rise in digital transformation over the past few years means that more and more companies are adopting cloud native technologies. While these distributed architectures provide scalability and agility, they also increase complexity. As Arnal Dayaratna, research director in software development for IDC, writes, “One of the challenges faced by contemporary developers is the task of understanding applications that they may not have even developed or used .”

The Top 50 ELK Stack & Elasticsearch Interview Questions

If you are a candidate looking for your next role that involves an in-depth knowledge of Elasticsearch and the wider Elastic Stack then you will want to revise beforehand. In this resource guide on the top ELK interview questions, we've listed all of the leading questions that candidates are commonly asked about Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana (and their contemporary tools and plugins) alongside the answers. Want to improve your knowledge further?

How to Display All PHP Errors: For Basic and Advanced Use

During the execution of a PHP application, it is possible for it to generate a wide range of warnings and errors. For developers seeking to troubleshoot a misbehaving application, being able to observe these errors is critical. Developers, on the other hand, frequently encounter difficulties when attempting to display errors from their PHP applications. Instead, their applications simply stop working.

How to Find Hibernate Performance Issues in Development and Production

The Java Persistence API (JPA) is used in most Java applications to interact with a relational database. One of its most popular implementations is the Hibernate ORM, because it uses object-relational mapping to abstract database interactions and makes implementing simple CRUD operations very simple. But this abstraction also has its downsides. Hibernate uses a lot of internal optimizations and hides all database interactions behind its API.

CPU Profiles as a Diagnostics tool in Node.js

With Node.js applications and services, spotting the performance bottlenecks in your applications is deciding to take real advantage of the speed and reliability that Node.js has to offer. A CPU profile is a way to understand how your application is executed, what functions devour what percent of CPU time, and provides enough information for a more precise application diagnostic.

An Ultimate Guide to Node.js Logging

Logging helps developers in reducing errors and cyber-attacks. The application is designed to be dynamic. We can't always predict how an application will react to data changes, errors, or program changes. Logging in allows us to better understand our own programs. For all applications, an absolute logging solution is essential. A good logging system increases the application's stability and makes it easier to maintain on the production server.

How to Make a Build vs. Buy Decision for a Software Solution

Buying software is often the answer for busy engineering teams in search of a quick solution with minimum aftercare. But while your team may be sure of the problem, how do you go about searching for a product to fix it? Far from being the 'easy option', there is a lot you need to consider before you invest in a bought solution – user experience, cost comparisons, and support features to name a few. Let’s explore some of the considerations when making a good decision.

Low-Risk Releases

The latest video in the Rollbar Solutions series, Low-Risk Releases, shows how Rollbar can be used to improve the release process for DevOps teams. Traditionally, releasing software has been a pain point for these teams; code changes made to higher environments provide opportunities for bugs to rear their ugly heads and affect customers directly. Rollbar's real-time monitoring and intelligence solutions help you find and fix these issues more quickly and effectively, reducing MTTA/MTTR metrics and thus the overall customer impact of these issues.

Getting Started with Docker: A Tutorial

Docker containers have taken the software industry by storm. Ever since its launch in 2013, Docker’s usage and popularity have grown at a rapid pace. Docker has saved organizations from the challenges of managing dependency and version conflicts across multiple environments by providing a portable, secure, and (most importantly) reliable container technology for shipping applications.

Automate Secure Access Management With Rollbar + Okta

At Rollbar, we know security matters. Our customers represent the leading technology companies in the world today, and keeping their data secure is our top priority. Look no further than our investment in security and compliance. Rollbar is fully compliant with stringent industry standards like GDPR and HIPAA. We have also received ISO27001, SOC 2 Type 1, and Type 2 compliance certifications to ensure that even the most security-conscious companies can use our SaaS platform.

4 Reasons Why Visibility is Crucial in Lifecycle Management

Within application lifecycle management, one of the most significant challenges for practitioners and managers alike is visibility. More specifically, the lack of real-time visibility at any given moment of development. With a comprehensive lifecycle management tool like Helix ALM, your entire team can enjoy clear visibility throughout the lifecycle of your product. Here are four reasons why visibility is crucial for success in lifecycle management.

SaaS Release Experience

Last week we had a successful launch of our new SaaS version of N|Solid, making it possible for millions of developers to leverage the powerful insights and security that Enterprise self-hosted companies have experienced for years from NodeSource. I couldn’t be more proud of the great work our team put in to make this (and so many other product advances) happen.

Talk of the Town: Single Page Application

In recent days web application has become a vital part of our day-to-day life. We often don’t understand the technology behind an application as how it works, what type of programming languages have been used or what kind of databases are used to store and retrieve data. But when you try to create one such application you should definitely know how to build an application and the technology stack behind it. Confirms Plans To Support AWS OpenSearch & OpenDashboards

We are excited to inform all of our users that we will be bringing OpenSearch and OpenDashboards onto the platform in the coming months. You may have already been aware that we’ve previously announced our support for the previous iteration of OpenSearch & OpenDashboards known as Open Distro in our response here. Due to our early public support of these oncoming changes you can see our platform cited on the official AWS OpenSearch website.

How to Troubleshoot Performance with a Visual Studio Profiler

Performance profilers mainly aid developers in analyzing the performance of applications. The purpose is to improve poorly performing sections of code that make up the functions of the application. When you say performance profilers, common names that come to mind are Visual Studio performance profilers and Prefix by Netreo. In this article, we will focus on the specific Visual Studio profiling tools for memory and CPU usage.

Using ActiveRecord's #update_counters to Prevent Race Conditions

Race conditions are arguably the most insidious kind of bug; they're intermittent, subtle, and most likely to occur in production. ActiveRecord's `update_counter` provides us with a convenient way to avoid race conditions when incrementing or decrementing values in the database. In this article, Jonathan Miles shows us how to use it, how it's implemented, and other approaches to avoiding race conditions.