Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

August 2020

API Load Testing Mistake #5: Not Factoring in External API Calls - @SmartBear Talks

Nowadays, lots of modern API-based applications make calls out to third-party APIs. These APIs can belong to your organization, or they can be located on a partner, customer, etc. side. Today, we will analyze the specifics of calling these APIs during API load testing. Robert Schneider, a software testing consultant from WiseClouds, will help us avoid the mistakes when working with external API calls.

[Webinar] Best Practices to Enhance Your Test Execution and Management

We are glad to announce a brand new Katalon's webinar series "Test Automation Best Practices"! This series aims to be the community-centered platform that helps you connect with our Katalon experts. Here is where you can raise your voice and help build a positive learning environment.

Ten More Commandments Of Automation

Go ahead, search the interwebs. There are more posts and articles on “The Ten Commandments of Test Automation” than you can shake a test case at. Go ahead…I’ll wait. Welcome back! To set the stage, I have not read any of those articles. Well, more accurately, I’ve not read any of them recently; most of them I’ve not read at all. I probably read one or two of them in the “before times,” but I don’t remember any of the specific commandments.

API Load Testing Mistake #3: Failing to Explore Multiple Load Generation Scenarios -@SmartBear Talks

Creating an API load test is only one piece of the huge load testing world. Once your test is ready, you need to integrate it into the business process, simulate different load generation scenarios, and analyze the results. Today, we will continue investigating API Load Testing mistakes you can easily avoid. Robert Schneider, a software testing consultant from WiseClouds, will share exclusive insight into load generation scenarios.

API Load Testing Mistake #4: Simulating GUI Security Integrations via API - @SmartBear Talks

Lots of applications nowadays have robust and complex front-end development - user experience becomes so important! That's why, we need to understand how these front-end features and elements work under load. In this interview, we will talk with Damion White, software testing consultant from WiseClouds, and discuss the issues you can face when creating API load tests for such scenarios and how to avoid them.

Common Challenges in Continuous Testing

Continuous Testing is the process of testing at all stages of software development – one after the another- without any human intervention. Continuous Testing is key to faster delivery of Agile products to the market. Continuous Testing makes it possible to eliminate testing as a bottleneck for faster software development and delivery. But the path to achieving Continuous Testing has its own challenges, most common of which are mentioned below.

Introducing The Open Source Program Office

Recently, we created the Sauce Labs Open Program Office to focus our attention internally on how we support and contribute to the open source community. Last week, we proudly launched a new web site with comprehensive information about the office, including best practices, contribution guidelines for the Sauce team, and a new blog where Diego Molina and Christian Bromann will write regularly about all things open source. This article is cross-posted from the new blog.

CTB Profiles in Excellence: Duo Security at Cisco

Earlier this year, we released the second iteration of the Sauce Labs Continuous Testing Benchmark (CTB). Based on real-customer data from the more than 3 billion tests run on our platform, the CTB enables organizations to see how their continuous testing efforts stack up against critical best practices and how their own programs compare to those of other enterprises.

Gatling: Post Requests and Modular Scripts

This article is the fourth part of a series of tutorials dedicated to Gatling Load Testing. Kraken is used to ease the debugging of Gatling simulations and to speed up the process of load testing a fake e-commerce website: PetStore. We will focuse on POST requests and script modularization: In the previous blog post we created a realistic Virtual User that browses the store without buying anything.

Tips To Overcome Remote Testing Challenges

Gartner did predict that remote working will be a trend in 2020. But no one imagined that it would emerge as the biggest trend this year. For obvious reasons of course – companies that are able to adapt to remote working are being applauded and other companies that had not thought about remote working ever are now taking measures to adjust to it. Companies are trying to actively recognize any challenges that their employees are facing.

Angular: How to Use Virtual Scroll With a Flat Tree?

While developing Kraken’s frontend I quickly stumbled upon performance issues with Angular Material tree when too many nodes where opened. Kraken is an open source load testing IDE. As such, it displays a tree of directories and files used to script the load testing scenarios: You can have a look by creating a free account on the demo or check the source code of the UI on GitHub. It uses the latest version of Angular and components provided by Angular Material such as the tree.

Webinar Recap: Top 5 Features to Look for in a Codeless Automation Solution

Last week, our team at Katalon Studio partnered with Applitools to present a webinar: Top 5 Features to Look for in a Codeless Automation Solution. With the rise in demands for QualityatSpeed products, there’s no denying the benefit of automation testing software has on product development cycles: they shorten the release cycle, and fast to match the tech industry’s ever-changing nature with developments in the testing industry itself.

How to generate a constant request rate in k6 with the new scenarios API?

Before the release of k6 v0.27, there was insufficient support for generating constant request rates. Therefore, we introduced a JavaScript workaround by calculating the time it takes for requests to exhaust each iteration of the script. This v0.27 release includes a new execution engine and lots of new executors that cater to your specific needs. It also includes the new scenarios API with lots of different options to configure and model the load on the system under test.

Everwell Health Reduces Testing Time by More Than 50% with Sauce Labs

Everwell Health Solutions invents, designs and develops an open source platform called the Everwell Hub that allows healthcare organizations across the world to ensure that everyone has access to high-quality care, especially when it comes to managing health regimens for tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and mental health. Everwell supports the Government of India’s Nikshay platform covering care for TB-affected people in India, with more than 2.4 million cases added to the platform annually.

API Load Testing Mistake #2: Not Calibrating Virtual Users to Real Users - @SmartBear Talks

A huge part of your strategic plan for load tests built into your app development business processes is understanding and ensuring that the user profiles or the actions that your simulated users take in any testing environment accurately depict what happens in a real-world use case. That's why you need to be very careful with setting up virtual users in your load tests. We will investigate possible issues with Damion White, software testing consultant from WiseClouds, in this video.

3 Best Practices to Refine API Testing | Postman Alternatives in 2020

API testing remained an essential part of test automation and CI/CD process for QA teams to stay committed to short release cycles and frequent changes. API testing eliminates the need for maintaining scripts following the changes in the application under test’s UI. Read more API testing 101 Postman is a tool for API development, testing, and managing APIs for QA professionals. Postman was first developed as a side project for simplifying API workflow and testing projects.

10 Reasons Why Test Automation Fails

We know that test automation is expected to make processes faster and easier in software organizations and also to enhance the quality of the software significantly. However, in reality, test automation fails around 64% of the time to deliver according to the expectations as per Cigniti. Here are some of the main reasons why test automation fails for your web automation:

TomTom migrates to Xray from HP ALM for better efficiency

TomTom is the leading independent location technology specialist. Their non-stop innovation keeps the world moving forward – freely, efficiently, safely. Their maps for automated and autonomous driving, navigation software and real-time traffic and travel information provide a better way forward. That’s why 100’s of millions of people, leading car manufacturers, cities, governments, technology companies and developers rely on TomTom’s products and services every day.

Xray Test Management - Quick demo

A very quick demo that introduces the most important features of Xray. Xray is the leading Quality Assurance and Test Management app for Jira. More than 4.5 million testers, developers and QA managers trust Xray to manage 100+ million test cases each month. Xray is a mission-critical tool at over 5,000 companies in 70 countries, including 137 of the Global 500 like BMW, Samsung and Airbus.

How to Test Ruby Code That Depends on External APIs

Few things are more frustrating than slow, flaky test suites. You're ready to deploy, wait 20 minutes for CI to run, only to find that a test failure in code you've never touched is blocking you. You dig into the source and find the problem: an external API call. It works (slowly) most of the time. But sometimes the network glitches and it fails. What do you do? In this article, José Manuel shows us several techniques for removing external API dependencies from our tests.

Continuous Testing in the Retail Industry

In today's retail marketplace, digital channels hold a prominent and often central position. Modern software practices emphasize the need for rapid development and deployment. The retail world is no exception to this need for speed. To match the pace of innovation, continuous testing throughout the software development life cycle is the best way to build digital confidence and provide a great user experience.

API Load Testing Mistake #1: Separating Load Tests from Business Process - @SmartBear Talks

API performance testing becomes highly-demanded in all companies. It's very important to make sure how each single API works, as well as how they work under a different load. Many companies are trying to do API load testing by using the same approaches they use to test single APIs. In this video, we will talk with a world-known API expert, Robert Schneider, about the importance of including API load testing scenarios into a business process.