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How to Analyze Data from a REST API with Flink SQL

Join Lucia Cerchie in a coding walkthrough, bridging the gap between REST APIs and data streaming. Together we’ll transform the OpenSky Network's live API into a data stream using Kafka and Flink SQL. Not only do we change the REST API into a data stream in this walkthrough, but we clean up the data on the way! We use Flink SQL to make it more readable and clean, and in that way we keep more of the business logic away from the client code.

Defining Asynchronous Microservice APIs for Fraud Detection | Designing Event-Driven Microservices

In this video, Wade explores the process of decomposing a monolith into a series of microservices. You'll see how Tributary bank extracts a variety of API methods from an existing monolith. Tributary Bank wants to decompose its monolith into a series of microservices. They are going to start with their Fraud Detection service. However, before they can start, they first have to untangle the existing code. They will need to define a clean API that will allow them to move the functionality to an asynchronous, event-driven microservice.

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Data Streaming

How do you prevent hallucinations from large language models (LLMs) in GenAI applications? LLMs need real-time, contextualized, and trustworthy data to generate the most reliable outputs. Kai Waehner, Global Field CTO at Confluent, explains how RAG and a data streaming platform with Apache Kafka and Flink make that possible.

Event-Driven Microservices in Banking and Fraud Detection | Designing Event-Driven Microservices

How do we know whether Event-Driven Microservices are the right solution? This is the question that Tributary Bank faced when they looked at modernizing their old fraud-detection system. They were faced with many challenges, including scalability, reliability, and security. Some members of their team felt that switching to an event-driven microservice architecture would be the magic bullet that would solve all of their problems. But is there any such thing as a magic bullet? Let's take a look at the types of decisions Tributary Bank had to make as they started down this path.

Q&A: Events, Eventing, and Event-Driven Architectures | The Duchess & The Doctor Show

For their inaugural episode, Anna McDonald (the Duchess), Matthias J. Sax (the Doctor), and their extinct friend, Phil, wax rhapsodic about all things eventing: you’ll learn why events are a mindset, why the Duchess thinks you’ll find event immutability relaxing, and why your event streams might need some windows. The Duchess & The Doctor Show features a question-driven format that delivers substantial, yet easily comprehensible answers to user-submitted questions on all things events and eventing, including Apache Kafka, its ecosystem, and beyond!