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Press Release

Logilica announces Open SEI Platform release

SYDNEY, NSW — 08 November 2023. Logilica, a leader for Software Engineering Intelligence (SEI), today announced their support for open interfaces to their engineering analytics data warehouse and platform. Logilica enables enterprises now to bring their own software lifecycle data and upload them through Logilica’s published APIs, opening up their flagship platform to a wide variety of tools and solutions.

Kensu extends Data Observability support for Microsoft users with its Azure Data Factory integration

Kensu announces an integration with Azure Data Factory, the serverless data integration service. With this integration, teams can observe data within their Azure Data Factory pipelines and receive valuable insights into data lineage, schema changes, and performance metrics. As one of the few Data Observability providers available to support customers on-premise, multi-cloud, or hybrid environments, Kensu is broadening access to Data Observability for Microsoft users.

OpenLogic by Perforce, In Collaboration With the Eclipse Foundation and Open Source Initiative, Launches the Next State of Open Source Survey

Perforce Software launches its latest survey on the usage of open source software. This survey marks the first year of collaboration with the Eclipse Foundation in addition to the Open Source Initiative (OSI), who is participating on the survey for a third year.