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Product Release

New: Utilization Insights on Bitrise

Discover Bitrise's new Utilization Insights, a powerful feature enhancing the Insights add-on for optimal mobile development team resource management. It offers comprehensive dashboards on infra usage, workflow counts, concurrency and queues, and billing cycle summaries to improve your resources' management.

Leap Forward with Kong Gateway Enterprise 3.6

We're thrilled to announce the general availability of Kong Gateway Enterprise 3.6. This version brings security, efficiency, and standards conformance to enterprise applications. Plus, Kong AI Gateway, which you can learn more about here. Let’s dive into the enhancements and explore the tangible benefits these features bring your organization.

What's New in Kong Ingress Controller 3.1?

Kong Ingress Controller 3.1 provides brand-new capabilities for keeping your secrets secure. We’ve introduced new KongVault and KongLicense CRDs, and added a way to keep sensitive information in your cluster when using KIC in Konnect. Finally, there’s a quality-of-life improvement that allows you to use a Kubernetes secret to populate a single field in a KongPlugin configuration.

Logi Symphony: Essential Customer Information

The landscape of business intelligence (BI) is undergoing a metamorphosis, demanding solutions that transcend static reports and siloed data. At insightsoftware, we’re not merely keeping pace with this evolution – we’re spearheading it with the transformative rebirth of Logi Symphony. Gone are the days of cumbersome BI 1.0 and self-service limitations of BI 2.0.

What's new in Tricentis NeoLoad 2024.1: Increased RealBrowser productivity and convenience for NeoLoad Web

We are thrilled to announce the release of NeoLoad 2024.1. This new version showcases our continued focus on our browser-based performance testing technology, RealBrowser, which empowers our users to quickly design, capture end-user metrics, and share insights to deliver high-quality web applications.

Kong Mesh 2.6: More Flexibility, Usability, and Security

The first release of Kong Mesh for 2024 (version 2.6) brings many new features that ease day 0 for new starters of service mesh reinforcing our goal of making a simple yet powerful product! In this blog, we'll break down these new features and provide tailored use cases to illustrate how Kong Mesh 2.6 can elevate your service mesh experience. We'll focus on three main categories: flexibility, usability, and security.

Easier Data Marts with DreamFactory Data Mesh

Today’s IT teams are struggling to make sense of organizational data that has been compiled piecemeal and often stored within disparate storage solutions. Often this information needs to be aggregated and presented in a unified format, yet pulling data from multiple data sources and displaying it in a coherent way can be onerous and error-prone. The challenge is compounded when the data resides in different databases, and possibly within different clouds.