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What is a Test Report? A Comprehensive Guide To Build One

At the end of every testing project, a test report is usually created to summarize the results. This report provides insights into how the test project was executed if it aligned with the initial plan, and what areas need further optimization. In this article, we’ll explore in-depth what needs to be included in a test report, as well as the key metrics that QA teams need to look at if they want to gauge their testing efficiency.

Direct API-Database Coupling vs. Multi-Layered Architectures

API-database coupling vs. traditional multi-layered architectures: what’s the difference and why does it matter? The main difference between direct API-database coupling and multi-layered architectures is that the former allows the API to interact directly with the database, minimizing latency and complexity, while the latter uses multiple layers to separate concerns.

Running Solid Queue in production Rails apps

Background jobs are essential to many Ruby on Rails apps. Since the introduction of ActiveJob, Rails developers have been able to manage their background jobs as natively as they do their database records. Still, ActiveJob requires you to select (and support) a backend adapter that will implement ActiveJob's backend. Many use Redis, a memory cache, to queue and process background jobs. Redis comes with incredible speed but is yet another dependency to maintain.

What is Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)?

OLTP is a transaction-centric data processing that follows a three-tier architecture. Every day, businesses worldwide perform millions of financial transactions. This fact brings to mind client-facing personnel such as bank tellers and supermarket cashiers tapping away on keyboards and at cash registers, and with good reason. According to ACI Worldwide, a payment systems company, there was a 42.2% growth in global real-time transaction volumes in 2023, amounting to 266.2 billion transactions.

Authentication and Authorization Using Middleware in Django

Django is a “batteries-included” framework. It has a wide array of built-in features that handle common web development tasks: URL routing, template engine, object-relational mapping (ORM), and database schema migrations. This makes it highly efficient for rapid development, allowing developers to focus on building their applications' unique aspects without reinventing basic functionalities.

Accelerating Deployments of Streaming Pipelines - Announcing Data in Motion on Kubernetes

Organizations are challenged today to become both more data driven and more nimble to adapt quickly to changing conditions. These challenges are the driving forces behind much of their digital transformation or “modernization” efforts.

Best Data Mining Tools in 2024

Data mining, also known as Knowledge Discovery in Data (KDD), is a powerful technique that analyzes and unlocks hidden insights from vast amounts of information and datasets. Data mining goes beyond simple analysis—leveraging extensive data processing and complex mathematical algorithms to detect underlying trends or calculate the probability of future events.