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Introducing Cloudera's AI Assistants

In the last couple of years, AI has launched itself to the forefront of technology initiatives across industries. In fact, Gartner predicts the AI software market will grow from $124 billion in 2022 to $297 billion in 2027. As a data platform company, Cloudera has two very clear priorities. First, we need to help customers get AI models based on trusted data into production faster than ever.

Ensuring Comprehensive Cyber Resilience and Business Continuity

When a data breach occurs, your response is critical. What do you do first? Do you have a plan for communicating with business units, regulators and other concerned parties? The integrity and security of data infrastructure stand as paramount concerns for business leaders across all sectors. As technology evolves and threats become more sophisticated, the pursuit of an unbreakable data infrastructure remains an ongoing challenge.

What Is a Business Glossary? Definition, Components & Benefits

A solid understanding of internal technical and business terms is essential to manage and use data. Business glossaries are pivotal in this aspect, facilitating improved understanding and collaboration among teams. A business glossary breaks down complex terms into easy-to-understand definitions, ensuring that everyone in the organization, from the newest recruit to the CEO, is on the same page regarding business language.

How ClearML Helps Teams Get More out of Slurm

It is a fairly recent trend for companies to amass GPU firepower to build their own AI computing infrastructure and support the growing number of compute requests. Many recent AI tools now enable data scientists to work on data, run experiments, and train models seamlessly with the ability to submit their jobs and monitor their progress. However, for many organizations with mature supercomputing capabilities, Slurm has been the scheduling tool of choice for managing computing clusters.

ClearML Supports Seamless Orchestration and Infrastructure Management for Kubernetes, Slurm, PBS, and Bare Metal

Our early roadmap in 2024 has been largely focused on improving orchestration and compute infrastructure management capabilities. Last month we released a Resource Allocation Policy Management Control Center with a new, streamlined UI to help teams visualize their compute infrastructure and understand which users have access to what resources.