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Updates from Bugfender Q2, 2019

Welcome to the Bugfender summer newsletter. Over the past few months you may noticed a few improvements to Bugfender’s web app, if not, we’ve summarised them here and you should go and check them out. The machine learning algorithm, which solves problems without requiring detailed instructions, is one of the most exciting technologies on the planet.

Reactive X: RxJava Data Flows: Observable, Flowable, Single, Maybe and Completable

Reactive programming is a programming technique for asynchronous applications that lets you structure your code based on “reaction” to data input changes instead of an imperative programming style where you have to poll or block and wait for changes to happen. If you’re not 100% familiar with ReactiveX (RxJava being the implementation for the JVM), perhaps you know Java Stream, which is a similar concept introduced in Java 8.

How to Fix Crashing Apps on iPhone and Android: A (Non) Developer's Guide

If you’ve got an app that keeps going down for no apparent reason, don’t worry: this quick and easy guide will give you the tools to get it up and running smoothly. If you’re not from the tech world yourselves, you probably think us programmers get everything right all the time. That everything in our world is so cutting-edge it can slice through ice, and app crashes are practically an alien concept for us.

Updates from Bugfender Q1/2019

Last month, Bugfender turned four years old. We didn’t throw a massive party to celebrate the birthday, but we all reflected with pride on the amazing journey we’ve been on. In celebration though we have setup an affiliate program, allowing you to share the love, earn some cash rewards – and improve the quality of apps all over the world! Find out more in our blog post.

How You Can Help Us Grow Bugfender

This month, Bugfender turned four years old. We didn’t throw a massive party to celebrate the birthday (the team is spread all over the world, which makes party-planning rather tricky) but we all reflected with pride on the amazing journey we’ve been on. Over the last four years we’ve watched Bugfender become a vibrant, sustainable venture. What started as a spin-out from our parent company, Mobile Jazz, is now established in its own right.

A Blueprint for Modern Working: Six Hacks for Asynchronous Success From the Mobile Jazz Company Handbook

How do you organize an effective meeting when you don’t have a physical space to hold it? How do you manage workflows across different time zones, when some people are starting work as others go to bed? How do you integrate new people into the culture when you don’t have a physical HR department?

Why 2019 Will Change Everything for Developers

In a hundred years’ time, when the world’s tech writers look back on our primitive technology and chart the rise of the smartphone, they’ll pinpoint three years as being crucial to the technology. The first will be 1994, which saw the release of the IBM Simon, a prototype for the smartphones we recognize today. The second will 2007, when the first iPhone went on sale. The third will be 2019.