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Quality Engineering for CEOs: A Series Introduction

For flawless digital experiences, quality engineering (QE) is more than just a technical requirement—it’s the driving force behind innovation and success. Steve Semelsberger, Testlio’s CEO, will share his valuable insights in an engaging LinkedIn series designed to help fellow CEOs unlock the strategic benefits of QE. In this series, Steve will address your toughest questions and demystify the complexities of building a robust QE framework.

Exploratory Testing: QA Without a Map

Exploratory testing is an essential tool in any comprehensive software testing strategy. If regular scripted testing follows clear directions on a map, exploratory testing ventures off the beaten path to uncover hidden defects. This guide will teach you what exploratory testing is, why it’s critical, how to conduct exploratory testing sessions, and techniques to maximize your results.

A Practical Guide to Calculating Test Automation ROI

According to BMC research, 90% of development managers believe that automating a large number of test cases may become the key to their success as the pressure on IT to accelerate innovation intensifies. However, automating testing processes involves an initial investment, and the benefits can vary between teams driven by multiple forces including the application architecture, number of platforms, and the automation technology choices.

A Comprehensive Guide to Crowdsourced Beta Testing for Video Games

In the video game development industry, releasing a well-polished and critically acclaimed title is crucial to success. However, even experienced development teams may face unexpected challenges in identifying and resolving issues before the official release. This is why beta testing is so important; it helps developers catch and fix any remaining problems before the game is released to the public.

Test Automation in QA

Like many tech endeavors, QA has undergone radical evolution over the past decade, and to keep up with the competition, dev teams are looking toward the future of QA and test automation. Since machines can do low-skill testing, dev teams are looking for expertise and complex skill sets, which means that human testers’ day-to-day responsibilities are changing thanks to automation. In this article, we will discuss test automation, what it is, examples, types of test automation, and uses.

White Box, Gray Box, and Black Box Testing - Unpacking The Trio

Functional testing is important in the software development process and is employed by around 90% of development teams, according to Huttle Research. It ensures software performs as intended through different methodologies such as white box, black box, and gray box testing. However, choosing the right approach can be complex, involving considerations like project requirements, team expertise, and specific software characteristics.

Will AI Replace Software Quality Assurance Roles?

My horse recently had an injury. Initially, we suspected an issue with his hind leg due to prior swelling, but our vet suspected something else. To confirm her assumptions she also used an AI tool called Sleip.AI during the examination, and confirmed the problem in the front leg instead. This AI tool didn’t replace her expertise but accelerated her diagnostic process, showcasing how AI augments rather than replaces professional judgment.

What Is Functional Testing

Functional testing is a type of software testing that validates web or mobile applications against pre-determined specifications and requirements. The goal is to ensure that the software performs as expected by both developers and end-users. Functional testers aim to emulate real-world scenarios and user pathways, testing not only for functionality but also for non-functionality, such as how the app behaves in airplane mode or when a video buffers.

Optimizing Parallel UI Testing with Humans and Machines

Releasing software is often a sequence of repetitive activities, including critical quality gates to assure the right version, configuration, and scope are deployable and releasable. In those critical moments, we want our release quality and risks to be predictable against expected outcomes and behaviors – we want to mitigate any potential risks associated with new changes.