Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

January 2022

The metrics layer has growing up to do

Recently there has been a lot of excitement around the idea of a stand-alone metrics layer in the modern data stack. Traditionally, metrics have been defined in the BI or analytics layer where various dashboards are used to look at business metrics like Revenue, Sales Pipeline, numbers of Claims, or User Activity. Given that most organizations end up with multiple BI/Analytics tools, the idea has a lot of merits.

BigQuery Connector for SAP: Power your cloud data analytics strategy

Google Cloud has a genuine passion for solving technology problems that make a difference for our customers. With the release of our BigQuery Connector for SAP, we're taking a another big step towards solving a major challenge for SAP customers with a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to integrate SAP data with BigQuery, our serverless, highly scalable, and cost-effective multi cloud data warehouse designed for business agility.

Technology in the Finance Function: Which Trends Will Impact Tax and Transfer Pricing?

Read any overview of how the finance and accounting function is changing, and you will notice several common themes. Three of the most important of these are: cloud migration, data standardization, and interoperability. The aim of technology in finance is to remove friction. With cloud migration that means making upgrades, licensing, procurement and maintenance simpler with software-as-a-service (SaaS) models.

Pushing Data to the Salesforce CRM From Your Warehouse 7 Pitfalls

ETL is an acronym for Extract, Transform and Load. It refers to a process of extracting data from one system and transforming it so that it can be loaded into another system. It is the process that lets businesses amass large amounts of data in data warehouses that they can use for business operations. Reverse ETL is a term used when the data is pushed from the warehouse to the CRM. This process seems simple, but there are many pitfalls that can come up during this phase.

Your KPI starter kit: Choosing and measuring the metrics that matter

If a tree falls in a forest and there’s no one to hear it… well, it's very hard to use that tree in your corporate decision-making. KPIs (key performance indicators) are the metrics that tell you how well you're performing against certain key strategic targets. Ongoing KPI reporting gives you a clear and consistent view into your company’s performance in the areas that matter most.

With Talend, cybersecurity leader Imperva trusts its data - if nothing else

The word “trust” is simply not in the cybersecurity solution providers’ vocabulary. They trust no one and nothing. They develop Zero Trust network architectures to protect clients against external attacks, insider threats, and inadvertent errors that could impact security. And they’re always on the lookout for emerging vulnerabilities across internal and external networks. Trust is a luxury they can’t afford to have — or can they?

Demystifying DataOps - Riding the Change

A well planned data-driven strategy has become the need of the hour in today’s competitive world. In order to deliver the best, businesses need relevant, appropriate and sufficient data at the right time. But the characteristics of data are changing rapidly across volume, variety and variability, which puts enormous pressure on current data management approaches. Thus, dealing with real-time insights from increasing data in an automated manner has become the current focus of many experts. This has resulted in the rise of DataOps.

Stripe to Salesforce

If you’re integrating Stripe and Salesforce to help power your business transactions and interactions, you can connect them via a secure ETL service. You get access to real-time information and data to help improve insights and power decisions. Using a top ETL service with little to no code API options makes integrating information fast and easy. You get more possibilities and can share vital information with internal teams to increase business potential.

Why Choose a Hybrid Data Cloud in Financial Services?

As I meet with our customers, there are always a range of discussions regarding the use of the cloud for financial services data and analytics. Customers vary widely on the topic of public cloud – what data sources, what use cases are right for public cloud deployments – beyond sandbox, experimentation efforts. Private cloud continues to gain traction with firms realizing the benefits of greater flexibility and dynamic scalability.

How to Get Funnel Insights in Snowflake | Demo

Funnel is a Snowflake partner that collects data from more than 500 marketing apps and platforms, helps you define metrics and aggregations, and normalize the values between providers. Let’s say you are a retailer and you place ads with Google, Bing, Twitter, Facebook, Quora, etc. This means you have an account for each of these ad networks, making it challenging to track all your data, in different places. With Funnel and Snowflake, you can bring and track all that data in one place.

What Are the Top ETL Tools for Azure Data Warehouse?

Azure Synapse Analytics, still commonly known as Azure Data Warehouse, is Microsoft's cloud data warehouse that processes relational and non-relational data for analytics. As one of the most popular data warehousing tools, Azure lets you generate real-time insights into almost every aspect of your business, from sales to customer service. But how do you get data to Azure in the first place? That's where an Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) tool proves useful.

In an Environment of Information Overload, Ensuring You Focus on the Right Information Is Critical

During the holiday break, our family had to get tested for COVID. We got at-home tests, as they were available, and it was easier than having to wait in line at a testing center. This got me thinking of a recent article in the New York Times, which raises the notion that experts are questioning the importance/value of measuring COVID caseloads with the rise in the use of at home tests.

Snowflake for Data Lakes and Beyond

Organizations are faced with the difficult task of designing architectures to make the most of their data, often resulting in complex systems that are difficult to maintain and scale. Snowflake’s platform supports a variety of data types and workloads at scale, so organizations can easily implement their architectural design pattern of choice, including data lakes, data warehouses, and more. In this session, hear from product managers Saurin Shah and James Malone on Snowflake’s vision for data storage to simplify data architectures, including demos of recent innovations.

How Will First-party Data Be the Game Changer of 2022?

A lot of things got easier in 2021 as technology advanced tremendously to continue making the digital world more accessible and integrated into our everyday lives. But luckily there was something that got harder in 2021: being irresponsible with data. You see, with great power comes great responsibility, and as people’s data gets poured online, more and more restrictions appear to ensure that data is always safe, without exceptions.

The Ultimate Guide to Data Aggregation

Data aggregation is the process of gathering data from different sources and combining them into one place. Data aggregators can be used for many things, including predicting trends, identifying potential customers, tracking your competitors, analyzing customer feedback on social media, and much more. This guide will introduce you to all the ways that data aggregation can help your business.

96 Percent of Businesses Can't Be Wrong: How Hybrid Cloud Came to Dominate the Data Sector

According to 451 Research, 96% of enterprises are actively pursuing a hybrid IT strategy. Modern, real-time businesses require accelerated cycles of innovation that are expensive and difficult to maintain with legacy data platforms. Cloud technologies and respective service providers have evolved solutions to address these challenges.

As Data Explodes, Storage-as-a-Service Takes Hold

Digital transformations are fueling the equivalent of a global data gold rush. We know from leading analyst firms that 90% of all data was created in the last two years and it will grow by a factor of two over the next five years. This has resulted in a changed perception of business, one that requires a shift from conventional business models to those that leverage data to gain actionable insights to improve operations, enhances customer experience and accelerates revenue.

Why now: The urgency for creating a data driven organization today

Data has long been a critical asset for businesses like yours to understand customers, operate more efficiently, inform go-to-market strategies, and retain your best employees. In a digital world, capturing and creating data-driven insights provides a major competitive advantage for those who can turn insights into action.

Why now: The urgency for creating a data driven organization today

Data has long been a critical asset for businesses like yours to understand customers, operate more efficiently, inform go-to-market strategies, and retain your best employees. In a digital world, capturing and creating data-driven insights provides a major competitive advantage for those who can turn insights into action.

What Is Vertica?

When trying to find the perfect database to store your company’s valuable information and data, there are many elements to consider. And, while there are a number of great databases available for companies to choose from, the process of choosing the right database for your company’s needs and goals can still be a difficult process. However, as you weigh your options, one database that needs to be on your list of considerations is Vertica.

What is Data Governance?

Data governance is a complex topic. In a nutshell, it refers to the aspect of data management concerning an organization's ability to ensure (A) that high data quality exists throughout the complete data lifecycle, and (B) that sufficient data controls are in place to support business objectives. In practice, data governance is the collection of processes, roles, policies, and standards that ensure a balance between access and control for information throughout an organization.

The Complete Guide to Using the Iguazio Feature Store with Azure ML - Part 3

In part one and two, we introduced Iguazio's feature store and discussed the benefits of using one in the ML workflow. Additionally, we ingested and transformed the data that we will be using to train our model. In this blog, we will do the following.

Make the Leap to AI Driven Data Applications

The start of a new year is a perfect time to reflect on what was accomplished and look forward, re-evaluate what we can do better. Change, although difficult at first, can also be very rewarding. That’s why I was excited to see similar sentiments shared at Thoughtspot beyond.2021 to move beyond the traditional dashboards of the past.

Data Mesh: Promoting Data as Products

The Data Mesh is a fascinating approach to designing and developing data architectures – and it’s generating a lot of attention and discussion in the data world. The concept, introduced by Zhamak Dehghani, challenges the status quo idea of a centralized, monolithic data architecture. Instead, advocating for a decentralized domain-driven design.

ThoughtSpot for Starburst

ThoughtSpot brings Live Analytics to Starburst for federated searches across data lakes, on-prem data stores, and multi-cloud data sources. Data is growing at historic rates and lives in many different stores. With Starburst, ThoughtSpot can instantly federate searches across all these sources, without months or years of building a “single source of truth.”

Making Smarter Decisions with Data Science - The upGrad Way

A large amount of data is generated daily. It is very critical to understand how this ocean of information could be put to the best use. Data Science has helped organizations build differentiators using all these data points, thereby delivering a personalized experience. In the ed-tech space alone, there could be several use-cases starting from helping learners make the right choice with regards to their career decisions, guiding them through their learning journey, and finally connecting them with the most suitable career opportunities.

How Snowflake CIO and CDO, Sunny Bedi drives efficiency and decision intelligence at scale with Live Analytics

For Snowflake CIO and CDO, Sunny Bedi, “life after dashboards” isn’t just a catchy tagline – it’s how he runs his business. At the helm of Snowflake’s 250-person IT and security organization, Bedi oversees a range of strategic initiatives including security and access control, data quality, and general system availability and performance.

Explaining machine learning models to business users using BigQueryML and Looker

Organizations increasingly turn to AI to transform work processes, but this rapid adoption of models has amplified the need for explainable AI. Explaining AI helps us understand how and why models make predictions. For example, a financial institution might wish to use an AI model to automatically flag credit card transactions for fraudulent activity. While an accurate fraud model would be a first step, accuracy alone isn’t sufficient.

Power BI Levels of Security to Meet Compliance

We can all agree that protecting your organization’s sensitive and confidential data, including personally identifiable information (PII), is a crucial obligation. Unfortunately, far too many businesses aren’t sure of the best way to fend off attackers or insider threats, so they often fall victim to devastating data breaches.

Your Super: Healthy data supports healthier people

Co-founded by a professional tennis player stricken with cancer at age 24 and his wife, Your Super is an eCommerce company focused on helping people improve their health with nutritious superfoods. Even in its early days, the company focused on using their data to uncover customer wants and help them get the most value out of their purchases. “When I first started, the company was maybe 20 people,” explains Gabriel Freeman, Business Intelligence Manager for Your Super.

KPIs are a shortcut to success - if you know how to triage

Let’s start with a hard truth: If you try to do everything, you won’t excel at anything. In a growing business, there’s no shortage of things that need attention, but you can’t do everything at once. Instead, you have to decide where to focus your resources to get the greatest impact. In a word, you must become a master of triage.

Data Decay Can Be Deadly - Mastering "Data Into Action' Will Be Vital to Organizational Growth

Most enterprises that have embarked on their digital business journey have quickly realized that data is the foundation of every digital business. No successful digital business has succeeded without a data strategy. So, when I joined Joe DosSantos, Chief Data Officer at Qlik, on the Data Brilliant podcast, we discussed how data has been democratized, why certain organizations have succeeded with digital transformation, and what factors are required to build the culture for success.

ChaosSearch in Two Minutes!

ChaosSearch helps modern organizations Know Better™ by activating the data lake for analytics. The ChaosSearch Data Lake Platform indexes customers’ cloud data, rendering it fully searchable and enabling analytics at scale with massive reductions of time, cost and complexity. ChaosSearch was purpose-built for cost-effective, highly scalable analytics encompassing full text search, SQL and machine learning capabilities in one unified offering. The patented ChaosSearch technology instantly transforms your cloud object storage (Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage) into a hot, analytical data lake.

Data sharing isn't optional this year - its essential

The concept that data is critical to an organization's growth is nothing new. As digital transformation takes every industry by storm, however, the types and sources of data have rapidly evolved. Relying simply on proprietary data is blinding at best. Over the last few years, innovative companies have raced to tap into new sources — often those they don’t own.

API Management vs. API Gateways: What's the Difference?

Businesses of all sizes are increasingly relying on APIs to create competitive advantages, but many don't know the difference between API Management and API Gateways. This article will discuss what each solution does, how they can be used in conjunction with one another, and why it's essential to use both services when building an API strategy.

Security Reference Architecture Summary for Cloudera Data Platform

This blog will summarise the security architecture of a CDP Private Cloud Base cluster. The architecture reflects the four pillars of security engineering best practice, Perimeter, Data, Access and Visibility. The release of CDP Private Cloud Base has seen a number of significant enhancements to the security architecture including: Before diving into the technologies it is worth becoming familiar with the key security principle of a layered approach that facilitates defense in depth.

Expanding the Data Cloud with Apache Iceberg

The Snowflake Data Cloud is a powerful place to work with data because we have made it easy to do difficult things with data, such as breaking down data silos, safely sharing complex data sets, and querying massive amounts of data. As customers move to the Data Cloud, their needs and timelines vary—our goal is to meet every customer where they are on their Data Cloud journey.

SaaS in 60 - New Qlik Application Automation Connectors

Recently we added some Data Warehouse connectors for Amazon Redshift, Google Big Query and Snowflake allowing your workflows to utilize data management operations such as inserts, deletions, updates, SQL queries and even API requests. We’ve also added a connector to work with our new automated machine learning environment AutoML as well as a number of remote application and event management connectors that work with Dbt, UI Path and Splunk.

Promo video - Demystifying DataOps - Riding the Change

A well planned data-driven strategy has become the need of the hour in today’s competitive world. In order to deliver the best, businesses need relevant, appropriate and sufficient data at the right time. But the characteristics of data are changing rapidly across volume, variety and variability, which puts enormous pressure on current data management approaches. Thus, dealing with real-time insights from increasing data in an automated manner has become the current focus of many experts. This has resulted in the rise of DataOps.

Best ETL Tools for Firebolt

Data integration is the core of digital transformation efforts. ETL (extract, transform, load) is what makes such integrations possible. It helps you move massive quantities of information efficiently between a wide variety of sources. Firebolt is a cloud data warehouse that helps companies manage huge volumes of data to support analytics for business insights. It offers high-performance storage and ease of scalability as a low-cost cloud-native solution.

Extracting and Visualizing Your Shopify Data (Part 1)

As technology continues to evolve and consume our daily lives, more consumers than ever before are turning to eCommerce options. Of course, one of the largest eCommerce platforms in the world is Shopify. While the Shopify platform has a lot to offer businesses, managing your Shopify store’s data alone can be quite challenging. The good news is that you don’t have to take on the complexities of data management alone.

Amazon Redshift: Comprehensive Guide

As the business world increasingly becomes dependent on technology, the way in which companies handle and store their data becomes even more important. Therefore, finding a safe and secure place to store company data is becoming a necessity in the digital age. One robust cloud data warehouse that has been helping many companies safely store their data is known as Amazon Redshift.

Growing AI Fast with ML-Ops: Breaking the barrier between research and production

AI models get smarter, more accurate, and therefore more useful over the course of their training on large datasets that have been painstakingly curated, often over a period of years. But in real-world applications, datasets start small. To design a new drug, for instance, researchers start by testing a compound and need to use the power of AI to predict the best possible permutation.

New report from Harvard Business Review demonstrates why businesses must invest in self-service analytics

In 2020, ThoughtSpot and Harvard Business Review Analytic Services teamed up on original research demonstrating the power of the new decision-makers — employees on the frontlines of your business who interact with outside customers, partners, and vendors on a daily basis. Through our research, we found that 87% of leaders said their organization will be more successful when frontline workers are empowered to make important decisions in the moment. Why?

Understanding Firebolt's Cloud-Based Storage Solutions

Currently, there is an estimated 1.145 trillion MB of data created every single day. With such enormous volumes of data constantly being generated, businesses are quickly adopting cloud computing storage options. However, even with the popularity of cloud computing, many companies are still lagging in storage efficiency. One of the more innovative and efficient data warehouses is the cloud-based data storage solution Firebolt.

Cloudera Streaming Analytics 1.6 Release Notes

We are excited to announce the release of Cloudera Streaming Analytics (CSA) 1.6 for CDP Private Cloud Base. With this release, we build on the foundation on 1.4 and 1.5 – with a number of fixes, enhancements, and features. Starting with this release, we now have an aligned release cycle for CSA Community Edition (CE). You can now expect simultaneous releases of CSA for both CE and CDP Private Cloud Base versions.

Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database Report Recognizes Cloudera as a Visionary

Gartner® recognized Cloudera in three recent reports – Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud Database Management Systems (DBMS), Critical Capabilities for Cloud Database Management Systems for Analytical Use Cases and Critical Capabilities for Cloud Database Management Systems for Operational Use Cases.

Hitachi Vantara Accelerates Enterprise Outcomes With AI-Powered Integrated Platform, in Collaboration with NVIDIA

Organizations with the best Artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities are poised to deliver better customer outcomes, maximize revenue opportunities, and leave the competition behind. AI-driven insights can help companies achieve many business objectives such as improving customer loyalty, delivering effective training, reducing the impact of outages or providing better healthcare to patients. Applications are aplenty.

How William Hill Pivoted to Real-Time Data and Personalised Customer Experiences

Founded in 1934 as a postal and telephone betting service, William Hill was historically synonymous with the world of horse racing. Since then, the company has continued to grow into other sporting avenues, with the retail arm—which opened in 1966—now amounting to more than 1,400 shops. Fully embracing the potential of the digital revolution, the company now comprises over 10,000 employees over six brands, operating through offices in ten countries.

Using Postman with ThoughtSpot APIs

ThoughtSpot provides a rich suite of APIs for search, user controls, and platform metadata. These APIs can be especially useful for sharing data with partners via webhooks, building native mobile apps, providing results in json format for third-party charting libraries like D3, or scripting ThoughtSpot configuration to support devops and continuous integration toolchains.

Why PII Pseudonymization is Crucial for Data Security

Data security is an important priority for every organization that handles customer or user data, especially those that fall under data privacy and protection laws such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Large volumes of personal data flow in and out of companies and their systems every day, and the threat of data breaches looms over these operations. How can organizations use their data to power critical operations without running afoul of regulations or privacy concerns?

Getting travelers the right information, right on time

As every traveler knows, even the best-laid plans sometimes go astray. Stuff happens. Trains are delayed. Storms cause outages. People forget their bags. A special event creates long lines. Transportation providers can’t take the uncertainty out of travel or make the world operate precisely on schedule — particularly during a global pandemic.

Frank Slootman Explains: Why Execution Ahead Of Strategy

In today's video, Frank Slootman shares, no strategy is better than its execution. Organizations can go very, very far with world-class execution. However, they will go nowhere without it, no matter how brilliant the strategy is. Execution needs to come first. Then when leaders become strong executors, strategic questions start to crystallize quickly. This leads to individuals becoming better strategists as they become exceptional executors.

Qlik Sense SaaS in 60 - Auto-generated period over period analysis dashboard

This week we introduce new Insight Advisor auto-generated period over period analysis chart types presented in the form of a period over period analysis dashboard. Exploring data in Discovery Mode, using Insight Advisor, will automatically create a period over period analysis dashboard for you to explore when using date fields and those defined calendar periods within business logic.

Making Smarter Decisions with DataScience - The upGrad Way

A large amount of data is generated daily. It is very critical to understand how this ocean of information could be put to the best use. Data Science has helped organizations build differentiators using all these data points, thereby delivering a personalized experience. In the ed-tech space alone, there could be several use-cases starting from helping learners make the right choice with regards to their career decisions, guiding them through their learning journey, and finally connecting them with the most suitable career opportunities.

What All Successful Mergers Share: Modern Data Integration

Market disruptions over the past two years have driven a global surge of mergers and acquisitions. According to Ernst & Young, the first six months of 2021 saw a record $2.6 trillion in M&A activity, obliterating normal levels that hovered around $1.5 trillion per six months prior to the pandemic.

Pushing Data from a Data Warehouse to Salesforce

Salesforce is the world’s leading CRM (customer relationship management) software, with a 20 percent market share. The Salesforce CRM software is chock-full of features for business intelligence (BI) and analytics so that you can capture hidden insights and make smarter, data-driven decisions. The traditional ETL (extract, transform, load) process extracts data from one or more sources and then deposits it into a centralized data repository.

4 Ways to Leverage User Analytics in Moesif

Being able to view, track, and action user metrics is a crucial part of monitoring your product and organization health. Moesif empowers developers and product owners to leverage these metrics to give valuable insights into individual users, conversion funnels, retention, and user composition. In this clip, Matt will give a brief overview of 4 essential features in Moesif. These include.

7 Steps for Change Data Capture in Salesforce

Over the last two decades, the Salesforce platform has been transforming how organizations handle customer relationship management. Through the platform’s innovation, countless organizations have been able to gain an edge over their competitors when it comes to increased communication and improved customer relationships. Salesforce offers many benefits to organizations and is very user-friendly.

A Better Approach to Controlling Modern Data Cloud Costs

As anyone running modern data applications in the cloud knows, costs can mushroom out of control very quickly and easily. Getting these costs under control is really all about not spending more than you have to. Unfortunately, the common approach to managing these expenses—which looks at things only at an aggregated infrastructure level—helps control only about 5% of your cloud spend.

HR Continues to Take Center Stage With HR Data and Analytics in Forward-thinking Companies

The 2021 holiday season is over, and, with a bump we’ve landed in 2022, with something of a repetitive tune playing. The COVID pandemic continues; we are a full two years post the first cases being reported; and the statistics are no less shocking today than they were at the outset.

ForePaas - A Unified AI Platform built on Snowflake

In today's episode, Daniel Myers from Snowflake interviews Paul Sinai, CEO and Founder of ForePaas; a fully automated AI orchestration platform delivered as a service and built on Snowflake. Powered by Snowflake is a series where we interview technology leaders who are building businesses and applications on top of Snowflake.

Sentiment Analysis with ThoughtSpot and Snowflake

Any organization with an online presence can unleash a treasure trove of valuable insights with text-based sentiment analytics. But getting to those insights with a traditional data stack can prove daunting, if not impossible. By combing Live Analytics from ThoughtSpot with text data in Snowflake and the ability to execute custom analytics code with Snowflake Snowpark, sentiment analysis is just a live query away.

Unlocking Data Literacy Part 3: Choosing Data Analytics Technology

Ringing in the new year with new goals for data literacy? The right data management strategy can help democratize access to analytics across your entire team, without the need for a data scientist or data engineer to act as an intermediary or bottleneck. As you examine your people’s data skills and related data literacy training processes, it might be time to consider a new approach to data analytics technology that facilitates data democratization in 2022. That’s right, your platform.

How to Migrate Salesforce Data from Heroku

When using Heroku, it is common practice to transfer or back up data to external locations. While there are many steps in this process, creating an efficient pipeline is relatively simple once you understand all the moving parts. In this article, we show you how to migrate data from Heroku to Amazon S3. In this particular case, we will be connecting and transferring Salesforce data.

Dell Boomi vs Comparison & Review

In the ever-changing world of business, data is becoming more important than ever before. As data earns a more prominent role in business, the way in which organizations handle their data also becomes a bigger concern. If your organization has been looking for a better way to move, transform, and interact with data, then you need to check out the cloud-based data integration solutions of Dell Boomi and

Top Challenges of Data Migration

Simply put, data migration is the process of moving data from one location to another. While the concept is easy to understand by itself, things become a bit more complicated when actually trying to implement data migration within a business. In the ever-changing business landscape, data is becoming more important than ever. In fact, in the new data-driven business world, understanding data migration and learning how to implement it is becoming vital among businesses.

Unify Data Sources for Improved Data Management and Deeper Insights

As digital ecosystems become more complicated, some organizations assume that they need expensive ETL (extract, load, transform) platforms to unify data sources. While an ETL platform can offer robust features, you probably don’t need an entire system dedicated to unifying data from diverse CRMs. The right API solution can simplify your approach to real-time data unity. Plus, you don’t have to spend extra money on a high-cost platform.

The Next Great Loyalty Program Is an Ecosystem

When companies realized data was a resource and not just the by-product of sales, they began to offer customers additional value: free products, savings, money back, even a club-like exclusivity. They often did it, and still do it, with customer loyalty programs, which were frequently expressed in the form of a physical card, such as Starbucks Rewards and MyPanera. But the very biggest companies have changed the loyalty game.

Keep Your Data Moving With Qlik & Confluent

I have written many a post about the importance of keeping your data moving. As Mathew Wilder sang in “Break My Stride,” it’s “got to keep on moving” to enable you to act within the business moment. Real-time data analytic pipelines are the solid foundation to achieving the state of Active Intelligence, and you can only start that when you work on the freshest data available to you.

The Data Chief Live: Designing your winning data strategy

The Data Chief Live: Designing your winning data strategy Join Maria Villar, Head of Enterprise Data Strategy and Transformation at SAP, Samir Sharma, CEO and Founder at datazuum, and ThoughtSpot Chief Data Strategy Officer, Cindi Howson, to kick start your year by designing a winning data strategy. Hear data leaders in this space share their experience and tips such as.

How Bayer Crop Science uses BigQuery and geobeam to improve soil health

Bayer Crop Science uses Google Cloud to analyze billions of acres of land to better understand the characteristics of the soil that produces our food crops. Bayer’s teams of data scientists are leveraging services from across Google Cloud to load, store, analyze, and visualize geospatial data to develop unique business insights. And because much of this important work is done using publicly-available data, you can too!

What Is the Difference Between REST and SOAP APIs?

When machines need to communicate with one another and exchange data, they require certain formatting for specific data types. That's where SOAP API and REST API come into play. They allow for communication and transfer of data, but each is different in several ways. From implementation to their required resources, various attributes separate one from the other.

The Complete Guide to Using the Iguazio Feature Store with Azure ML - Part 1

In this series of blog posts, we will showcase an end-to-end hybrid cloud ML workflow using the Iguazio MLOps Platform & Feature Store combined with Azure ML. This blog will be more of an overview of the solution and the types of problems it solves, while the next parts will be a technical deep dive into each step of the process.

Automating Customer Touchpoints with Snowflake, Hightouch, and dbt Cloud

With hundreds of SaaS products in a given company, it’s getting more and more challenging and time-consuming to manage supplier relationships and negotiate contracts. Vendr has completely transformed this entire process by creating a SaaS buying platform where stakeholders can easily handle the relationships and contracts of their different software suppliers in a centralized platform.

ODSC Webinar: Git Based CI/CD for ML

In this session, Yaron Haviv, Iguazio's Co-Founder and CTO, discussed how to enable continuous delivery of machine learning to production using Git-based ML pipelines (Github Actions) with hosted training and model serving environments. He touched upon how to leverage Git to solve rigorous MLOps needs: automating workflows, reviewing models, storing versioned models as artifacts, and running CI/CD for ML. He also covered how to enable controlled collaboration across ML teams using Git review processes and how to implement an MLOps solution based on available open-source tools and hosted ML platforms. The session includes a live demo.

Setting Your Eyes On The Prize: What's Coming to Product Analytics in 2022

Last year, we discussed how 2020 had been a year of adaptation, both to the new business challenges that came about by the pandemic and to the behavioral changes in all individuals. In 2021, adaptation gave way to adoption: of new technologies to better cope with business needs, of data-driven processes that guide product development, and guidelines for digital-first collaboration across teams with varying degrees of remote availability. What is there to 2022 that will make our heads turn?

Redshift vs BigQuery

Choosing the right data warehouse is a critical component of your general data and analytic business needs. One of the biggest questions that businesses ask when choosing their data warehouse providers is this: Should you use Snowflake, Amazon RedShift, or Google's BigQuery data warehouse for your business needs? We've already covered Amazon RedShift vs. Snowflake and Google BigQuery vs. Snowflake, but what about Amazon RedShift vs. Google BigQuery?

Heroku PostgreSQL and

What can you do with data collected on Heroku PostgreSQL? How will you analyze it and integrate it? With, of course! lets you connect to a PostgreSQL database on Heroku, design a dataflow via an intuitive user interface, aggregate the data, and even save it back to PostgreSQL on Heroku or other databases and cloud storage services. Read on to learn more about the benefits of Heroku Postgres and how to integrate Heroku PostgreSQL with

Win More Deals with Redshift, Salesforce & - Webinar

Instead of the normal ETL or ELT process, we’ll do the opposite, Reverse ETL. Using Reverse ETL allows you to pull customer data from your data warehouse, then push data back into your CRM to empower your sales team. Learn how to enhance your lead data and win more deals during this webinar.

Fueling customer loyalty with data: A Q&A with Pilot Flying J's Chief Data and Analytics Officer Ameet Shetty

If you’ve ever been on a long road trip, then you know the feeling of relief that comes when finally spy a recognizable truck stop or service station to pull into. Whether to fill up the tank, grab a snack, or ask for directions, fuel stations are a ubiquitous part of automotive travel, and there are more than 150,000 of them across the country. Pilot Flying J accounts for 750 of those locations, serving more than 1.3 million people daily.

7 Data Migration Best Practices

From a high-level point of view, data migration is simple: moving data between two or more locations. Yet, in 2021, data migration is much more than moving a folder from one filing cabinet to another. In practice, migrating data is one of the trickiest and most complex data management initiatives for any IT department, especially if you want to follow data migration best practices.

7 Common Cloud Integration Challenges

When it comes to cloud data integration there are many benefits. However, although there are many benefits of cloud data integration for your company, it also comes with its own set of challenges. In the business world of today, cloud technologies have become increasingly more important in the evolving business and IT landscapes. Cloud technologies are used more and more because of the convenience, performance and cost-effectiveness they provide to companies compared to on-premises solutions.

Business Intelligence As A Service

In an increasingly globalized world, businesses are exposed to risks more than ever before. With shrinking profit margins and increased competition, organizations need to be on their toes all the time to survive. That's where the importance of data comes in. The jury might still be out on whether data is the new oil. But the growing market of data analytics outsourcing tells you that more and more companies are investing in data analytic solutions to gain a competitive edge.

E-Commerce Reverse ETL

If you own an e-commerce website, you need to remain competitive and increase your capabilities in the process. One of the latest and greatest solutions right now is to harness the power of reverse ETL. The abbreviation ETL stands for Extract, Transform, Load, and is one of the best ways to connect business apps and platforms. This ETL tool offers multiple opportunities to transfer your securely stored customer data from the modern data warehouse to multiple other apps and platforms.

Announcing preview of BigQuery's native support for semi-structured data

Today we’re announcing a public preview for the BigQuery native JSON data type, a capability which brings support for storing and analyzing semi-structured data in BigQuery. With this new JSON storage type and advanced JSON features like JSON dot notation support, adaptable data type changes, and new JSON functions, semi-structured data in BigQuery is now intuitive to use and query in its native format.

Better Together with AWS - 2021 in Review

In 2021, many organizations on a digital transformation journey sought cloud-native data management and analytics solutions that could facilitate search and analytics on their data in the cloud. Many of them are already running on the AWS cloud, so naturally, they turned to the AWS Partner Network to find technologies that could easily plug into their cloud stack, solve tactical pains, and deliver value quickly.

What Is BigQuery?

With the amount of data being created yearly reaching in the dozens of zettabytes and growing rapidly from year to year, companies have had to find creative solutions to manage big data. That is why loading terabytes of data in minutes or seconds for processing may be absolutely necessary for some businesses. This is the kind of speed and functionality that BigQuery gives. So, what is BigQuery? The Google Cloud suite offers a wide variety of services for every industry.

Keboola + ThoughtSpot: Go from zero data experience to live analytics in minutes

We’ve got some exciting news! Are you ready? Drum roll, please… We are proud and excited to announce our partnership with ThoughtSpot! You can now design and deploy your end-to-end data stack and analytics in a few clicks. It’s a major shift from how much time and resources it used to take to get from data to insights. This partnership unlocks your data capabilities and supercharges your growth. Keboola gets all your data nice and clean and delivers it to the destination of your choice.

Building an MLOps infrastructure on OpenShift

Most data science projects don’t pass the PoC phase and hence never generate any business value. In 2019, Gartner estimated that “through 2022, only 20% of analytic insights will deliver business outcomes”. One of the main reasons for this is undoubtedly that data scientists often lack a clear vision of how to deploy their solutions into production, how to integrate them with existing systems and workflows and how to operate and maintain them.

How to Build a Holistic Data & Analytics Organization

As modern enterprises start to recognize the value that data and analytics can create for their business, many are looking for ways to drive data literacy and place data at the center of all business decisions. In this session, we’ll talk about how you can kick-start your analytics journey, overcome obstacles and build your modern data & analytics team from scratch.

10 Best Reporting Tools for Your Ecommerce Website

Growing your eCommerce business means you have to know everything there is to know about your customers and your business website. Analytics tools can help you market to the right people, learn about problems with your business, and help you earn more revenue. Here are the best reporting tools for your eCommerce website.

The 4 Most Common Data Automation Techniques

In today's increasingly data-driven world, automation is a crucial skill for any professional. Data professionals can automate repetitive tasks and free up their time to focus on more valuable work. This article will discuss the four most common data automation techniques you can utilize in your own business and the automation tools that help your ETL process.

4 Ways to Improve Salesforce Change Data Capture (CDC)

Change data capture (CDC) is an essential feature to make modern data integration workflows faster and more efficient. By identifying which data sources have changed since you last extracted the information, CDC allows your data pipelines to only ingest the information they need. Rather than continuously polling an API, you can seamlessly perform data replication and integration.

The Ultimate Guide to Data Warehouse Design

Data warehouses help you run logical queries, build accurate forecasting models, and identify impactful trends throughout your organization. But, what goes into designing a data warehouse? Whether you choose to utilize a pre-built vendor solution or you're starting from scratch — you'll need some level of warehouse design to successfully adopt a new data warehouse.

3 Use Cases for Relational Access to Log Data

ChaosSearch has experienced tremendous growth as evidenced by being named one of DBTA’s Trend-setting products for 2022 and one of three vendors chosen by Solutions Review as a Data Science and Machine Learning Vendor to Watch, 2022. Our early success has been driven by customers using our real-time data analytic service for log analytics at scale. ChaosSearch is a perfect Elastic Stack (i.e.