Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

June 2022

What Are the Benefits of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

Robotic process automation (RPA) is a technology used to automate manual, rule-based, repetitive tasks within your business processes. This can help free up human workers so they can focus more on the activities that require human logic, reasoning, and emotion. RPA can also be used as a quick and easy way to connect to legacy systems that don't use application programming interfaces (APIs).

Debugging Nest.js Applications: Examples, Packages & Config

There can be confusion out there given the size of the JS ecosystem. The differences seem pretty trivial, as a lot of tools seem to work in both limited and expanded capacities. But knowing the original or primary intent of a tool like React.js (it’s a library), can make it easier to grasp how it works and with which other JS tools. But this is where the distinctions become important – understanding the role of a progressive framework like Nest.js and how we got here.

NodeSource featured as one of the top Cybersecurity Awareness Training Solutions by Cybernews

At NodeSource our mission is to help companies achieve significant time reductions in their processes, allowing them to be more efficient in the performance of their node.js applications. N|Solid is a product, APM —Application performance monitoring — that helps us detect improvement opportunities, detecting vulnerabilities and supporting security, among other amazing features. Something important to note is that we do our magic directly in production.

How To Choose The Right Database For Your Organization

A database is a critical piece of software for any organization. It stores data and allows users to access and modify it as needed. Many different databases are available, like AWS’ Amazon RDS or Microsoft’s Azure, so deciding which is suitable for your organization can be challenging. This article will discuss the different kinds of databases and help you choose the right database for your needs.

Why Content Is the Key to Unlocking Your Developer-First Marketing Strategy

Founding a developer-first startup isn’t quite the same as starting a regular company. When your primary focus is on creating products to sell to developers, you need to build a sales strategy around those developers’ needs. The occasional email with a ‘click here for a demo’ button just won’t cut it. Instead, it’s time to work on your content strategy. Why take our word for it?

You are Measuring API Active Users Wrong

API providers need to understand how their consumers are using their APIs. Usage metrics are essential because they tell you about API adoption, how your API is growing over time, and which endpoints are seeing more (or less) use. When you look at API usage metrics, you should be measuring the active users on your API in the sense that most closely aligns with your service.

The do's and don'ts of front-end development that adhere to Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics that allow you to determine how fast, visually stable and responsive your site is. The front-end takes the bulk of the responsibility to make sure that your website is scoring highly in each of these metrics, so in this blog post I will outline what we should be doing (as well as what we should be avoiding) to score highly in them.

Try Apple Silicon M1 on Bitrise for your iOS CI/CD | Bitrise Feature Updates

Apple silicon in the cloud, built for continuous integration and delivery. Fully virtualized, scalable from zero to dozens of concurrencies in seconds, and faster than ever. Open beta available to everyone on Bitrise, today. Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below. Build better mobile applications, faster! Save time, money, and developer frustration with fast, flexible, and scalable mobile CI/CD that just works.

All about test automation: best practices with Angie Jones | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Angie Jones worked as Head of Developer Relations at Applitools, a new generation test automation platform powered by visual AI. On top of that, she is the founder and Executive Director of Test Automation University. She’s previously worked as a Senior Software Developer at Twitter and regularly gives talks about Javascript, software development, and testing best practices.

GraphQL Versus RESTAPI Which is Better for API Observability

API providers need to observe their APIs to get meaningful data about whether and how they are consumed in practice. API observability is a form of monitoring that passively logs API traffic to an observability service. Different from traditional API monitoring, with API observability you: Monitor interactions to improve developer experience Understand how customers use your API Troubleshoot your API Observing REST APIs is well understood and supported, but not every API is a REST API.

LiveView Assigns: Three Common Pitfalls and Their Solutions

In the first part of this two-part series, we examined LiveView assigns in detail — demystifying assigns, looking at some key concepts, and debugging. Now, we'll turn our attention to three common mistakes that you might make with assigns and how to avoid them. Let's get started!

Building mobile infrastructure with Russell Stephens Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Russell Stephens was the Mobile Infrastructure Lead at Compass, a company that builds software for real estate agents. They have two tracks for mobile developers: feature-based roles for helping the product teams iterate on specific feature sets and a dedicated team for mobile infrastructure, where developers are responsible for maintaining and iterating on the mobile platform.

Build secure mobile applications with Anastasiia Voitova | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

In this episode, we talked about all aspects of app security: the benefits of integrating end-to-end security checks, zero knowledge and zero trust architectures, and cryptography best practices. We’ve seen in the past few years that DevSecOps is on the rise and sophisticated mobile teams take app security very seriously. However, there’s still a large gap between these teams and those who take it less seriously, and often see security as the necessary evil.

App Performance Monitoring with Rasmus Larsson | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Rasmus is the Product Strategy Director at Pulselive, a Sony company that has been crafting digital experiences to connect teams, leagues, and sports federations to their fans for over a decade. The mobile team’s main motivation is to continuously build the best possible sports apps with the best UI, the best UX, built on the best code. They are doing all these things for an impressive list of clients, including AFL, Premier League, or Liverpool FC.

Highlights of OpenJS World 2022 - What's next in the OS ecosystem

A few days ago, we were in Texas attending one of the most important events in the Javascript ecosystem. For the first time after these difficult times, we had the opportunity to meet again in person with the main contributors and actors of the Javascript ecosystem on a global scale. The appointment was at OpenJS World 2022. We were really happy to meet again with friends from the OS and NodeJS community, seeing them again was priceless.

12 Best Go Web Frameworks for Development

Golang is a shortened form of the Go programming language. Golang is a reliable and popular alternative for writing APIs and developing web services since its entry into the technological market. After its introduction, it quickly became one of the best programming languages. In surveys, nearly 90% of all respondents indicated they would move on with Golang. By the way, this is for the upcoming round of projects.

Demo: Connected KYC (Know Your Customer) Solution

Financial institutions use Know Your Customer (KYC) policies, procedures, and systems to reduce business risk. But fragmented processes, manual intervention, and lack of operational insight pose significant challenges for compliance teams and can negatively impact overall customer experience. Watch this demo to learn how Appian Connected KYC helps FSIs use modern automation, low-code workflows, and integrations to streamline, standardize, and secure the KYC process for continuous monitoring, faster time to revenue and a frictionless experience.

How to Prepare Images to Be Published on a Website

Studies show that people remember over 80% of the visual information, whereas, for text, the number stands at a mere 20%. Images can completely transform the look and feel of a website or a blog. High-quality images relevant to the content on the web page have the power to transform your normal website into something extraordinary. Preparing images before you publish is an important step to ensure your website is well designed and optimized. This, in turn, aids in loading the website faster.

How To Monetize Your APIs: Choosing Your API Monetization Stack

The technology you choose to start your project with determines what your product is capable of now and what it will be capable of in the future. Finding the right stack to build on top of is one of the biggest engineering challenges you can face. Picking a stack that allows you to build a product and get to market rapidly is great unless that same choice limits the scalability and features of a product in the future.

State Machines in Ruby: An Introduction

A state machine can hold all possible states of something and the allowed transitions between these states. For example, the state machine for a door would have only two states (open and closed) and only two transitions (opening and closing). On the other hand, complex state machines can have several different states with hundreds of transitions between them.

A Chat with John Trapani, Appian's Newest Financial Services Leader

Financial services organizations, like those across many other industries, struggle with systemic issues brought on by disjointed, outdated core technologies. That’s why Appian serves the financial services industry—to deliver solutions that minimize the strain those issues cause. To best serve industries’ unique needs, Appian invests in experts with years of first-hand experience.

Top 11 React Chart Libraries to Know

The majority of React applications incorporate some form of data visualization. This is true for all languages, not only React. Some of the most frequent components of mobile and web applications today are charts, graphs, and other sorts of visual representations of data. JavaScript frameworks like React offer scalability and adaptability, to name a few advantages. With several libraries and components to supplement the built-in functionality?

Technical Session on Logging & Kibana | Antino Labs

The Kibana logs is the most unequivocal way of what's going on in the application and debug the performance issues. Large number of generated logs provides a very exuberant experience while navigating. In this session, you are going to get some insights over optimizing the whole process. Why do we log? We request you keep watching the video till end if you really want to gain worthy insights over Logging and Kibana.

Discover, Design, and Automate Your Way to Business Agility, Speed, and...the Caribbean?

With winter in the rearview, you’re not alone if you’re daydreaming about a few days away from the office. Yes, you deserve a relaxing getaway. But a top-notch, Caribbean vacation? Spoiler alert: it won’t happen by chance or without some coordinated effort on your part. You could wing it—book a quick flight and see where the wind takes you. But if you’re fully committed to stretching your limbs on a secluded beach, you need a plan.

Building CRUD REST API With Node.js, Express.js, and PostgreSQL

Knowing how to deal with APIs to allow communication between software systems is essential if you're a web developer. This article will show you how to develop a CRUD REST API in a Node.js environment using an Express.js server and a PostgreSQL database. We'll go over how to use node-postgres to connect an Express.js server to PostgreSQL. The API will support HTTP request methods that correlate to the PostgreSQL database from which it gets its data.

Pairing APIs and Finance: How Banks Use APIs

Application programming interfaces (APIs) do a lot of behind-the-scenes work that you might never notice. When you look at the weather forecast on your smartphone, you get updated info because of an API. You rely on APIs when you sign into your email account, get driving directions, and book airplane tickets. Learn more below about how banks use APIs, and how APIs and finance work together in the industry.

4 Supply Chain Challenges Facing Telecommunications Organizations

Over the past several years, supply chain shocks have battered organizations across industry sectors—from life sciences to retail to oil and gas. Telecommunications companies have felt the pain as well. Between semiconductor shortages, shifts in demand, and labor and equipment shortfalls, telecommunications companies face their share of supply chain challenges.

Unlocking the Power of Connected Insurance

To stay ahead of today's rapidly evolving technology landscape and skyrocketing customer demands, insurers need to transform their digital ecosystem to deliver an omni-channel, connected insurance experience. At this year's InsurTech Insight conference, Gijsbert Cox, Insurance industry lead at Appian, hosted a session to discover how to deliver the connected insurance journey today's customer's demand while increasing efficiency and profitability.

Docker Crash Course: Fundamentals of Docker in 1 Hour!

In this crash course you are going to get some real worthy insights over what docker is all about? Docker enable both the tester and developer to run the application in the Docker environment without having to face differences in dependencies issue as before.​ Here you can find out how this miracle can happens. We will talk about containers, libraries, configuration files, dependencies, and other necessary parts to operate the application.​

Getting Started Remote Debugging Python Apps in PyCharm

Python really needs no introduction, but Google’s search algorithms demand it. Python is essential for its versatility and low barrier of entry for new users. It’s become a vital part of nearly every corner of development, especially in big data and machine learning which may not have progressed to where they are in 2022 without Python’s inception. All the same, debugging Python needs to be efficient.

How to Fix the Missing Format Argument Exception in Java?

The MissingFormatArgumentException is an unchecked exception in Java that occurs when a format specifier does not have a corresponding argument or if an argument index points to an argument that does not exist. Since the MissingFormatArgumentException is thrown at runtime, it does not need to be declared in the throws clause of a method or constructor.

11 API Trends to Watch for in 2022

As the world undergoes a digital transformation, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are becoming increasingly important. An API is a set of rules allowing the software to communicate with others. In other words, APIs act as a bridge between different applications. As a business owner, staying up-to-date on the latest API trends is essential. This article will discuss 11 important API initiatives for the upcoming year.

Dynamic Logging with Rookout & Dynatrace

The only thing better than one awesome (and extremely useful!) tech tool is an integration with another similarly great tool. That’s why we’ve been working on building up our collection of new integrations because our main goal, always, is to make developers’ lives easier. And we do that by allowing you to immediately get all the live data you need from Rookout straight to your favorite tool. And the next step in doing so?

How to use Perforce Helix Core + Unreal Engine 5

Learn how to use Perforce Helix Core source control in Unreal Engine 5 with this step-by-step tutorial from Jase Lindgren, Sales Engineer at Perforce. Source control is essential for teams using game engines, and Helix Core is designed to handle the many, large binary files that are involved in using a game engine.

New frameworks announced at WWDC 2022

If you yearn to write more declarative syntax like SwiftUI and level up your data visualization game, Swift Charts is made for you! Apple introduced a new framework that helps you easily work with charts and create gorgeous visualizations. The chart can be anything — from a line or bar chart to something advanced like a range plot, stream graph, heat map, or even a vector field plot.

TypeScript vs JavaScript: What's the Difference?

Typescript is a free-to-use programming language. This means that Typescript is a combination of JavaScript and other characteristics. Typescript is a superset of JavaScript, which means it contains all of the features of JavaScript plus a few more. JavaScript is an interpreted, lightweight programming language. It's a language for dynamic programming. JavaScript does not support multithreading or multiprocessing. It's used in web development to make HTML pages look better.

How to Handle Errors in React

Let's face it. Nobody wants to see a broken, empty page while surfing the web. It leaves you stranded and confused. You don't know what happened or what caused it, leaving you with a bad impression of the website. It is often better to communicate the error and let the user continue to use the app. The user will get less of a bad impression and can continue to use its features. In today's post, we'll go through different ways to handle errors in React applications.

What is Oracle Database?

Oracle is a complete enterprise cloud platform that helps companies transform their business and accelerate innovation. Oracle offers a comprehensive and fully integrated cloud applications and platform services stack. With Oracle, businesses can take advantage of the latest technologies to improve operations, drive growth, and extend their reach into new markets. This article will discuss what Oracle is and how it can benefit your business.

WWDC 2022 Day 2 Recap - Bitrise Roundtable

Every year in San Jose, Apple Inc. holds the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). Apple uses the conference to showcase its new software and technologies. Attendees can participate in hands-on labs with Apple engineers and attend in-depth sessions on a wide range of topics. We decided to do a recap of the first day's most important happenings with the team!

Identity Verification and KYC in a Digital Age

Identity verification is a crucial step in ensuring someone is who they say they are. This idea is brought through digital identity verification. This reduces the effects of individuals from creating a fraudulent identity, engaging in fraud-related crimes, or acting without the permission of someone else. Organizations must detect the identity of an individual as they manage many prominent security issues like identity theft, data breaches, and fraudulent transactions.

4 Ways Transportation Companies Can Enhance their Supply Chain Operations

Transportation companies hold together the world’s supply chain. Shipping goods internationally, transporting fuel from refineries, bringing products to retail outlets, and delivering packages last mile to consumers’ homes—transportation is the glue of the economy. This responsibility comes with enormous pressure. These companies are on the hook when deliveries run late due to things like shipping container shortages.

A Guide to Phoenix LiveView Assigns

Phoenix LiveView lets you develop full-stack apps with client-side interactions while mostly avoiding cross-stack hassle. Assigns, managed by the LiveView socket, are a core tool for making that happen — allowing you to store, present, and update data effortlessly and efficiently. But as they do so much, assigns come with their own complexities and may backfire if misused.

Magic link authentication using Asgardeo

Passwords are becoming obsolete, and the tech world is exploring various different technologies to allow users to log in without passwords. In a previous article, we discussed the perils of passwords and how FIDO2 can help us go passwordless. However, FIDO2 is no silver bullet as it comes with its fair share of caveats. Magic link is a viable alternative for all those who do not want to use FIDO2. This article discusses magic link in detail and demonstrates how we can use it with Asgardeo.

Predictions for the Future of Modern Data Authentication

Whether in the public fleet industry, telecommunications, or another sector that manages significant data sets, all companies need to ensure that they hold their data security to the highest standards. Many security features are still in their infancy, but the amount of information being stored and accessed daily has increased exponentially over the last few years. Thankfully the future of modern data authentication is bright.

How to fix JavaScript Errors

Even if we have a good project plan and a logical concept, we will spend the majority of our time correcting errors. Furthermore, our application can run without obvious errors with JavaScript, we must use various ways to ensure that everything is operating properly. The majority of JavaScript errors in our web applications will be eliminated if we understand both the syntax and how JavaScript works. Furthermore, numerous web services can help us in catching all of them.

Why Calculate the Cost of APIs and How To Get Started

The use of application programming interfaces (APIs) is exploding across nearly every industry, and for a good reason. What was once primarily found only in technical domains is now becoming a key indicator of business growth. Whether your goal is to connect internal systems, personalize offers, or create innovative products, APIs are leading the way. The benefits are clear — but at what cost? Calculate The Cost Of Developing APIs From Scratch Calculate yours!

Java Guide: What is Heap Space & Dynamic Memory Allocation?

To run Java applications optimally, the JVM divides memory into stack and heap memory. Whenever new variables and objects are declared, new methods are called or other similar operations are performed, the JVM designates memory to these operations from either the Stack Memory or Heap Space. Heap space is used for the dynamic memory allocation of Java objects and classes at runtime. New objects are always created in the heap space, and references to these objects are stored in the stack memory.

3 Steps to Crack the Code on Effective FNOL Operations

The claims stage is critical in the insurance customer lifecycle, acting as a moment of truth in the provider’s ability to serve the client as promised. Because it can often be an emotional experience for customers, insurers that value a seamless experience need to prioritize efficient and effective first notice of loss (FNOL) intake.

Android builds now faster than ever Bitrise Feature Updates

For our Linux machines, we've just doubled vCPUs from 2 to 4, from 4 to 8 and from 8 to 16. and we’ve also doubled memory on all Linux compute options, from 8 to 16 GB, from 16 to 32 GB and from 32 to 64 GB. This means your Android builds will now run on average 30% faster, using fewer credits per build than before.

How to Fix the Input Mismatch Exception in Java?

p>The InputMismatchException is a runtime exception in Java that is thrown by a Scanner object to indicate that a retrieved token does not match the pattern for the expected type, or that the token is out of range for the expected type. Since InputMismatchException is an unchecked exception, it does not need to be declared in the throws clause of a method or constructor.

How to Handle the Headless Exception in Java

The java.awt.HeadlessException is a runtime exception in Java that occurs when code that is dependent on a keyboard, display or mouse is called in an environment that does not support a keyboard, display or mouse. Since HeadlessException is an unchecked exception, it does not need to be declared in the throws clause of a method or constructor.

Add Feature Flags in Ruby on Rails with Flipper

Picture this scenario: you are a Rails developer and have spent the last couple of days developing that awesome feature that everyone is waiting for. It's big and complex, but it went through rigorous testing, so you are confident everything works as it should. There are deadlines to meet, so you deploy. Immediately, all hell breaks loose. Your feature straight up breaks the entire app for some of your users. It's hard to say why. No bugs showed up during testing.

Java: List of Checked & Unchecked Exceptions

Like most modern programming languages, Java includes the concept of exceptions to handle both errors and "exceptional events." When an exception occurs in your code, it disrupts the normal instruction logic and abnormally terminates the process. However, with a little foresight and code, you can often handle these exceptions gracefully, allowing your code to continue running and providing insight for tracking down the root cause of the unexpected result.

13 Tutorials and Courses to Learn WordPress

WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS), which is a tool that optimizes the process of producing, storing, and displaying web material. But you already know that, right? Well, how about this then – did you know that WordPress began as an improvement tool to improve the routine typography of day-to-day writing, but it was later adopted as a blogging tool? When it was first released, WordPress was nothing more than a typographic improvement.

End-to-End API Monetization with Tyk, Stripe, and Moesif

Many API developers and companies struggle to find ways to easily set up systems to monetize their APIs. Some are simple but not customizable, some are complex and require massive engineering effort to actually get it all running. To make things easier, Moesif created a feature a few months ago called Billing Meters which gives massive customizability but with a minimal amount of code and engineering effort.

What is an Application server? | Frameworks | How to use Application Server and Frameworks

Here you will get the detailed discussion about what is a framework, basic concepts of web applications, and web application and framework? Detailed discussion about Common Components of Application Server: We request you keep watching the video till end if you really want to gain worthy insights over Application server and Frameworks.

AML and KYC Compliance: Challenges, Trends, and Opportunities

We recently visited New York City for the Transform Finance FinCrime Festival to hear from financial leaders on the state of the anti-money laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) landscape. Appian’s very own Guy Mettrick, Financial Services Industry Manager, also had the opportunity to share his thoughts on ensuring compliance while keeping in mind the importance of a customer journey.

CIAM Responsible Solutions for Creating Positive Consumer Experiences - CIAM Trend Chat NA 2022

Consumers see the world as all digital with no divide. As a result, whether those consumers are young, old, digitally savvy, or technophobes; organizations are going to have to find a way to ‘deliver better customer interactions’ than their competitors if they are to acquire and retain them. Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) can be defined as “A customer-focused IAM discipline that facilitates leveraging identity data with business data to catalyze business growth”.

WWDC 2022 Day 1 Recap - Bitrise Roundtable

Every year in San Jose, Apple Inc. holds the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). Apple uses the conference to showcase its new software and technologies. Attendees can participate in hands-on labs with Apple engineers and attend in-depth sessions on a wide range of topics. We decided to do a recap of the first day's most important happenings with the team!

GRC for Insurers: ESG and the Louder-than-Ever Call to be Agile

In today’s increasingly regulated insurance landscape, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is at the forefront, both in how insurers invest and how you run your organization. ESG expectations come to insurers from a multitude of stakeholders, including customers, employees, board members, and more.

The Essential List of Spring & Spring Boot Annotations for Getting Started and Configuration

Spring Boot has made the Spring Framework more accessible than it already was. It is a streamlined form of the larger Spring Framework. For one, Spring uses manual configurations while Spring Boot contains a number of default config templates. Spring has a number of dependencies; Spring Boot, not so much (at least until build time). Auto-configuration makes it easy to get started with the Spring Framework (or even Java overall if you’re a true novice to coding) and the support community is huge.

Secure your apps with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) using WSO2 Identity Server #Identityin15

PKCE is an OAuth 2.0 security extension for public clients to avoid a malicious programme creeping from intercepting the authorisation code. In this episode of #IdentityIn15, we will be demonstrating how PKCE works with OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant using the WSO2 Identity Server in just 15mins.

What I Learned from Building a Cloud-Native Frontend App for Asgardeo

Photo by Pixabay The world is progressing fast, especially when it comes to the tech industry. In the past, JavaScript was child’s play, condemned to lend some semblance of programmability to web pages. Today, it is taking us to space. At the start, WSO2 Identity Server was a fledgling identity solution reposed in your on-prem servers. Today, we are launching it to the cloud. Asgardeo has been a great achievement for our team.

Calculating the Cost of Your Business's Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has the potential to streamline your business processes, lower operational costs, improve customer satisfaction, and contribute to revenue growth. Once you build a digital transformation blueprint and follow the steps, you will have a business positioned for long-term success. Although digital transformation projects can help you save a lot of money in the future, you still have to pay for digital technology that leads to cost savings.

7 Benefits of Custom Software Development

Many businesses need specific software solutions to successfully deliver services to their customers. Custom software development creates applications specially designed to meet the specific requirements of these organizations and users. For example, the banking industry uses highly specialized custom software to provide easy access for customers, while protecting sensitive data with high-end security features.

Appian 22.2: New Look. New Approach.

In our 22.1 release, you learned about total experience—an opportunity to connect customer experience (CX), employee experience (EX), user experience (UX), and multiexperience (MX) to transform your organization from every angle. If you’re able to harness this opportunity, you will outperform competitors by 25% in satisfaction metrics for both CX and EX.

8 Microservices Trends to Watch in 2022

If you have been following technological trends over the years, then you must have come across the word: microservices. Popularly known as microservices architecture, microservices replaced monolithic architectures. With software development becoming more complex by the day, software applications require regular updates and improvements. To simplify this process, applications are now developed by breaking it down into smaller components that collectively work to serve their users.

Build a Data Access Layer with PostgreSQL and Node.js

The Data Access Layer (DAL) is the most critical part of any application. This is where the code integrates with an external source of truth like a database. In this take, we'll show you how to build a DAL that talks to Postgres via Node. Then we'll go into best practices like Clean Architecture and what this means in practical terms. Ready? Let’s go! First, a quick note about the code: The code will have modern niceties like TypeScript, unit tests, and will tackle potential scalability issues.

5 Intuitive Build Features in the Appian 22.2 Release

When your tools are intuitive, when they feel like a seamless extension of your capabilities, then your power to create is unlimited. In Appian 22.2, we deliver new features that continue to make development an intuitive experience, empowering you to build everything more quickly and efficiently. From guided security configurations to tracking changes across individual and team revisions, having the information you need as you build makes for a powerful app building experience.

5 Best Landing Page Builders for 2022

One-page websites with a specific goal are known as landing pages. You can use them to promote or sell a product or service, sign people up for your email list, or to target specific types of customers. Having more landing pages increases the number of leads; therefore, landing pages are a must if you want your business to flourish. However, it might be challenging, especially for new businesses.

Mock Implementation with Choreo Connect, WSO2 API Manager

In Choreo Connect 1.1.0 release, mock APIs are supported considering the API definition file. Users can define mock responses in Open API Specification 3 (OAS 3) or using Swagger definition. With the latest WSO2 API Manager 4.1.0 release, the relevant endpoint type for this API type is Mock Implementation Endpoint type. These APIs are manipulated under the pre-released API lifecycle state. With Choreo Connect API definition based mock implementations, you can define default responses, HTTP status code based responses, status code based preferred response retrievals.

Databases vs. Data Warehouses: What are the differences?

When it comes to data management, there are two main options: databases and data warehouses. Both have their unique benefits and drawbacks, so it can be challenging to decide which option is best for your business. This article will discuss the differences between databases and data warehouses and help you decide which option is right for you.

Maximize Your API Revenue

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is projecting a significant slowdown over the coming years, with global growth dropping sharply from an estimated 6.1 percent in 2021 to 3.6 percent in 2022 and 2023. Meanwhile, Reuters polls reveal that the global streak of high inflation is far from over. As such, businesses need to be doing all they can to maximize their revenue – not through increasing spend on new infrastructure, but by getting maximum business value out of their existing product.

Linux Crash Course - Beginner to Advance | Linux Commands and Architecture | Antino Labs

This Linux crash course will help you in gaining insights on Linux commands and architecture. This Linux crash course covers the concept of Linux from beginner to advanced level. This will get help you in getting a much better hold over the Linux commands. Apart from the Linux commands, we have integrated the concepts of architecture as well. We request you keep watching the video till end if you really want to gain worthy insights over Linux commands.