Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2023

Handling Massive Fan-out with AWS Lambdas

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that allows developers to run their code without having to manage the underlying infrastructure. With Lambda, developers can upload their code and the service takes care of scaling, provisioning, and managing the servers required to run the code. This means developers can focus on writing code and not worry about the underlying infrastructure.

Why data integrity is essential for transportation and logistics companies providing realtime updates

With the rise of online ordering and the growth of delivery, consumers and businesses alike order more packages, expect them faster, and want rapid updates on progress, delays, and changes. Companies providing transportation and logistics services, then, have a compelling reason to add realtime update features to their apps. In other articles, we’ve talked about the broad challenges transport and logistics companies face when providing realtime updates, including scalability and low latency.

3 Top Process Compliance Challenges and How to Solve Them

Technology is an indispensable ally for navigating process compliance challenges with confidence. That’s because as digitization expands and regulatory requirements change, process compliance becomes more and more difficult to address manually. In this blog post, we’ll examine common process compliance challenges and how technology can help solve them. The most significant challenges for process compliance are manual and paper-based systems.

How to Resolve ChatGPT Rate Limit Errors

Ever get overwhelmed by a chatty best friend asking a lot of questions? That's what the ChatGPT API "Over the Rate Limit" error is like. It's telling you, "Woah, slow down! Let me take a sip of water before we continue." In this guide, we will shed light on the rate limit and show you several ways to make your API requests more efficient to ensure you face as few interruptions as possible.

SOLID Design Principles Explained: Dependency Inversion Principle with Code Examples

The SOLID design principles were promoted by Robert C. Martin and are some of the best-known design principles in object-oriented software development. SOLID is a mnemonic acronym for the following five principles: Each of these principles can stand on its own and has the goal to improve the robustness and maintainability of object-oriented applications and software components.

When to Use Try-Except vs. Try-Catch

Are you confused when to use try-except versus try-catch? Both are popular mechanisms that gracefully handle unexpected situations. Both share a similar philosophy in syntax, where a block of code is 'tried,' and if an exception occurs, it's caught and handled in a designated way. There's one big difference between them though: try-except is for Python while try-catch is for Java.

What To Expect From Ruby 3.3

Ruby, the all-time popular programming language from Japan, has continued to evolve with each iteration, empowering developers worldwide to build powerful and elegant applications. As the community eagerly awaits the release of Ruby 3.3, there is a lot of excitement around the potential enhancements and features that this version promises to bring.

Episode 4: Troubleshooting & debugging across the SDLC (SD Times Microwebinars)

Everybody is talking about the importance of shift-left and they’re definitely right. But – little by little, we’re seeing the opposite movement. We’re seeing the SDLC itself shifting right. Today, engineers spend most of their time developing and testing code in production-like environments. To meet those challenges, we need to adapt appropriate Observability tools throughout the SDLC.

Xdebug for PHP Developers: Advanced Debugging Made Easy

Debugging can be a challenging task for any programmer, and PHP developers are no exception. With the complexity of web applications and the ever-increasing demands on software development, debugging PHP code can be a time-consuming process. But what if there was a way to streamline the debugging process and make it more efficient and effective?

REST Client Made Easy: Exploring Top Libraries Across Languages

REST Client is like a messenger that helps applications talk to a server that provides a RESTful API. It handles tasks such as sending requests for data, updating resources, creating new records, or deleting existing ones. Imagine you need to retrieve information from a remote server or update data in a database. REST clients act as intermediaries, helping your application send requests to the server and receive responses back.

Understanding the Difference - Web APIs vs. Web Services

In today's digital world, where systems need to work together smoothly and communicate effectively, two important terms come into play, APIs and web services. These are the tools that help different applications and systems connect with each other seamlessly. APIs are like secret keys that unlock specific functions and data, saving time for developers and allowing them to reuse code.

Filebeat vs. Logstash: A Quick Comparison

When it comes to managing logs in a distributed environment, two popular open-source tools come to mind: Filebeat and Logstash. While both tools have similar goals, there are significant differences in their functionality and usage. Filebeat is a lightweight log shipper that collects, parses, and forwards logs to various outputs, including Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kafka.

View Models vs. View Composers: Understanding the Differences in Laravel

Are you familiar with Laravel, the popular PHP web application framework? If so, you may have heard of two key concepts in Laravel's view system: view models and view composers. While these terms may sound similar at first, they actually represent two distinct approaches to organizing and preparing data for views.

Accelerate Your Career with WSO2 Training and Certification

Welcome to the world of WSO2 Training, where cutting-edge technologies meet skilled developers to unlock the full potential of your career and organization. Whether you are an individual developer looking to enhance your skills or a business seeking to foster a highly capable workforce, our training and certification programs offer many benefits that can positively impact your job performance, career prospects, and overall development.

A Beginner's Guide to API Data Formats: JSON, XML, Plain Text, and Binary

Imagine you are sending a message to your friend, but you want to ensure that no one else can understand it. So lets say you are encoding your message using a special language that only you and your friend knows. This way, even if someone intercepts the message, they won't be able to understand its true meaning. The encoded message itself is what we call the "payload." In the world of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), the concept of a payload is quite similar.

Java Memory Leak: Decoding Myths

Java undoubtedly is one of the most used programming languages today. Not surprising if you yourself were trained in it. Over the years, it has gained a reputation for being both powerful and efficient. However, like any other language, Java has its share of challenges. And one of these is the problem of memory leaks, and fair enough, there are more myths surrounding it than ways to overcome it. But this blog is all about it.

A Step-by-step guide to creating production-ready APIs in Go with Gin and Gorm

Take your API development skills to the next level with Go, Gin, JWT, and Gorm. Follow this detailed step-by-step guide to create robust, secure, and production-ready APIs that harness the power of authentication, authorization, and database integration.

Shifting Right in Software Development: Adapting Observability for a Seamless Development Experience

You’ve probably heard of the “shift-left” mantra as it echoes throughout the tech industry. And if you haven’t, let me be the first to update you that you’ve been living under a rock. Like a real rock, not even a figurative one. In all seriousness, ‘shift-left’ has shaken things up quite a bit in the tech industry, bringing with it a paradigm shift in how we approach software development.

Chat and messaging application features: The complete guide for 2023

In the past decade, chat apps have gone from being a disruptive new technology to something we use every day. Today, WhatsApp boasts over 2 billion daily active users, by far the market leader, followed by WeChat with 1.3 billion and Facebook Messenger at just under 1 billion. Chat apps, put simply, are going nowhere. In that time, customers have come to expect a consistent experience across their chat apps – and a core set of functionality has evolved across all major providers.

Legacy to Cloud Migration | The Pros and Cons

Evaluating your business’ legacy to cloud migration strategy is a necessary step for successful digital transformation. Legacy systems are old software applications and infrastructure that are still in use by businesses today. They were often built on outdated technologies and may not be compatible with modern cloud platforms. However, legacy systems can also provide a number of benefits, such as stability, reliability, and familiarity.

How to Use the ChatGPT API with Golang

ChatGPT is like that cool, incredibly talented artist every band wants to collaborate with. When you need something extra, something that will give your application a bit of zing, that's where ChatGPT comes in. It's got that rhythm that gets feet tapping. This guide will take you step-by-step on how to bring together the text-generating wizardry of ChatGPT with the simplicity and efficiency of Golang, opening up exciting new possibilities for crafting more intelligent applications.

How to Use the ChatGPT API with Java

Imagine harnessing the power of ChatGPT's human-like responses right from your Java code! It'd be like adding a supercharger to your already powerful engine. This step-by-step, hands-on guide (with full example code at the end) will show you exactly how to integrate, interact, and leverage this union so you can build smarter applications. Before you know it, you'll have Java and ChatGPT playing nice to deliver a user experience that's nothing short of mind-blowing.

Why elasticity is essential for sports, media, and entertainment apps delivering realtime updates

Elasticity, as the term implies, is the ability for software infrastructure to stretch and shrink in line with fluctuating usage. Elasticity is important in many contexts – because usage can always fluctuate – but it’s especially important for sports, media, and entertainment apps, which frequently serve user bases that grow and shrink rapidly depending on events, trends, and breaking news.

The High Cost of Data Silos: 3 Telling Statistics

The effects of disconnected data are many: lack of data-driven decision making, inaccurate information, and slower processes, to name just a few. When you quantify the total cost of data silos, you’ll find that organizations have a lot to lose. While many data silo statistics predict a gloomy future where organizations struggle to unite their enterprise data, new approaches to data management, like data fabric, can help.

An Introduction to Metaprogramming in Ruby

You've heard of metaprogramming: code you write that generates other code dynamically. Without it, Rails as we know it wouldn't (and couldn't) exist. But there's a good chance you've never done it yourself, and it's not hard to see why; even a brief excursion into the realm of metaprogramming can leave you beset with strange and foreign methods, unfamiliar syntax, and downright mystifying blocks of code.

Working with APIs

We will be discussing how to work with APIs using WSO2 API Manager in this session. You will learn about Rate limiting policies which would help you to protect your API from exhaustion, how API Policies can help modify your requests and responses and how API versions and revisions can help maintain your API changes. You will also understand about the Lifecycle of APIs, how to perform testing and prototyping when required, how to specify access control and visibility and also about the inbuilt user roles which helps you carry out each of these functionalities easily in WSO2 API Manager.

API Cost Calculator: How Much Does it Cost to Build an API?

You need to save money, deploy projects faster, and spend more time on developing application experiences that enthrall users. It is practically a certainty that APIs will play a critical role in your software development process, but how much does it cost to build an API? Learn more about DreamFactory’s API cost calculator in this blog article! Here’s the key things to know about our API Cost Calclator: Table of Contents.

Business Process Modeling Tools: 5 Questions to Ask

If your business has a lot of complex workflows, you’re likely relying on a number of tools and manual processes to get things done. And if you’re seeing that processes are slow, inefficient, or require a lot of manual work, business process modeling tools can help. Business process modeling tools are specifically designed to help you model and optimize your business processes.

Operationalizing AI: How to Beat 2 Major Challenges

If you’re not using artificial intelligence (AI) in your organization right now, you’re behind. But the reality is that beyond inputting some ideas into a large language model like ChatGPT, AI just isn’t that simple to operationalize across your business (although the benefits are real).

Empowering Startups: Building Better, More Secure Apps and Ensuring Exceptional CX with N|Solid

Startups face numerous challenges on their path to success, and two key aspects that significantly impact their growth are code quality and user experience. In today's fast-paced technological landscape, startups must prioritize these areas to build robust, scalable, and secure applications. This is where N|Solid can be a dynamic solution by providing powerful telemetry, insights, and security alerts for Node.js apps.

Guide to TypeScript and Styled Components

To attract more users and improve the overall user experience, it is crucial to have a visually appealing and well-designed user interface (UI) for our websites, applications, blogs, products, etc. The UI serves as the point of interaction between the user and the application. For example, consider the eCommerce portal. This user interface displays how the e-commerce application connects with its users through an attractive, accessible, and easy-to-understand design.

Display All PHP Errors: Basic & Advanced Usage

A PHP application might produce many different levels of warnings and errors during its execution. Seeing these errors is crucial for developers when troubleshooting a misbehaving application. However, many developers often encounter difficulties displaying errors in their PHP applications, leading to silent app failures.

DevOps CI/CD Pipeline and Workflow: A Bitrise CI/CD Pipeline and Workflow walkthrough

This Mobile DevOps tutorial takes you through what is a Pipeline, what is workflows, and how you can build and test in parallel to build better apps, faster, all tailored specifically for mobile development with Bitrise. Dive into the world of Bitrise Mobile DevOps, learning how to leverage the power of our software to build and test in parallel, enabling you to develop apps, quicker than ever before. In this video we cover the key components of a Bitrise DevOps pipeline - an integral toolset and automated processes that allow software teams to compile, build, and roll out codes seamlessly.

PoC in a Day vs. PoC in a Month with Moesif

In today’s digital landscape, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play a crucial role in enabling seamless integration and communication between software applications and platforms. With API technology being front and center in digital transformation, there has been a significant rise in the demand for API-first solutions that offer a wide array of services for software developers.

Why low latency is important for transportation and logistics companies providing realtime updates

The transportation and logistics industries contain much more complexity than the average consumer would guess. When they build apps, they need to provide a simple, intuitive experience supported by a complex and most often unseen system of vehicles criss-crossing neighborhoods, states, and countries, supported by employees and systems working from behind the scenes to orchestrate the processes necessary to make this all work smoothly.

How C# Reflection Works With Code Examples

To write code that can read, examine and even write code in runtime. Sounds like magic? Welcome to the world of C# reflection. Being able to write code that can examine and modify other pieces of code dynamically is quite a useful power. That’s what we call reflection, and in this post, you’ll learn how C# reflection works. We’ll open the post by covering some fundamentals. What is reflection in C#? Why do people use it? We’ll break all that down for you in plain English.

How to Use LoggerFactory and Microsoft.Extensions.Logging for .NET Core Logging With C#

Do you use.NET (formerly.NET Core)? If so, you’re probably familiar with the built-in.NET Core LoggerFactory which is in Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. Back when it was introduced, it created a lot of confusion around logging with ASP.NET Core. Several years latter, the dust has settled down, and.NET logging has become somewhat “boring”, which means predictable and consistent. In this post, we’ll offer you a guide on.NET logging.

Build Vs Buy: API Management Solutions

API-first startups must prioritize the development and utilization of their Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) as the foundation of their growth model. API-based organizations heavily rely on management and analytics to ensure the smooth functioning, monitoring, and optimization of their APIs. However, the decision to build or buy an API management tool becomes crucial as it directly impacts the SaaS provider’s resource allocation, time-to-market, and overall business strategy.

Top 3 Tools for Managing an Online Store's Inventory

If you are building an online store that just has a few products, or you are looking to create an online store that rivals Amazon in what it can deliver to the customers, you have probably noticed that there is a problem with keeping your inventory in check with what your customers want to purchase. There are a lot of issues that online stores can run into, especially since online stores are designed to be slightly divorced from the companies that produce the various products that they are selling.

4 lessons from scaling a startup: Matthew O'Riordan on the Code Story podcast

Code Story is a podcast that invites tech leaders to reflect on their journeys, the products they’ve created, their successes, and their mistakes. Our CEO Matthew O’Riordan recently spoke with host Noah Labhart to share more about Ably’s story and the lessons he’s learned along the way. You can listen to the full episode here, but we’ve pulled out a few highlights below.

Risk Management in Banking: How to Weather the 2023 Crisis

The banking industry is no stranger to crises, and 2023 has proven to be a challenging time for banks worldwide. As financial institutions face a multitude of risks and uncertainties, robust risk management practices are essential for success. In this post, we’ll delve into the significance of risk management in weathering the 2023 crisis and offer key strategies for successfully navigating these turbulent times.

What Is Private AI?

As artificial intelligence (AI) changes industries at a dizzyingly rapid pace, industries and governments alike are just beginning to grapple with the implications of the groundbreaking technology. One major issue has come to the foreground: data privacy concerns. Between possible data breaches and companies using your data to train their own models (and perhaps helping your competition in the process), enterprises have concerns.

How APIs are Critical for Your Company's AI Strategy

With the rise of ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence, the role of APIs has become increasingly crucial. The recent launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT API has generated significant interest and holds immense potential for businesses worldwide. Although much has been written on the topic of how to integrate ChatGPT into your existing product or application, there hasn’t been much discussion around how integrating your API into ChatGPT can power organizational insights and growth.

Welcome to The Future of Software Development: Powered by Telemetry, Security, and AI

We made some big announcements during our keynote at Collision in Toronto; our AI Assistant, Adrian, and the open sourcing of our Node.js Runtime, N|Solid Runtime. They are a big part of our vision for the future of software development, one that is powered by telemetry, security, and AI - which was the topic of our talk. In this post we will share more about our vision and specifically how NodeSource is enabling that future.

.Net Core Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection (DI) is a pattern that can help developers decouple the different pieces of their applications. It provides a mechanism for the construction of dependency graphs independent of the class definitions. Throughout this article, I will be focusing on constructor injection where dependencies are provided to consumers through their constructors.

The Collaboration of Code: JavaScript, TypeScript, and CoffeeScript

In the vast universe of coding, JavaScript has earned itself a reputation of being a dynamic, high-level, interpreted language, often employed for enhancing user experiences on the web. However, as the complexity of web applications increased, developers craved more structure, static typing, and syntax variations. Enter the JavaScript dialects. They can be seen as extensions of the original JavaScript, with each one providing alternatives suited to diverse needs and preferences.

OOP Concepts in C#: Code Examples and How to Create a Class

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a paradigm (a sort of “style”) of programming that revolves around objects communicating with each other, as opposed to functions operating on data structures. C# is the flagship language of the.NET ecosystem. Despite being a multi-paradigm language, its forte is certainly OOP. OOP is a recognized programming paradigm, but programming languages differ in how they interpret and implement its tenants.

The Benefits of Oracle DBMS for Your Organization

Oracle Database—or Oracle DBMS—consolidates, stores, and retrieves large amounts of big data. With a market value of $253,206, Oracle Corporation is one of the largest technology companies in the world. But why use Oracle DBMS in your organization? In this post, learn the benefits of Oracle DBMS and how DreamFactory makes it easier to use this relational database management system. Here are the key things to know about the benefits of Oracle DBMS: Table of Contents.

Making App Development Revolutionary with Flutter

The success of an app in today’s fast-paced digital economy primarily relies on its speed to market, smooth user experiences, and practical development methods. Flutter, Google’s open-source UI framework, has emerged as a significant changer in app development. Flutter’s own set of benefits allows developers to build spectacular cross-platform apps quicker than ever before.

How to Delegate Methods in Ruby

Delegation in programming refers to handing off a task from one part of a program to another. It's an essential technique in object-oriented programming, empowering clean, maintainable code by ensuring that each object or method is responsible for a specific task or behavior. Understanding and using delegation is key to mastering Ruby and other object-oriented languages. Delegation promotes separation of concerns, making your code more modular and easier to understand, test, and refactor.

Observability Tools: Cutting Costs Without Compromising on Quality

In software development, striking a balance between cost and quality can sometimes feel as tricky as finding a bug in a spaghetti code. Observability tools face a similar dilemma, often consuming a significant portion of the budget and growing significantly year over year. The irony? The vast majority of the data gathered is never used. As is often the case, the driving force behind this trend is not an emotional response.

Observe Your Phoenix App with Structured Logging

In this post, we'll configure a Phoenix LiveView application to use a structured logger. We'll then use AppSignal to correlate log events with other telemetry signals, like exception reports and traces. Along the way, you'll learn about the benefits of structured logging, and you'll see how to configure a distinct framework and application logger in your Phoenix app. Let's get started!

RPA in Procurement: How to Enhance the Government Acquisition Process

Robotic process automation (RPA) refers to the use of software robots, or "bots," that mimic human actions to automate repetitive tasks within business processes. RPA technology can interact with applications, systems, and data sources to automate procurement tasks such as data entry, document processing, and report generation.

Due Diligence Process In Banking: 3 Automation Trends To Watch

Bank turmoil associated with recent bank failures has highlighted the importance of due diligence for managing financial risk, growing revenue, and retaining jittery customers. Regulators will likely ramp up their scrutiny–even after hitting financial institutions with a jaw-dropping $2.7 billion in fines in 2021 for failing to meet compliance and due diligence standards.

Getting Started with Parallel Processing in PHP

"Many hands make light work" applies well to the concept of parallel processing. It means that a task becomes easier and quicker when many people work together towards a common goal. In the context of computing, parallel processing refers to the ability to divide a task into smaller parts and distribute them across multiple processors or cores to complete the task more efficiently. Parallel processing involves breaking down a complex task into simpler ones, which can be executed in parallel.

How to Reverse Engineer APIs: The Benefits and Tools

Interoperability is one of the main reasons to reverse engineer APIs. Unlike a few decades ago, when software could exist in isolation, nowadays, a program runs on a complicated operating system and involves communication with several libraries created by different people. Reverse engineering APIs for interoperability involves API integration and learning new ways in which programs can exchange and use information.

Why data integrity is essential for sports, media, and entertainment apps delivering realtime updates

Hardly anyone is stricter about data integrity than people who closely follow the news – even if they don’t use the term. If a user is monitoring a live feed of updates about a legal case or a bill in progress, they will switch feeds without hesitation if updates are repeated or out of order.

Building APIs with Node.js and gRPC

Building applications with gRPC is becoming an increasingly popular choice because of its performance and scalability. gRPC provides many benefits over traditional REST-based services, such as faster response times, better performance, and simpler code structure. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of building a gRPC server using Node.js.

TensorFlow vs. PyTorch: Which Deep Learning Framework is Right for You?

A deep learning framework is essential for building and deploying deep neural networks, a class of artificial intelligence algorithms inspired by the human brain’s structure and functioning. These frameworks provide a high-level interface, libraries and tools that simplify the development process of complex machine-learning models. Choosing the proper deep learning framework is crucial as it directly impacts your machine learning projects’ efficiency, productivity, and success.

EP2: Sizing Up Services - The Pragmatism of Micro, Mini, and Monoliths

In 'Sizing Up Services: The Pragmatism of Micro, Mini, and Monoliths,' we explore the technical intricacies of pragmatic application architecture. We dive deep into microservices, miniservices, and monolithic architectures, explaining their real-world applications and organizational impacts. The episode also sheds light on how these architectural patterns influence the design and structuring of business domains. Join us for a technical deep-dive into service sizes and make more informed architectural decisions for your projects.

API Analytics and Monetization with Choreo and Moesif

We're excited to announce the partnership between Choreo and Moesif, bringing you an integration for improved API analytics and monetization. Choreo is our application development suite designed to accelerate the creation of digital experiences. It simplifies the process of building, deploying, and monitoring cloud-native applications, boosting productivity and fostering innovation in organizations.

What is Database Stored Procedure Modernization?

Your organization likely relies on stored procedures based on business logic that has worked well in the past. More recent evolutions in areas like application development, automation, open-source application code, workloads, and web services could mean that you need to reassess your stored procedures to find opportunities for improvement.

3 Disadvantages of Data Silos That Slow Digital Transformation

Your organization has an unstoppable digital transformation plan—at least that’s what you thought before you started encountering the disadvantages of data silos. Your teams were fired up and ready to go, but data separated by different systems created obstacle after obstacle to your digital transformation dreams.

The Automation Advantage: Transforming the Future of Insurance

The insurance industry is quickly moving into a digital-first future where emerging technologies will reshape the way policies are sold, claims are processed, and risks are managed, and where market leaders are automating critical workflows to deliver seamless experiences, enhance customer satisfaction, and unlock profitability.

How To Create a User Funnel in Moesif

User Funnels allow businesses to analyze how individual users are using and converting within their product. Funnel metrics can show how many users are converting through each stage of the funnel and the average time it takes to do so with beautiful graphs and insightful statistics. Join Dylan as he shows users how to set up a conversion funnel analysis in Moesif by leveraging the User Funnels feature.

How To Use Saved Cohorts in Moesif

Saved Cohorts are the driving force behind many features in Moesif such as Dynamic Sampling, Behavioral Emails, and Governance. Saved Cohorts are dynamic lists of users (or companies) that match a defined criteria. Cohort notifications can enable your teams to be notified the minute users start experiencing problems. In this tutorial we’ll take a look at how to set up a simple Saved Cohort, enable notifications, and take a peek at the incredible features that take advantage of Saved Cohorts like Dynamic Sampling, Behavioral Emails, and Governance.

3D Animation Software - Overview of the Top Animation Tools

There is a lot of 3D animation software on the market today — so much that it can be difficult to determine which is right for your or your team’s purposes. In this blog, get an overview of some of the animation tools that are considered industry standard. Plus, learn about the differences and overlap between digital content creation tools, game engines, and collaboration tools that are used in 3D animation.

3 pillars for supporting realtime update infrastructure in transportation and logistics apps

Amazon was founded in 1994, went public in 1997, and reached a market cap of $1.5 trillion in 2020. As a result of Amazon’s successes and a long tail of rapidly modernizing ecommerce businesses, consumers and businesses alike have transformed their expectations around transportation and logistics. Consumers, for example, expect up-to-the-minute updates on package delivery, and businesses require, among other features, realtime asset and vehicle monitoring.

Gradle vs. Maven: Performance, Compatibility, Builds, & More

Gradle is one of several Java development tools featured in Stackify’s Comprehensive Java Developer’s Guide, but it’s not the only build automation tool to consider. Maven is an older and commonly used alternative, but which build system is best for your project? With other tools, such as Spring, allowing developers to choose between the two systems, coupled with an increasing number of integrations for both, the decision is largely up to you.

Ship sooner to Google Play: Release Management now supports Android production releases

Ship Android apps faster than ever. Our new features allow you to effortlessly integrate with your Google Account, create production releases and release directly to the Google Play Store. Read more on this, and what's coming next.

Episode 3: Cut Observability Costs (SD Times Microwebinars)

If you dig down to the bottom of it, you’ll find that Observability will eat up any budget allocated to it and then some. That’s because the need for more Observability is rarely rooted in engineering needs. It is in fact coming from a much more primal place: the fear of the unknown. This is why Observability is a huge cost driver, growing year over year, and tremendously hard to optimize. Because anything you cut away will be quickly replaced by new data points.

What Are Digital Twins? Learn About Digital Twin Software

Imagine being able to make a digital replica of one of the largest stadiums in the world, capturing everything from ceiling height to square footage. Now, imagine you could integrate that replica with real-life, predictive data. Then, you could use it to measure important details like stadium capacity, climate control, security wait times, video and audio syncing capabilities, and more. In this example, digital twin software enables events to run more smoothly and helps staff foresee and plan upgrades.

Event-Driven Architecture: Understanding its Significance for Software Development

The concept of Event-driven Architecture (EDA) has gained increasing attention in recent years. EDA is a style of software architecture that emphasizes the communication between software components via events, rather than direct invocation or method calls. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of EDA and explore its significance in modern software development.

An Introduction to Playwright for Node.js

Test coverage plays a key role in providing bug-free experiences to users. At the same time, writing and maintaining test scripts for different web browsers is cumbersome and time-consuming. Fortunately, there is a solution! Playwright is a cutting-edge tool that makes it easy to automate modern web browsers. Through its powerful API, you can write end-to-end test scripts that run smoothly on different browsers. In this article, we'll cover: Let's dive straight in!

An Introduction to Devise for Ruby on Rails

With over 20,000 GitHub stars and lots of integrations, the Devise gem is one of the most popular gems in the Ruby landscape. So why would we term it one of Ruby's "hidden" gems? Well, as popular as it is, most developers only scratch the surface of the library's capabilities. In this two-part series, we'll take a deep dive into Devise. In this first part, we'll learn some of the basics, including: In part two, we'll look at more advanced usages of Devise, including: Let's get started!

Client Lifecycle Management Process: 5 Best Practices for Banks

If you’re worried about the potential for heightened regulatory scrutiny in financial services, you’re not alone. Business operations teams everywhere are focused on the end-to-end, client lifecycle management (CLM) process as they cope with ever-changing regulations governing how, when, and where client data can be stored and accessed. It’s hard to stay compliant when customer data is spread across multiple operational silos.

Low-Code and Change Management: The Perfect Pairing for Enterprise Modernization Efforts

Large-scale enterprise modernization initiatives are taking place across the public sector, with agencies striving to gain efficiencies through better use of more modern technologies, such as low-code platforms, and employing data in novel ways in the decision-making process. These modernization efforts disrupt the business processes that have developed around the outdated solutions these efforts aim to replace.

How To Use Static Alerts In Moesif

Using alerts can add a lot of value for your team, product, and users. Static alerts work well when the threshold is constant and predictable. Creating a dynamic alert can be done in a matter of minutes, instantly levelling-up your API monitoring strategy. Join Dylan as he shows users how to create Static Alerts within Moesif. In this tutorial, we will cover how to: Powerful API analytics, a perfect companion for your API Gateway, is only a few moments away.

How To Use Dynamic Sampling in Moesif

Join Dylan as we show users how to create Dynamic Sampling rules within Moesif. In this tutorial, we will cover how to: Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.

Channel subscription now possible with new Python Realtime SDK

Python is a popular programming language known for its simplicity and versatility. It's commonly used for web development, data analysis, and automation. While it's not usually associated with client-side development, it can be useful in scenarios where server-side applications need to exchange data in realtime. This is why we’ve released a new Python Realtime SDK component that enables developers to integrate Ably's realtime functionality into their Python applications.

Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Practices in WSO2 Choreo

MLOps also known as Machine Learning Operations is a core function of Machine Learning engineering, focused on streamlining the process of taking machine learning models to production, and then maintaining and monitoring them. MLOps is a collaborative function, often comprising data scientists, devops engineers, and IT. In this video, you can learn about the basics of MLOps and its applications in Choreo.

The Future of API Gateways on Kubernetes

The exponential growth of the Internet and cloud computing has given rise to applications that are smaller, more distributed, and designed for highly dynamic environments capable of rapidly scaling up or down as needed. These applications have pushed the demand for modern API management product architectures that can leverage cloud native capabilities to achieve scalability, resilience, agility, and cost efficiency.

Why low latency is essential for sports, media, and entertainment companies trying to deliver realtime updates at scale

Latency is a technical term that, even for the people who use it every day, tends to feel abstract. When a metric calls for measurement by the millisecond, it’s easy to forget just how valuable each millisecond is. But if your application promises to deliver realtime updates – especially in the sports, media, and entertainment industries – low latency has to become a high priority and the experience your users have with latency needs to be vivid.

Monetizing APIs: Accelerate Growth and Relieve Strain on Your Engineers

APIs have become increasingly popular in the current SaaS ecosystem due to their ability to seamlessly integrate software systems. APIs provide standardized ways for applications to share data. API monetization is a powerful way for businesses to drive growth and generate revenue from existing API consumer data and usage. By offering your APIs as products or services, your company can tap into new markets, attract more developers, and create self-sustaining ecosystems around your product line.

7 Real-time Use Cases of Groovy Scripting

In the context of software development, automating repetitive tasks and accelerating application development is the name of the game. Hence, having a versatile language with faster and more efficient results at your disposal is a must. Groovy Scripting will save your day! Groovy scripting is a dynamic language with a range of features and functionalities specifically around automation and rapid application development.

Best Practices for Error Handling in ASP.NET MVC

How easy would our lives be, as programmers, if our applications behaved correctly 100% of the time? Unfortunately, that’s not the case: things go wrong, often in serious ways. In order to offer the user the best possible experience—and also understand what went wrong so you can fix it—your application needs to handle its errors, and that’s why error handling is an important part of any application.

How to Create a Service in WSO2 Choreo | Choreo Community Call #1

Welcome to the WSO2 Choreo Community Call #1! In this session, we will dive into the topic of creating a service in Choreo and explore the various aspects of managing and consuming it. Choreo is a SaaS application development suite designed to accelerate the creation of digital experiences. It powers the creation, collaboration, reuse, and deployment of components like APIs, microservices, and integrations on any Kubernetes cluster to increase productivity and free developers to focus on innovation.

The Ultimate List of C# Tools: IDEs, Profilers, Automation Tools, and More

C# is a widely used programming language in enterprises, especially for those that are heavily Microsoft-dependent. This language comprises a lot of tools with individual strengths. Here, we list C# tools for IDEs, profilers, automation tools, and more. If you build apps using C#, you most likely use Visual Studio and have explored some of its extensions to supercharge your development. However, this list of C# tools might just change the way you write C# code for good.

Understanding GraphQL: A Comprehensive Comparison With REST API and Its Implementation in Node.js

Application Programming Interface, or API, development is a critical aspect of modern software engineering, enabling diverse software systems to interact and share data seamlessly. The API serves as a contract between different software applications, outlining how they can communicate with one another. Two of the most popular architectural styles for building Web APIs are Representational State Transfer (REST) and GraphQL.

Best Log Management Tools: Useful Tools for Log Management, Monitoring, Analytics, and More

Gone are the days of painful plain-text log management. While plain-text data is still useful in certain situations, when it comes to doing extended analysis to gather insightful infrastructure data – and improve the quality of your code – it pays to invest in reliable log management tools and systems that can empower your business workflow. Logs are not an easy thing to deal with, but regardless is an important aspect of any production system.

Forrester TEI Reveals Appian's ROI Potential: 4 Key Findings for Process Automation

Process efficiency might not be flashy, but its impact is substantial. Improving process efficiency—from developing new applications faster to automating manual tasks—can amount to millions in savings. According to a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study, conducted by Forrester Consulting and commissioned by Appian, a composite organization comprised of interviewees with experience using Appian realized: How exactly are customers realizing these benefits?

How to Access Mainframe Data with DreamFactory

Mainframes continue to play a pivotal role in today’s digital landscape, specifically in large-scale, mission-critical industries such as banking, insurance, healthcare, and government. Their impressive transaction handling capabilities, robust security mechanisms, and efficient resource management make them the go-to choice for organizations dealing with large volumes of sensitive, complex data.

What Are Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: ADAS Overview

Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) help improve the safety of everyone in the car to help them arrive safely at their destination. These technological features are essential as the majority of serious car accidents are due to human error. Here we discuss what are advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), provide examples of advanced driver assistance systems, and what coding standards are essential to the development of advanced driver assistance systems.

Top 5 Python Web Frameworks: Unlocking the Power of Python for Web Development

Welcome to the exciting world of Python web frameworks. Python, which is known for its simplicity and readability, has gained immense popularity in web development. But what exactly are Python web frameworks, and why do you need them? If you’re a developer – or an aspiring one – settle in and read on.

Multithreading with Worker Threads in Node.js

The beauty of Node is that while the main event loop runs in a single thread, some expensive tasks are automatically offloaded to a separate worker pool. These include the I/O-intensive DNS and File System (except fs.FSWatcher()) APIs, as well as the CPU-intensive Crypto and Zlib APIs. All these have a synchronous variation which will block the main thread. This is generally how Node accomplishes concurrency while running on a single thread.

Ultimate log4j Tutorial for Java Logging - Best Practices, Resources and Tips

Logging plays a critical role in every application. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use Apache Log4j 2.x and highlight best practices that can help you in getting started and improve logging capabilities. Additionally, we’ll discuss various key features and improvements of Log4j 2.x over its predecessor, Log4j 1.x.

How to Catch All Exceptions in C# & Find All Application Errors

Exception handling is a critical component of every software application. The last thing you want your users to see is errors, or even worse, your application crashing. In this article, we will discuss how to find and catch all exceptions in C# applications. .NET provides several different ways to catch exceptions and view unhandled exceptions. Topics in this article.

A Deep Dive into Mutations with Absinthe

In the last two posts of this series, we saw how easy it is to integrate Absinthe into your app to provide a GraphQL API for querying data. We also shared some useful tips for building and maintaining large schemas and optimizing queries. This post will show how we can provide an API to create GraphQL mutations with Absinthe for Elixir. Let's get started!

Episode 2: Live Observability (SD Times Microwebinars)

In the first episode, we will discuss the fourth pillar of Observability and how Snapshots are so much better than logs. One of the big benefits of Snapshots in particular and agile Observability in general is that you can adapt your Observability in real-time without requiring code changes or redeployments.

Multi-branch Pipeline with Argo Workflows and CI/CD Debugging - Gosha Dozoretz (CNCF Israel)

Abstract: Coming to the office has become deprecated, hasn’t it? A hallway conversion with developer colleagues about migration to kubernetes native CI/CD, led to a feature request they are already using - multi-branch pipeline. Argo Workflow does not support it natively.

Enhancing Customer Experiences with CIAM

In a recent interview, David deBoisblanc, managing partner at Duczer East and a valued partner of WSO2, interviewed Geethika Cooray, vice president and general manager of IAM at WSO2, to gain insights into the importance of CIAM for the C-suite and its impact on customer retention. The following excerpts from their conversation look at valuable insights on CIAM, its significance for the C-suite, and the emerging trends in the industry. Here's what Geethika said.