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How to Rescue Exceptions in Ruby

Exceptions are a commonly used feature in the Ruby programming language. The Ruby standard library defines about 30 different subclasses of exceptions, some of which have their own subclasses. The exception mechanism in Ruby is very powerful but often misused. This article will discuss the use of exceptions and show some examples of how to deal with them.

An Introduction to RuboCop for Ruby on Rails

Good code has a lot to do with how readable it is. As developers, we more often read code than write it. As my Perl teacher told us many times: the flexibility of Perl's syntax was its best and worst trait at the same time. Ruby's syntax was influenced partly by Perl and is also quite flexible. Whatever language you pick, set some guidelines to avoid overusing a language's flexibility. Style guides for Ruby abound on the web, and it's not difficult to pick a style nowadays.

Secure Your Ruby App with JSON Web Tokens

If a web application involves users, as a matter of course, their data should be protected and secured. Securing a web application can mean several things. In this post, we'll discuss a subset of web security that involves authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) and the Ruby on Rails web application framework. Let's get started!

What To Expect From Ruby 3.3

Ruby, the all-time popular programming language from Japan, has continued to evolve with each iteration, empowering developers worldwide to build powerful and elegant applications. As the community eagerly awaits the release of Ruby 3.3, there is a lot of excitement around the potential enhancements and features that this version promises to bring.

An Introduction to Metaprogramming in Ruby

You've heard of metaprogramming: code you write that generates other code dynamically. Without it, Rails as we know it wouldn't (and couldn't) exist. But there's a good chance you've never done it yourself, and it's not hard to see why; even a brief excursion into the realm of metaprogramming can leave you beset with strange and foreign methods, unfamiliar syntax, and downright mystifying blocks of code.

How to Delegate Methods in Ruby

Delegation in programming refers to handing off a task from one part of a program to another. It's an essential technique in object-oriented programming, empowering clean, maintainable code by ensuring that each object or method is responsible for a specific task or behavior. Understanding and using delegation is key to mastering Ruby and other object-oriented languages. Delegation promotes separation of concerns, making your code more modular and easier to understand, test, and refactor.

Keep Your Ruby App Secure with Bundler

This article covers the use of bundler features to secure Ruby applications. In this day and age, we have to be more and more careful about software supply chain security. We'll show you how to start this journey by relying on a Gemfile and bundler to manage your project's dependencies. By the end of the post, you will better understand how bundler audit and bundler outdated work. Both can help you monitor the security state of your project's dependency tree. Let's dive in!

An Introduction to Lambdas in Ruby

Lambdas are a powerful programming construct used in many languages. These functions allow developers to write code that is more concise, efficient, and easier to maintain, making Lambdas an essential part of any developer's toolkit. In this article, we'll explore how you can use Lambda functions in Ruby to simplify your code and make it more powerful.