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How to use JSON in Golang?

JSON is among the most popular data exchange formats, while Go is mainly used for software development. In Go, the encoding/json package provides built-in support for encoding and decoding JSON data. With this package, Go programs can easily read and write JSON data to communicate with external systems, such as web services or databases, or to exchange data between different components of the same program.

Building a RESTful API with Go

When it comes to building an API, Go is an extremely popular programming language choice to build powerful RESTful APIs with. The language is super lightweight, has many different libraries and frameworks available, and is easy to run. In this tutorial, we will build a simple REST API using Go. The API endpoint will allow a user to retrieve a credit score rating.

Building a RESTful API with Go and Gin

When it comes to building an API, Go is an extremely popular programming language choice to build powerful RESTful APIs with. The language is super lightweight, has many different libraries and frameworks available, and is easy to run. One of the frameworks support by Go is Gin. Gin is a web framework written in Golang that offers great performance and scalability, amongst other features.

Integrating Keploy with Redis in Golang

In this video, we'll see how keploy has evolved. Presenting a new installation process of Keploy where the server of keploy can be installed using binary for Linux and macOS, and we can run the keploy server using the command "keploy" from the CLI. The test cases when you make an API call is reflected in the CLI where keploy is running, and the test runs details are also shown there. The test runs report is stored in yaml file format under the test-reports directory.

How to Use errors. WithMessage() in Golang

In Golang, the WithMessage() method allows you to annotate errors with an additional message. Often, error values by themselves don’t give enough context to be useful in debugging. Take, for example, Golang’s basic error handling technique: In Golang, errors are treated as values, so err contains the error value. In this situation, a developer could make use of the error package to add context to the code along with the failure path without destroying the original value of the error.

How to Wrap and Unwrap Errors in Golang

In Golang, wrapping errors means adding more contextual information to the error which has been returned. For example, the additional information could be the type of error, the cause of the error, or the name of the function where the error is raised. Wrapping is very useful for debugging since you can precisely and quickly locate the source of the problem.