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A virtual device lab at your fingertips: new LambdaTest integration on board

LambdaTest is our newest Verified Step on board which allows you to perform automated and live cross-browser testing online on 3000+ real browsers and real devices. See how you can benefit by using their services combined with Bitrise!

Level Up Your Serverless Debug Experience

The concept of someone else being responsible for your code is a huge relief. As a developer, having someone else handle the burden of managing the entire infrastructure that runs my code gives me more time to deal with the actual development. Serverless technology benefits more than just the sole developer. It reduces cost by automatically adjusting resource allocation, abstracts both network and server management, saves complexity, and improves the overall application performance.

Alexa for Bitrise CI/CD: Introduction to serverless with AWS Lambda and Bitrise API - Part 1

In this tutorial, we will share some hands-on experience on how to use the AWS Lambda, learn to design and build a Serverless function to trigger Bitrise builds with Bitrise API via the custom Lambda function.

Comparing Frameworks for Node.js Serverless Apps

Cloud deployments have gotten more complicated over the years. That’s on them, but it’s not necessarily to a fault – there’s just so much more you can do now than in the past. That blossoming in capabilities really owes itself to each new service getting easier over time. AWS, Google, and Azure started offering to relieve the burden of on-premises computing infrastructure.

Build Serverless APIs with Node.js and AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda has been around for a few years now, and it remains the most popular way to experiment with serverless technology. If you're not familiar with serverless, it's a model of development in which managing, provisioning, and scaling servers is abstracted away from application development. Servers do exist in a serverless world, but they are completely managed by the cloud provider, allowing developers to focus on packaging their code for deployment.

The true cost of Kubernetes: People, Time and Productivity

While writing a comparison of Kubernetes and Koyeb, we tried to determine how much operating a Kubernetes cluster really costs. This section of our comparison took us hours to write and ended up being so long that we decided to write a dedicated post about it. Full disclaimer: At Koyeb, we're building a serverless platform and we have a purpose-built orchestration engine.

Coding Java Applications the Serverless Way

Serverless Java applications use modern cloud computing to let developers focus on business logic rather than infrastructure. In a serverless environment, the infrastructure provider takes care of scaling, runtimes, resource management, security and other specifics. Concerns such as number of instances to run and which OS to use are managed by Function as a Service (FaaS) platforms, allowing developers to focus on application code.

How requests flow from the Edge to the Core and through our Service Mesh

Here at Koyeb, we're kind of crazy about providing the fastest way to deploy applications globally. As you might already know, we're building a serverless platform exactly for this purpose. We recently wrote about how the Koyeb Serverless Engine runs microVMs to host your Services but we skipped a big subject: Global Networking. Global Networking is a big way of saying "How are my requests processed?".