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Top 8 Tools To Ensure Your Ecommerce Site's Best Results

The digital world today is one cut-throat environment, especially when you stop at the doors marked ‘ecommerce’. These platforms are now more than just online shops where your customers walk in, select their choice of clothes and bounce off to a Cinderella ball in a strange castle. They’re now about experiences. And like any good experience, it should come seamlessly, or you’ll end up bleeding customers to your competition big time. So, you could be a budding entrepreneur.

Marketing Data Warehouse: A Simple Step-By-Step Guide

Modern marketing teams often struggle to get the holistic picture across all their initiatives. We can (partially) blame the multiple and diverse marketing tools needed to get the job done. From Google Analytics to Hubspot, customer data lives in multiple silos. As a result, you and your team must juggle multiple spreadsheets that contain data from each marketing platform to get a complete understanding of performance.

Gamify Your Daily SEO Activities with Morningscore

Morningscore is a gamified SEO tool that improves your search engine optimization strategies. This tool improves website’s exposure, ranks, and general performance in search engine results by offering a wide range of tools and functions. Morningscore’s main objective is to give you in-depth information about the performance of your websites and assist you in identifying potential areas for development with fun.

Marketing Success in the Age of AI Requires a Modern Marketing Data Stack

Data is essential to marketing. It’s how we know our audience and measure campaign outcomes. It shows us where to adjust a campaign on the fly, for even better results. But working with data is increasingly complex, and having the right stack of technologies is invaluable.

Mode + ThoughtSpot recognized as Leaders in Snowflake's 2023 Modern Marketing Data Stack awards

We’re thrilled to announce that both ThoughtSpot and Mode (acquired by ThoughtSpot in July 2023) have been recognized as Leaders in Snowflake's recent Modern Marketing Data Stack report! Given the ever-evolving landscape of modern data analytics products, organizations are looking to ThoughtSpot and Mode when seeking innovative solutions—helping them harness the power of their marketing data.